Jupiter Enters Scorpio – The Way of Truth (October 10th, 2017 — November 8th, 2018)

Jupiter Enters Scorpio – The Way of Truth

Jupiter is the Avatar of your Truth. In your birth chart, it pro­vides an indi­ca­tor as to the way in which you will work towards what is known as the “greater under­stand­ing”; it illu­mi­nates the path of Truth you are to fol­low in any life.

By rul­ing what is true for you, what gives mean­ing and mean­ing­ful­ness to your life, Jupiter also indi­cates how you will relate to the larg­er world around you. By hold­ing and shap­ing your moti­va­tions or your inten­tion­al nature, Jupiter helps you to find and fol­low your path of Self-Fulfillment.

Jupiter will move through the 12 signs of the Zodi­ac in rough­ly 12 years. Though your own place­ment of Jupiter in a sign indi­cates how your will find your way in gen­er­al, it is also true that you need to inte­grate your own way of truth and being with the oth­er 11 ways too. You are here to learn to mas­ter all these ener­gies so that you may become ful­ly human.

Every year, if you open your under­stand­ing to a more com­pre­hen­sive and inclu­sive approach, you can devel­op a more inte­gral, nuanced and spir­i­tu­al­ly pur­pose­ful way of being. By mod­u­lat­ing your own way with that of the cur­rent place­ment of Jupiter, you lift your own under­stand­ing into the Greater Under­stand­ing that is your destiny.

But there is per­haps no greater les­son or gift than the pas­sage of Jupiter, (or any plan­e­tary body), through the sign of Scor­pio. Because of all the mys­ter­ies and truths you will encounter in this life, or in any life, it is this one that stands at the cen­ter of them all.

It is here that you meet “The Great Illu­sion” that is formed by you being an “I”, a sep­a­rate self-con­scious­ness of being, so that your very nature clear­ly seems to cre­ate an unbridge­able divide between you and every oth­er being.

For you have for­got­ten your truth: Long, long ago, you left from the One Spir­it as a mon­ad of con­scious­ness, to become anoth­er sparkling dew­drop among count­less oth­ers who in their pere­gri­na­tions through Space-Time form the Body of the One. Yet this seem­ing sev­er­ance or sep­a­ra­tion from the One brings about nev­er-end­ing pain and con­fu­sion, and it forms the soul­ful aching, the eter­nal long­ing for your return to the envelop­ing Peace and Love that is the One.

You seek to become unit­ed again and so become whole once more. You seek to shat­ter your alone­ness, and by reach­ing out to your fel­low sparks of the Divine you hope to feel this joy again, to be brought into the grace of peace, love and under­stand­ing that is of the One.

But what you will find, in life after life, is that this expe­ri­ence of reach­ing out to one anoth­er, of form­ing Unions of Sacred Space you share with one anoth­er, and of neces­si­ty mak­ing sac­ri­fices for and to one anoth­er, that it is pre­cise­ly here where you learn that by this giv­ing up the less­er in your­self you dis­cov­er the great­ness that is always and for­ev­er in them and in you too.

The mys­tery that is Union, the sub­lime mys­tery and gift of Scor­pio, reveals this Ker­nel of Ancient Wis­dom and Truth to you: That as you sur­ren­der the less­er parts of you to one anoth­er, as you draw clos­er to them and them to you, you are brought into the pres­ence of your own truer Self. You reach beyond your mor­tal frame and touch the Divine with­in and around you.

You come clos­er to the essence of you as you feel your way to the under­stand­ing that the One that you for­ev­er seek was (and will always be) there, right there as the very cen­ter of you…and of every­one else too. The Great Illu­sion is your feel­ing of sep­a­ra­tion; The Great Truth is that you are nev­er alone, you are not and can­not be sep­a­rat­ed from the One or from one anoth­er, for what you are and what sus­tains you through world after world, and in life after life, is the Love of the One that is you, and this equal­ly forms the Ocean of Cre­ation in which you and all the sparks of the Divine abide.

As much as Jupiter in Libra brought you into the Space of the Encounter with one anoth­er, and that Truth informed the Third Space that is Rela­tion­ship, it is here in Scor­pio that you lift the Veil of Isis and you must bow your head to the Gift of the Spirit.

You do this for one anoth­er as you join in com­mu­nion with each oth­er, for you have bro­ken the bonds of the great­est illu­sion; now you know, now you feel the truth that you are That. You know you are here in this mor­tal shell that brings you from such awful pain into the most unimag­in­able joy; you know that you are an Immor­tal danc­ing through worlds and lives as you draw ever clos­er to the one before you, and the one with­in you and to the One that is All.

You say the words to yourself:

I am That, I am.

You look upon one anoth­er and say:


You are one with one anoth­er, and with the One.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

2 thoughts on “Jupiter Enters Scorpio – The Way of Truth (October 10th, 2017 — November 8th, 2018)

  1. Pingback: Drumul Adevărului – In a Love World

  2. Pingback: Drumul Adevărului – Magie pe Geea

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