The Meaning of America, Venus and Jupiter in the USA Chart and the Opposition by Saturn
I thought it would be useful for listeners of my radio show, and for the readers of this blog, to have this (more or less) verbatim transcript of my last radio show on the USA, which aired on Saturday April 7th (which you can listen to here).
As I noted in my 2018 forecast with regards to the USA, Saturn will be opposing the USA Venus and Jupiter during this year as Saturn begins its 2.5‑year passage through Capricorn. Moreover, it will move into the middle degrees of Capricorn in 2019 and align with the USA Sun and Saturn. In the past 3 such passages of Saturn through Capricorn, 1988–91, 1959–62 and 1929–32, the USA experienced economic challenges, and these led to upsets or reversals of political power. Now, a pattern does not predict the future, but we should consider why this passage of Saturn through Capricorn might bring these effects, and more importantly understand what the meaning and message is behind this experience.
Astrology can provide insight upon almost any consideration or question, whether individuals, groups or larger entities. Whether one is examining corporate, national or worldly matters astrologers call this branch of astrology Mundane or Worldly Astrology. The Astrological Signs, Planets and Houses of a chart retain much of their essential indications and meanings, but they must also be adjusted with respect to what the object of study is.
For example, the Sun in an individual’s chart indicates that person’s essential character, their pure potential, whereas in a chart of a nation the Sun governs or rules the essential character of the state, and may also indicate the supreme authority or ruler, and the myths or images that the state holds for itself and how others may view it. The Moon in a person’s chart indicates their emotional temperament and needs, of how they react without thinking, whereas in a nation’s chart it rules the masses, “the people” and indicates popular moods, opinions and ideologies.
Today we are will look at the meaning and messages of Venus and Jupiter in the chart of the USA.
Venus and Jupiter:
The USA has its Venus and Jupiter, (and its Sun), in the 7th house, the house of relationship, and all three are in the Sign of Cancer. What this indicates for the USA is that our personal values and self-worth (Venus), and our principles, generosity and good fortune (Jupiter) and our very being and purpose (Sun), is revealed, realized and fulfilled in the nature and quality of our caring (Cancer) relationships to one another (the 7th House) as citizens of this country, and then also externally with regards to the nature of our relationship with the world at large.
What this really means is this: The USA’s True Source of Strength and Value, America’s greatest strength, (with the two “benefics” of Astrology, Venus and Jupiter, our Values and Principles, in the 7th house of relationship), is to be found in our abundant generosity of spirit towards one another and the towards the rest of the world. Our strength, our real wealth, lies in our continuing contribution to one another’s self-fulfillment, to the pursuit of true Happiness.
I spoke and wrote about this understanding of Happiness in my show/blog posting about the August 2017 Eclipse. Here is part of what I stated then:
The True Meaning of “Happiness”
But the most curious phrase, the one people should consider carefully as to what does it mean, is this “Pursuit of Happiness”. Well the true meaning or derivation of happiness comes from the Ancient Teachings or Wisdom, affirmed and restated in Greek Philosophy by Aristotle, and Locke and Jefferson refer back to this ancient understanding or meaning or definition of happiness. The word in Greek that defines this notion of happiness is Eudaimonia.
That word translates literally as “Union with Good Spirit”, or what we might call “Human Flourishing”, or most truly we would say “Human Self-Fulfillment”. What Jefferson was saying is not that people should be allowed to be happy, to just be happy or cheerful or something like this. He was saying this a spiritual matter, and what he was writing about and what we are doing here comes from the story of Humanity, growing and developing and becoming ever more self-aware and self-determined. What we are trying to do here, what the true purpose and goal of human life is to achieve the Union with one’s Higher Self, to experience the truth within by joining with what I call the “Beloved”, or the Divine Spark within us.
Happiness and Self-Fulfillment
What this means for America, is that the foundational value of our Nation is that we are trying to allow and empower each person to be able to pursue their Full Human Potential. In other words, this core principle of our founding document, and we broke from the King because he was denying our right to govern ourselves, we could not fulfill ourselves while being under the rule of a monarchy, and so we justified our breaking free so that we could pursue our right to Self-Fulfillment. We established this as our understanding of the purpose of our Venture, that the true purpose of relationship is that it must serve human Self-Fulfillment.
We have formed our sacred compact with one another, based upon this pledge, that we will fulfill our potentials for and with and through one another, as we steadily move towards and align ourselves with our true and Divine Nature.
This is what Jefferson meant by the Pursuit of Happiness, Jefferson meant Self-Fulfillment through Spiritual Awakening. Which means every choice we make as individuals or as a society, must be grounded in this simple question: Will this Action or Activity bring us closer to universal human self-fulfillment or move us further away from it. We make good and bad decisions every day, all of us do. But to support our own or others greater self-fulfillment is the true goal and way to Happiness.
Our founding as a Nation, was a voluntary agreement or compact with one another. It was seen by our founders and those who followed, as the next step in the evolution of Spirit. According to the Ancient Wisdom, this journey of Spirit can be seen as ever bending towards the eternal truth embodied in the mystery and power of spiritual self-fulfillment. For humans in general, and for the USA in particular, this state of happiness is supported and fulfilled by our freely formed relationships with one another.
The USA represents in the very nature of how it was established, by its founding and foundational documents, (Declaration of Independence and Constitution), that the essential character of the USA would be a state founded not upon blood and soil, not by reference or allegiance to myths of empires and kingdoms, and certainly not be established as a government held and shaped by hierarchies of inherited power. Instead, here individuals would freely choose to join in a compact and govern themselves. This “Revolution in Governance” is beautifully affirmed by the idea inscribed upon the Great Seal of the USA, and this idea expresses our national motto, when the USA declared itself to be a “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, which means “A New Order for the Centuries”.
The founders of this nation understood that what they were creating was something new, something heretofore unfamiliar because it represented a radical break with the past, it was a revolution. Here, in this nation, we would come together and freely determine our relationships with one another. We would surrender all title and privileges and stand as equals to one another; we would be subject to no King, or Prince, or Clan or Class. Instead we agreed to come together as equals and to form a voluntary association, and we established our compact with one another. This sacred compact is sealed and protected by the one and only true ruler in America, the Rule of Law and our Constitution, (which is why the US has Saturn (order), in Libra (the scales of justice) in our 10th house (the ruling authority). In the United States, the law is King, and no one is above the law.
Embodied in our “Law” are the values (Venus) that we have so far evolved, that form and guide our conduct with one another personally. Those values are made into rules (laws) which we have agreed upon, and these are held by the planet Jupiter (the ruler of Law), so that we know how we are expected to conduct ourselves with regards to one another. In other words, we have established these laws as the crystallized form of values with and between one another. The essential heart of those values, with Venus in Cancer, is that we would care for one another…and behind that is the spiritual truth that we intuitively and lovingly understand that our own happiness depends upon, in fact springs from, the well-being and happiness of our fellow brothers and sisters.
But unlike some, who believe that those original laws, our first rules, the Constitution, to be a finished piece and not to be altered, most of us find that the story of human fulfillment is an unfolding one that is far from over. And, so, we must keep improving upon and adding to our values and improving our rules or laws.
The Founding Fathers certainly knew this work was not finished or done with them. They sought to go beyond what had been, yet they could not reach or agree beyond a certain understanding. They struggled over issues and did not overcome some of their own challenges, and so they left it to other generations to face the glaring injustices embodied in our first set of “rules”. How could it be otherwise?
In many ways, as the various planets align over the years with these significant indicators of our journey, we can see the rise and fall of our path as we find and make our way to forge a better union with one another, and create the conditions for our “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
In the chart of the USA, it is this conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Cancer in our 7th house, and the significant transits to these two bodies (and then to the Sun and Saturn), that will mark significant periods in this on-going story of our progress to bring into reality a more spiritual realization of our other motto, e pluribus unum, “Out of Many, One”.
Saturn over Venus/Jupiter:
Every 7 to 8 years, Saturn will make a “hard” contact to the USA Venus, Jupiter (and then Sun and Saturn), and each time it is reminder that our work of forming a more perfect union is far from over. But it is this particular passage, of Saturn in Capricorn and opposite to the USA’s Venus, Jupiter and then Sun which happens every 28–29 years or so, it is this period that elicits a rather dramatic experience of this ongoing struggle to make real the ideal that is the USA.
The Saturn (Reality Principle) challenge to Venus forces a reassessment of the values that do (or do not), hold us together, just as these same values will hold or not hold a family together in shared sensibilities and love for one another, (with Venus in Cancer, the sign of family). Then Saturn to Jupiter will equally challenge the larger systems of belief that form our common understandings and agreements as to what constitutes Reality. Jupiter rules our experience of Truth, (Philosophic, Scientific and Religious). This Saturn passage reveals the strength or weakness of the internal and external bonds that hold us to one another, of our shared values and beliefs that guide our journey to self-fulfillment with and through one another.
Really, every 7 to 8 years, and certainly and more dramatically every 29 years or so like now, we are faced with the need to confront the gap between the ideal and the reality in our values and principles that form and inform our compact with one another.
But Venus and Jupiter hold additional meanings too, and these contribute to other effects that we also experience with this passage of Saturn through Capricorn. Venus, connected with Taurus and Libra, also rules the resources of a nation, so financial institutions, bankers and farmers. Jupiter also rules the National Wealth, and it rules banks, the rich and the general financial life of the nation.
The USA is blessed with Venus and Jupiter conjunct one another, and these are known in Astrology as the “lesser and greater benefics”. The USA is truly blessed by “good fortune”. But just as in a personal chart, good luck is not something one has, it is something one makes. Venus and Jupiter brought together create good fortune precisely because they indicate a generous, bountiful nature. It is because together they create a character of good will and an abundant spirit of generosity. The USA has always been a very generous nation, and as long as continues to do so, it will be rewarded by the return of good fortune too.
But this passage of Saturn over this blessing in the chart for the USA is often marked by economic downturns, recessions or worse. In a way, just as in an individual’s chart, the passage of Saturn like this over Venus can make one feel less valuable, less loved and lead to loss of value internally, and to the breaking of relationships externally. Well, here too that will be the larger reality of what happens to the USA.
Likewise, the opposition to Jupiter will also curtail the generosity and goodwill for one another and towards other nations, and our rule of law will be tested and challenged. Whenever Saturn opposes Jupiter for an individual and in a nation, they will encounter economic difficulties, downturns and upsets.
And, if history is any guide, with Jupiter also indicating the conditions for the ruler of a nation, the last three passages of Saturn in Capricorn have been accompanied by a change of political fortunes in any upcoming election. In all three previous passages, the party in power is turned out. The Winds of Spirit are blowing stronger now, and economic and political change is coming.
We are reminded, once again by “Saturn the Teacher”, that our very own happiness can only be truly experienced by affirming and abiding in our pledge to one another as embodied in our founding documents and principles. Our pledge to one another is:
That we will continuously strive to preserve and improve our union with one another, and
That we lovingly dedicate our lives and fortunes to the well-being of one and all.
In no small measure, we are being asked to remember in this year, (and in the next), that our true good fortune and self-fulfillment rests on, depends upon each of us. “We, the people”, are the truest and greatest treasure in this land. The USA is greatly enriched by our diversity of peoples, for it is from our complex webs of relationships to one another that we forge our wealth and good fortune.
We have taken a sacred oath in our founding, “…we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
This heartfelt pledge is rooted in a fundamental value of Spiritual Truth, and this is the shining bedrock of our New Order for the Centuries:
True happiness for any of one of us can only be fully realized through our continually striving for the self-fulfillment of one and for all.
Yes, we are on the path where Out of many, we are One.
We, the people are here to love and care for one another,
For we are many, and we are One.