The Gift of Imagination, The Power of Faith
Always remember this: You have all the signs as part of you, from Aries to Pisces, from Fire through Water, in Air or by Earth, somewhere there is a part of you that is illumined by each of these twelve. Each sign holds specific gifts and challenges for you. But perhaps none is more poignant, powerful and inspiring as the last. Today you enter once again the realm that holds them all, today you return to Pisces.
Here you come to the endings of things; here you gather together the fruit of your labors in all those previous chapters of your journey. And it is from this harvest, from your triumphs and even more from your so-called failures, it is here that you find and forge the lessons, meanings and seeds that you will plant in your never-ending story of you.
Yes, it is here in Pisces, it is here you come to the end, and equally you will find the promise of all your future endeavors too. Here you look back and you look ahead, because this is how it is done, you must see the whole of it, the whole of you, the meaning behind the mirrors of reality and so make better the future for you and your world. Here you look up at the cosmos and take in the wonder of it all. Here you ask the question of questions:
“Where did we come from; Why are we here; Where are we going?”
In the beginning, before Space-Time, there was the One.
Here, in the “Now”, we are the many, who are the body of the One in Space-Time.
At the “end”, of every Cosmic Cycle, we many return to be “one with the One” again.
This is the of pulse of Spirit-Life-Consciousness.
This is what is known as the Days and Nights of Brahma.
For there was no beginning, and there can be no end.
There is only the path of Becoming and Awakening for all “ones of the One”.
This is the Journey of Spirit, this is your path,
Formed by ever expanding fields of Consciousness and Creativity.
You move from unself-conscious Sparks of the Divine, fields of Energy-Forms truly,
To becoming a fully Awakened Conscious Co-Creator of Creation.
It is said that our present form of life, this “human-phase” of our journey, is most special. But why is that; what does it mean to be human? Through each step, from an infinitesimal being on up through all the Kingdoms of Spirit-Forms, why is this human form considered by creatures not yet human, and by beings above this human form, why is this experience of human so treasured?
We are told that it is special because here, precisely in this form of self-aware consciousness equally stretching itself inwardly and outwardly to the divine, that we become illuminated, we wake up through our very divinity and become “the self-re-made” by our priceless gift of Imagination. This is the Gift of Pisces.
What makes us human, and what will bring us into our apotheosis as fully awakened humans, is that we are dreamers. We encounter our world “as it is”, and then we dream of a better one for us and all those who come after. And then we try to “make it so.”
But we are imperfect; so that spilling into our dreams of the divine comes the errors of our past, our doubts and our fears, our apprehensions and misperceptions, and these become part of our creation too. That is why we have the world that we have, made in the image of ourselves, a world of light, love and of beauty, but also of darkness, fear and pain.
It is here in Pisces that you feel the pain and yet hold to the promise of your compound nature, that you are sublime yet mortal, filled with promise and unconditional love, but sometimes weighed down by fear and regret. But out of these dark echoes of the past you make the very forge for your diamond heart of compassion and understanding too. Yes, it is here in Pisces you that reveal your divinity in your very humanity.
You learn to forgive yourself as you must equally forgive one another; to create the sacred space for your own growth you must sacrifice for one another too. You see in them yourself, their joy and their pain yours. You stretch your heart and soul and feel the whole of this, compassion not just for another human, but for all of life, for all of this wondrous Creation that makes your life possible too.
You see Creation as it is, a Ribbon of Souls who are all one with one another, a Rainbow of Light and Love, and that all of Creation is alive and held together. You know and feel that this is me and I am that. It is beyond words, and you bow your head and bend your knee.
Yes, you realize that though at times you will stumble and fall, that you will be touched by fear again, you feel in your heart and you know in your soul that you have nothing to fear.
You are one of the ones of the One.
Yes, it is the Gift of Pisces to Dream, and the Power it bestows is equal to this. Because you have become self-aware, and because you are part of a host of countless great souls who form the Consciousness of Creation, you realize that you and they are the Path of Light.
You are the Living embodiment of the Power of Faith; that Faith is the Love of the One.
There is but one way, there is only one path,
Just Love one another.