Daily Archives: March 5, 2019

Mercury Turns Retrograde (March 5 — March 28, 2019)

Today begins one of the three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades for 2019, (the oth­er two being from July 7th to July 31st, and from Octo­ber 31st to Novem­ber 20th). The oppor­tu­ni­ty pre­sent­ed by Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is often­times lost in the seem­ing stum­bles, errors and break­downs in “com­mu­ni­ca­tions” that seem to accom­pa­ny its ret­ro­grade peri­ods. For many peo­ple, Mer­cury in ret­ro­grade is often expe­ri­enced as just a more annoy­ing and frus­trat­ing peri­od in a world that is already filled with enough anx­i­ety, doubts and fear.

But you must remem­ber, that the rea­son you are here, the pur­pose of your life, is to become an ever more self-aware and con­scious co-cre­ator in the sto­ry of Spir­it, this sto­ry that is Cre­ation. To that end, Mer­cury ret­ro­grade should be approached with grat­i­tude, grace and humil­i­ty. It is a spe­cial time, one that is meant to take you “out of the ordi­nary”, away from the every­day jum­ble of mul­ti­ple inputs and out­puts, to move you apart from the nev­er-end­ing dai­ly chal­lenges of your life.

It is a “time to pause”, and to con­sid­er your life and world from a more objec­tive and self-aware per­spec­tive. And, just like Mer­cury, you should use this time to turn around, to slow down, and re-con­sid­er how well your under­stand­ing of your­self and your world match­es with what you are encoun­ter­ing in the world around you.

The entire Mer­cury ret­ro­grade will take place in the sign of Pisces. You will find that the ques­tions you encounter now will bring your atten­tion to one of the ulti­mate ques­tions of your life:

Do you live in Faith­ful­ness, or are you held by Fearfulness?”

It is in Pisces that you come to know the truth of your spir­i­tu­al nature, of being a Cre­ator whose Imag­i­na­tion and Dreams cre­ate your Des­tiny. Hence the promise (and warn­ing for you) is this fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al truth:

The dreams you dream, will become the thoughts that you think; and, those thoughts will inform and form your actions; and it is by this that you con­tin­ue to make and remake you and your world.

Use the next three weeks to pon­der and con­sid­er what it is you wish for, to tru­ly know the dreams you have for your­self and for one anoth­er too. Then com­pare these to what you see in your­self and in your world. Now under­stand this, with con­sid­er­a­tion for what you are tru­ly respon­si­ble for, the dif­fer­ence between the Dream and your Real­i­ty will be formed by your doubts, anx­i­eties and fears.

The promised land your heart and soul yearn for is to be found by stand­ing in the Light of Love and Truth that form your High­er Self, your Spir­i­tu­al Con­scious­ness. It is by fac­ing and over­com­ing these fears of your less­er self, the shad­owy echoes of your past stum­bles and falls, it is by under­stand­ing and let­ting go of these shades that you will be able to make your dreams come true.

But here again the mes­sage of Pisces reminds you what you must do in order to tru­ly let go and grow. What is required of you for your­self, and what you must cer­tain­ly hold as you deal with one anoth­er, is to be guid­ed by com­pas­sion and for­give­ness. For how could you become bet­ter unless you give your­self per­mis­sion and so cre­ate a space to grow into the bet­ter you? And how could those around you do like­wise if you do not give them this gift of com­pas­sion, for­give­ness and grace as well?

This is the goal of your spir­i­tu­al jour­ney, this is how you grow:

To be Faith­ful and Fear­less, to Love and to Forgive.

Take some time with Mer­cury to clear your mind and heart of regrets and fear. For­give your­self and for­give one anoth­er for any painful thoughts, words and deeds.

Cre­ate a space for new Life and Love by approach­ing one anoth­er with Love and Compassion.

This is the gift of Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade in Pisces.

It is the gift of True Under­stand­ing and Love.

This is the Wis­dom of Love.