Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2018)

Once upon a time…”

That is how you began to under­stand, and how you will return home some­day. When you became self-aware, when you rose from inno­cence to self-con­scious­ness you became a sto­ry-teller, a keep­er of knowl­edge and a shar­er of wis­dom, and this marked the quick­en­ing of the divine with­in you. This is when you joined that sacred com­pa­ny, a pro­ces­sion of lumi­nous hosts who are con­scious co-cre­ators of Cre­ation too.

We have been sto­ry­tellers for a very, very long time. In sagas and songs, while hunt­ing and gath­er­ing, while plant­i­ng or reap­ing, when sit­ting around the camp­fire or break­ing bread togeth­er. We shared our expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er, we informed and reformed one anoth­er, and that is how we are the very instru­ments of awak­en­ing for one another.

We told our sto­ries and deep­ened our under­stand­ing of the world and of one anoth­er. We passed on by sounds, sym­bols and signs, in songs and sci­ence, in phi­los­o­phy and com­mon sense too. We dis­cov­ered and re-dis­cov­ered the sto­ry of us, the sto­ry of spirit.

And, most pre­cious­ly and lov­ing­ly, we were able to sip from the cup of Wis­dom offered by those who had come this way long ago. We laughed and cried and shared with one anoth­er, and as we woke up, we moved out of the dark­ness and into that divine space of the Creator…We began to con­scious­ly re-make our­selves and our world too.

Your jour­ney is found­ed upon a path of awak­en­ing, of mov­ing from unself-con­scious aware­ness to ful­ly formed Cos­mic Con­scious­ness. Yes, you have come a very long way, but you have fur­ther to go before you will be wel­comed into the Celes­tial com­pa­ny known as the Mas­ters of Com­pas­sion and Contemplation.

You have just com­plet­ed anoth­er ardu­ous pas­sage through the realm known as Scor­pio, where your mor­tal body and Immor­tal Soul meet in the cru­cible of Union with your beloved. You sought to bridge the seem­ing divide between your­self and one anoth­er. You faced the absolutes with­in and around you, of Dark­ness and Light, of Death and Re-birth and you were left speech­less by the agony and joy of your jour­ney, an Immor­tal who moves through these very mor­tal realms.

When­ev­er (and wher­ev­er in your chart) you find your­self in the realm of Scor­pio, you are able to lift the Veil of Isis and expe­ri­ence a lit­tle more of the mys­tery of Cre­ation. There are no words when you walk this razor’s edge of Life and Death. When you are in the In-Between, when you expe­ri­ence the Void and the Full­ness as One you are left speech­less, and this is how it should be. You stand in the pres­ence of that which is beyond what you can under­stand, and you must bow your head and wait for a greater understanding.

Today you move into the Realm of Sagit­tar­ius, the realm of Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion, and the Real­i­ty-Truth that stands behind them all. These form the Tem­ple of Light, and you will learn from ancient sages and mod­ern-day sci­en­tists, and you will give thanks to great schol­ars and your hum­ble fel­low seek­ers too. You will seek and search in ancient writ­ings and find they are echoed in mod­ern-day texts and tales. What is true does not change, it is only your under­stand­ing which becomes deep­er and more encom­pass­ing, and this will remind you that this gift of wis­dom is forged through the deep­en­ing of your humility.

And some of these truths, the most sacred, will be relayed in sto­ries whis­pered from “mouth to ear”, (for there are some things that may not be writ­ten down even now). From each of these paths you will even­tu­al­ly find your way to the one Eter­nal Path that holds them all. Yes, as you begin to awak­en, as your knowl­edge turns to the “Greater Under­stand­ing”, which is forged by Uncon­di­tion­al Love and held firm by your Cen­tered Will, you will enter that pre­cious realm that illu­mi­nates the fir­ma­ment like a Rib­bon of Light. Yes, you will enter the Inner Sanc­tum, the “holy of holies” formed by the Sages and Seers of the Ancient Wisdom.

For you must know this, you are not the first to come this way, and your civ­i­liza­tion is not the finest nor the high­est that has ever been. There are many great souls who have come this way before, who also strug­gled to lift the shad­ows from their minds and hearts and reach for the light as do you. They found, as you will too, that the truth “out there” was only able to be seen because it was equal­ly with­in their very own nature too.

There is but One Spir­it, One Life, and the One Force bind­ing all to all which is Love. That is why you can and will under­stand, and you will sep­a­rate the wheat from the chaff dur­ing your jour­ney to the Light, because your Intu­ition and Mind will align to the truth with­in and around you, for “as Above, so Below”.

Today you begin to find your words and now you can tell your sto­ry. But know this, you must even more impor­tant­ly lis­ten to the count­less sto­ries of many, many oth­ers too. For this is how you refine your under­stand­ing, and how they refine theirs. Each of your dis­cov­er­ies and insights is only made pos­si­ble by your shar­ing, com­par­ing, con­trast­ing, cor­rect­ing and so mak­ing bet­ter your sto­ries with, by and for another.

This is your path of Truth. You can­not be you with­out one another.

You need one anoth­er because you have become who and what you are because of their sto­ries, as they need you because all your sto­ries have made them too.

It is time to gath­er together.

It is time to sing, and dance and break bread together.

It is time to tell our sto­ries to one another.

It is time to be thank­ful for one another.

It is time to remem­ber the Wis­dom of Love.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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