Daily Archives: December 20, 2017

Sun Enters Capricorn — The Solstice (December 21, 2017)

The Hier­ar­chy of Spir­it, The Spi­ral of Light and Love, The Way

The Sun stands Still…

And the World holds its breath.

As the shad­ows grow longer,

And nature waits for a sign,

You wait for the moment,

The return of your Star.

You have reached the last of the Four Great Turn­ings in the Astro­log­i­cal year: In Aries, Can­cer, Libra and Capri­corn you encounter the Inte­gral four-fold ques­tions that cir­cum­scribe your jour­ney through the stars. In Aries you won­der, “Who am I?”; in Libra you seek to know, “Who are We?”; in Can­cer you must dis­cov­er, “From Where did I Come?”; and in Capri­corn you seek to know the ulti­mate ques­tion, “What is my Destiny?”

This is the Car­di­nal Cross, the Four Sea­sons of each year and in all your lives. Each depends upon the oth­er, and from these sacred Four Direc­tions you find your way along this Path­way of Per­fec­tion, the Road of Illu­mi­na­tion, the Lumi­nous Rib­bon of Light and Spir­i­tu­al Love that is the Ethe­re­al Essence form­ing all of Creation.

Yes, we often think we are bound to our fate, as we strug­gle against the weight of the past, bur­dened by our errors, our sins and mis­for­tunes, our stum­bles and our fears. And, as the shad­ows fall, as they do right now, we feel bound and cir­cum­scribed by our piti­ful mea­gre form, and fear that our life is fat­ed, with­out essen­tial mer­it in an unfeel­ing, soul­less uni­verse which cares not for our future.

But you must know this: That the Uni­verse is Alive, it is Spir­it, and it is quite sim­ply formed of Life and Love. You have always known this, a deep and abid­ing feel­ing that there is some­thing more about all of this and of you. You and I are part of a Great Jour­ney with an infi­nite host of oth­er beings. From the small­est infin­i­tes­i­mals on up to Heav­en­ly Lords, the entire­ty of this Uni­verse is Spir­it-Life and it sings and thrills with Con­scious­ness. We are, as are all Life-Forms that form this Cos­mos, trav­el­ling through this Cre­ation in a great com­pa­ny, form­ing a Shim­mer­ing Rib­bon of Light that is ever bend­ing towards a Greater Awareness.

We are Beings of Light and Love who in our hearts and minds think of one thing in the end, we hold one thought and feel­ing above all the shad­ows and bur­dens of long ago…we are guid­ed from with­in by a yearn­ing, a cer­tain know­ing that there is a Des­tiny to all of this.

We can feel, even in our dark­est moments, and most cer­tain­ly shin­ing through in our great­est tri­umphs too, that there is a “Leav­en of Light” with­in, a Lumi­nous Sparkling in the heart of one and all, that this Light stretch­es back through ages and ages ago, and it calls to us equal­ly from the Future and from on High. We are all con­nect­ed, back­wards and for­wards upon this Rib­bon of Light and Love, and our Des­tiny is most assured. Our “North Star” is pulling us home­ward, back home to the ONE, whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is beyond the bounds of Space-Time.

We should not look back­wards with fear or regrets at all, for we have learned in our over-com­ing, in our count­less tri­als and errors, in our stum­bles and falls, that this is pre­cise­ly how we rose to become what we are; we are what we have become because we fell and then we got up again, and again and again. Much like the sym­bol of Capri­corn, the goat, we climb high­er, and high­er, and higher…

But we did not, and can­not do this alone or for our­selves. We indeed stand upon all our own pri­or lives, this is most cer­tain­ly true. We have made our­selves what we are (self-lumi­nous), yet this is only because of count­less oth­ers whose well-won tri­umphs of Soul and Spir­it helped to light and lift us up too. Our tri­umph is theirs, and theirs is ours. We are made of one anoth­er, and all our feel­ings, thoughts and spir­i­tu­al strengths come from our many lives lived togeth­er; we have become what we are now because we lived for one and for all. Our shared aspi­ra­tions, dreams and life expe­ri­ences are what has lift­ed one anoth­er out of the dark­ness and into the Light.

And know this, Greater ones than us, both in bod­i­ly forms and beyond, have always extend­ed their hearts and hands to help us find our way. For those who have come this way know that they too were helped along this path; and, it is so with us, that we, in turn, will feel our kin­ship with all who fol­low, we will respond with Wis­dom and Love, and we will help those who fol­low, and so on, and so on.

This is the Gold­en Thread of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, this is the Hier­ar­chy of Mas­ters and Pupils, this is the path of Light and Love…and this, this is your Des­tiny. This is the Por­tal of Capri­corn; This is the Path of Mas­tery. This is the Wis­dom of Love.

The Path of Light and Love, The Riv­er of Shin­ing Ones is the road upon which you travel.

For some it is known as the Mid­dle Way, or The Noble Path, or The Red Road.

But most sim­ply and beau­ti­ful­ly, it is sim­ply “Tao”.

It is The Way.

It is from whence you came; and it is the way home.

It is your Destiny.