The Pulse of Life
The yearly journey through the Signs of the Zodiac forms the perennial Song of Spiritual unfoldment for one and all. Each sign holds the necessary experiences and lessons that you must master as you walk the path of awakening. Though you may know yourself as one Sign or another, you are really an integral and unique fusion of all these essences, and you are here to master them all. Through many years and countless lives, you will one day achieve that more perfect balance within this Circle of the Living Ones, and you will arrive at your eventual and inevitable apotheosis as a fully formed human being.
This “Way” has been shown to us by those who came this way long ago. They are known to you as the “Great Souls”, who by their example and teachings ever help us through their inspiration and wisdom so that we may find our way as we follow in their footsteps. These Great ones are known by many names, they are the self-mastered, the self-illumined or shining ones, what we call the Angels or Devas, and they lovingly wait and watch over one and all.
The Song that is the Zodiac is changing once again, moving from the element of Water to Fire, from a focus that is inward to outwardly once more. This is as it should be; it is the “Pulse of Life”. It is the breathing in and then the breathing out of Spirit-Life-Consciousness. This rhythm of life shapes and forms you; it is the true path of wholeness made by holding each sign together, and in a perfect harmony they form a melodious and integral song of spirit.
This is how you move upon along the “Pathway of Perfection” to an ever more perfect condition of self-fulfillment. By holding all these energy-forms together, in your own special way, it is by this that you become the special person that you are.
From your space of Cancer, where you centered and secured a truer sense of yourself, you felt a fuller experience of your essential uniqueness of being. This is known as your “Quintessence”; it is your own Monad, your own unique Spark of the Divine, and it is this essence that makes you truly “you.”
But now the Pulse of Life moves on, and you are eager to move into the next realm of the Living Ones. You need to take this Energy-Form of “you”, and flow and form it outwardly into ever more meaningful forms of Self-Realization. You are not merely here to “feel” who you are, you will and must live this out in your life to really be you.
Whether through a more authentic Creation, or in a more inspired Role, or by a more unconditional experience of Love, it is in Leo that you move out to where you can be you and shine. Yes, in Leo you move from the realm of Feeling to E‑Motion, from Source to Manifestation. It is here in Leo, on the “Stage that is Life”, it is here that you will shine like a Star.
Yes, all the world is a stage and it waits upon you to become a star. If you have chosen well, so that your creation, performance or love are guided by a right and true alignment with your higher self, and so formed by unconditional love, then you will be seen as you truly are…a shining one too.
You will bring out the best in yourself, and by your example you will inspire others to reach in and so reach out to be their better selves too. This is true leadership; this is what we do for one another. We need one another. We need to be recognized and loved for who we are; as we in turn will respect and love them for who they are.
This is the heart of Leo; it is all about Love. We lead by our example, and by this we inspire others to be their better selves too. For in the heart of each and every one of us is a spark of the Divine, whose luminous nature is Unconditional Love.
This is the Song of Leo; it is the Heart Doctrine formed by the Light that will never fail.
You are here to Shine.
You are here because of Love.
You are here to Love and be Loved.
Now turn toward one another and be who you are.
Just love.