Daily Archives: November 15, 2018

Venus Turns Direct (November 16, 2018) Mercury Turns Retrograde (November 16 — December 6, 2018)

Peace of Mind

What I like to call “The Dance of the Plan­ets”, is cer­tain­ly evi­dent today! Venus, which has been sail­ing back­wards for over 40 days through Scor­pio, and more recent­ly Libra, turns Direct today; and, with­in hours of that shift Mer­cury turns ret­ro­grade for 21 days, until Decem­ber 6th. It is not often that you will expe­ri­ence a dou­ble-shift of plan­e­tary motions like this, so you would be wise to con­sid­er what these mod­u­la­tions mean for you.

The 42 days of Venus ret­ro­grade were a time to go with­in your­self, a pause to allow you to dig deep into the nature of your expe­ri­ence of Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love. Venus is your Avatar of Love and she reminds you that with­in you is a Super­nal Light, which you will equal­ly see as the light shin­ing through the eyes of those who love you too.

With Venus ret­ro­grade, you were offered anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er the true nature and source of your Val­ue, which is that you are a spark of the Divine and your true worth or val­ue is beyond mea­sure; and to see that what is all around you, this radi­ant world of Beau­ty, is shin­ing pre­cise­ly because that same Divine ener­gy sparkles through the entire­ty of Cre­ation; and, to know that what is there with­in you, what you know and feel as the Love of the One, is equal­ly a guide for you as to how you must be with one anoth­er, for you are here quite sim­ply to love one anoth­er as you are loved too.

The les­son of Venus ret­ro­grade reminds you that “true love” is nev­er to be found “out there”, until you have met your beloved with­in you. Until you expe­ri­ence the inner mar­riage of your self with your Self, you can­not tru­ly see or find the love that is all around you too.

Now that Venus is mov­ing for­ward once again, you are ready to relate to your­self and your world with a new-found assur­ance of your own val­ue, which is beyond ques­tion­ing since you are formed by spir­i­tu­al love; and you have a bet­ter under­stand­ing and appre­ci­a­tion for the beau­ty in your world; and, you are more aware that the love you share with one anoth­er is the whole rea­son for this life, for you are tru­ly here for one another.

But today you will equal­ly feel a shud­der, shake (and you will have to roll), as Mer­cury paus­es and turns around one more time this year. Yes, yes it seems that when­ev­er this hap­pens life seems to get even more com­pli­cat­ed, con­fus­ing and frus­trat­ing. Although it seems “the grem­lins are let loose” dur­ing such a time, you should know by now that your fate is in your hands, and it is not Mercury’s pur­pose to mess with your life.

The rea­son life seems to become more chal­leng­ing at times like these is because you have failed to notice the chang­ing con­di­tions of your own mind, and equal­ly failed to appre­ci­ate how the gen­er­al men­tal­i­ty and nature of com­mu­ni­ca­tions have been altered. You are here to “Wake Up” and so you need to pay atten­tion to these shifts of ener­gy-forms and work with them. Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is here to help you. It is here to help you to let go of your mis­un­der­stand­ings, doubts and fears which have pre­vent­ed you from liv­ing in the Greater Reality.

On the heels of re-eval­u­at­ing your expe­ri­ence of val­ue, beau­ty and love in Venus Ret­ro­grade, you will now be asked to con­sid­er once more the way in which you think about your­self and your world. That is what Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is for. It is meant to be a time of intro­spec­tion and reflec­tion; it is a pre­cious oppor­tu­ni­ty for review and repair of your per­cep­tions and consciousness.

If we lived in a cul­ture that accept­ed and accom­mo­dat­ed these shifts of spir­i­tu­al ener­gy, then we would all make time to calm­ly go with­in and earnest­ly con­sid­er how we make our real­i­ty through our thoughts. We would be able to bend our thoughts back upon our­selves and be more self-crit­i­cal and self-aware, as we qui­et­ly con­sid­ered and re-cen­tered our mentality.

But we live in a cul­ture that is careen­ing from one cri­sis to anoth­er, and we work hard­er and hard­er, live faster and faster, and there seems no time to catch one’s breath, let alone time to con­tem­plate, step back and con­sid­er what is real­ly hap­pen­ing. We are all “in the moment”, but we are rarely present or pre­pared to make the best of it before the next shock to our equi­lib­ri­um is upon us. But you must remem­ber this, the only thing you can and must con­trol is your­self, and this starts with your mind.

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade offers you a time to pause pre­cise­ly because you can­not “go for­ward” eas­i­ly now, because you are sup­posed to “go in” now before you “go out”. You need to reflect and col­lect your thoughts and become clear­er and calmer.

Right Think­ing is some­thing to work for, strive for and it is essen­tial in times like these so that you may sep­a­rate the wheat from the chaff in your world. This is tru­ly some­thing that you should do every sin­gle day. A self-aware per­son, a more cen­tered and bal­anced indi­vid­ual, will begin every day with men­tal prepa­ra­tions of attune­ment and align­ment; and then they will hold them­selves in qui­etude and self-obser­va­tion through­out the day; and then they will fin­ish their day with a time for review of what was right or wrong in that day, and so pre­pare to meet the world with a clear­er con­scious­ness tomorrow.

The way to do this, the way to begin to estab­lish your mind in a place of peace, is to anchor your mind upon the firm foun­da­tions of fun­da­men­tal truths. Whether West­ern or East­ern, the Peren­ni­al Truths are the same the world over and they will pro­vide com­fort and guid­ance no mat­ter what is trou­bling you today.

This is the true mean­ing and mes­sage of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade in Sagit­tar­ius; it is time to return to the bedrock of Truth found in all great teach­ings. Turn away from the noise and chat­ter, away from mere opin­ions and half-truths. Do not enter­tain these nor pass them on. Your mind is your sacred tem­ple for under­stand­ing, and your mind must be clear and not shad­owed by fear.

Return to the sources of Wis­dom, which you feel and know to be true because all these sacred sto­ries of spir­it are there in your heart as they are writ­ten for you in the stars above too.

May Her­mes show you the way out of the darkness.

Let Mer­cury ret­ro­grade release you from fear.

With your Mind tru­ly open, and your heart full of Love.

May you be wise as a ser­pent, and gen­tle as a dove.