The New Year – Part 3 (January 2018)

The Merg­ing of the Milky Way and Androm­e­da Galax­ies – in about 4 Bil­lion Years!

Whence – Where – Whither

Part 3 – Whither

As I not­ed in the pre­vi­ous post­ings, cer­tain plan­e­tary influ­ences that have been in place are giv­ing way to new ones; but oth­er star­ry mod­u­la­tions will remain in effect for some time to come as well.

Sat­urn has moved into Capri­corn where it will remain until 2020, and Uranus will be in Tau­rus start­ing in May 2018, (though it will ret­ro­grade back into Aries for a few months, from Novem­ber 2018 until March 2019), and then move into Gem­i­ni in 2026. With Plu­to still in Capri­corn too, this means that we will have shift­ed to a much more “Earth­ly Ele­men­tal” peri­od for the next few years. The days of mak­ing real are upon us now; from the per­son­al to the world­ly, the time for The­o­riz­ing-Tem­po­riz­ing is over. What mat­ters now is what works, what is more use­ful or nec­es­sary, or in Spir­i­tu­al terms, what is more Inte­gral, Inte­gra­tive and Holistic.

Look­ing at the Hier­ar­chy of plan­e­tary Lords we find that Plu­to will be in Capri­corn until 2024, and with it the end of an age con­tin­ues to unwind around us all. The very struc­tures we depend upon to uphold and main­tain our way of life are under­go­ing the great­est chal­lenge they have ever faced in 240 years. Though it would seem to many (if not most), that the prob­lems we face are “out there” in these Insti­tu­tions, (cul­tur­al, eco­nom­ic, polit­i­cal), as always, the real spir­i­tu­al chal­lenge is laid before each of us, in our minds, hearts and wills. What we seek to pre­serve and what we must change can­not hap­pen “out there”; it will not, it can­not hap­pen until it hap­pens in each of us as indi­vid­u­als; and then we must join togeth­er in mean­ing-filled lives, form­ing one anoth­er into ever greater wholes or spaces of self-real­iza­tion. We will be the change that is com­ing, we will indi­vid­u­al­ly and col­lec­tive­ly trans­form and restore our com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures and institutions.

Nep­tune remains in its own sign of Pisces until 2026, (2011–2026), bring­ing to bear the most extra­or­di­nary influ­ences of Inspi­ra­tion and Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, stir­ring Faith and Dreams, and pro­vid­ing a renewed foun­tain-source for Art and Imag­i­na­tion just as it did dur­ing its pre­vi­ous Pis­cean sojourn from 1848–1862. But because of this, the Veil between the Hier­ar­chies or Planes of Exis­tence are much thin­ner now, and we need to be more care­ful to remain cen­tered so as not be swept away by enchant­ments; we need to be wise and cen­tered, or risk being swept into the swirl of false visions and the false promis­es of those claim­ing to be inspired. You must not stum­ble through the self-delu­sion­al hall of mir­rors that are part of the low­er Astral Plane. Nep­tune is Inspi­ra­tional and trans-Dimen­sion­al, it is the way you move from one lev­el of con­scious­ness to anoth­er, mov­ing beyond the bound­aries and bor­ders of an old Real­i­ty-Struc­ture into a more encom­pass­ing expe­ri­ence of the Greater Real­i­ty. But that means it can also lead those who may lack enough under­stand­ing, love or will into Astral Fan­tasies that may well turn into Night­mares. Remem­ber, Psy­chic abil­i­ties and phe­nom­e­na do not equate to nor indi­cate Spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment what­so­ev­er. The path of Light is paved with Wis­dom, Love and a Cen­tered Will.

Uranus by May will have moved into Tau­rus, and will remain there until 2026, bring­ing upheavals and rev­e­la­tions to the hier­ar­chy of val­ues in your world. As in any plan­et mov­ing from Fire to Earth will indi­cate, the elic­i­ta­tion of New Ideas for the past 7 years will now give way to the neces­si­ty of fold­ing these reformed or new ideas into ever-more resilient Real­i­ty Struc­tures. Old val­ue-forms will be chal­lenged, but the essence or truth of what is good or what is beau­ti­ful, well you know, that nev­er real­ly changes. The old forms and for­mu­la­tions must change to free the truth with­in, the ever­last­ing Val­ues must be freed from these worn-out bod­ies. Beau­ty and Love are found in motion, in Life that is Spir­it, and that is why these forms must pass so that Spir­it may enter new ones.

Sat­urn in Capri­corn means that we have three major plan­ets mov­ing through Earth now, with Nep­tune pro­vid­ing a (prob­a­bly very use­ful) counterpoint/counterbalance from that most watery Water Sign, Pisces. The tests of the world have move on to the Earth plane; for one and all we have moved into the Test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty, the Test of Self-Fulfillment.

Jupiter is in Water too now, but will enter Sagit­tar­ius in Novem­ber 2018, then Capri­corn in 2019. At the end of 2020, as Sat­urn moves into Aquar­ius for the next few years, so will Jupiter enter Aquar­ius too, and we will expe­ri­ence some­thing we have not had since 1842.

The 20-year cycle of con­junc­tions of Jupiter and Sat­urn will “tran­si­tion” from Earth into Air Signs. This is called the Great Muta­tion, one of the prin­ci­pal “time-keep­ing” cycles of Astrol­o­gy, and is anoth­er mark­er of our mov­ing into a brand-new age, (in fact some are look­ing to this as sig­nal­ing our defin­i­tive entrance into the “Age of Aquarius”).

We have been in a 20-year series of con­junc­tions in Earth signs since 1842, and we enter this next series of Air con­junc­tions in 2020, and that will con­tin­ue until 2219. The last time we were in these Air Con­junc­tions was 1226–1425, which brought about what is now known as the Renaissance…may it be so once again.

Next, The Chart of the USA

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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