Monthly Archives: October 2019

Mercury Turns Retrograde (October 31 — November 20, 2019)

The Path of Awakening

Yes, it is that time once again.

Many will com­plain about all the trou­bles, snafu’s, mis­un­der­stand­ings and mis­takes that have been surg­ing late­ly, and they may seek to find some cause or scape­goat to blame, like some dis­tant mem­ber of our solar sys­tem. But real­ly, and quite sim­ply, this is a mis­un­der­stand­ing about what is going on. All of this is the sto­ry of spir­it, and this is how the uni­verse works.

Remem­ber, you are here to learn one thing tru­ly, to know yourself.

You are also here to dis­cov­er that you can only mas­ter and exer­cise con­trol over one thing too. Again, that is yourself.

This is the Law: Know Thy­self; Rule Thyself.

By stay­ing upon the path of spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment, that is by steadi­ly increas­ing your self-knowl­edge, (which will elic­it from you an ever greater sym­pa­thy and under­stand­ing for all the lives and the worlds that sur­round you), you will slow­ly but steadi­ly rise into self-mas­tery. There is only one thing you can tru­ly con­trol, it is your­self. And those who live this truth are revealed and revered by their wis­dom and humil­i­ty. This is the roy­al road of truth, the path of self-ful­fill­ment for all souls, whether they be human or planetary.

Yes, it is time for you to slow down, and to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to step back and recon­sid­er: What do you know; and, how do you know it?

Three times a year, the plan­et Mer­cury catch­es up to Earth, pass­ing us like a rac­er on the inside track as both plan­ets cir­cle around the Sun. When Mer­cury does this it appears to be “loop­ing back­wards” against the back­drop of the heav­ens, and then, after three weeks it appears to move for­ward once more. As in all things, it takes dis­cern­ment and a more encom­pass­ing point of view to see what is real­ly going on.

That real­ly is the point of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade for us too. We need these reg­u­lar reminders of the essen­tial neces­si­ty to do some inter­nal “house­keep­ing”, to clear our minds of mis­per­cep­tions and mis­un­der­stand­ings. We need this gift of Mer­cury so that we might pause and take this gift of time, to reflect upon and to ques­tion our assump­tions of how we think, and what we think we know.

Yes, we need to reex­am­ine our thought-forms and men­tal pat­terns, to ques­tion our modes of obser­va­tion and analy­sis. We should strive to strength­en our pow­ers of dis­cern­ment and delib­er­a­tion. We need to endeav­or to re-work and restore our men­tal frame­works of under­stand­ing and our path­ways of com­mu­ni­ca­tion with one another.

All of this should be some­thing we endeav­or to do each and every day. You should begin the day with reflec­tion and prepa­ra­tion, and end your day with review, repair and renew­al. But most cer­tain­ly, dur­ing any Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, we must all remem­ber that “the weath­er out there” has changed, and that this won­drous realm of mind is going through a strong shift of ener­gy-forms. You must strive to be even more mind­ful and care­ful in these next three weeks.

Since each and every one of us is affect­ed by this shift of ener­gies, that we are all more intro­spec­tive and inward­ly focused, we must be even more atten­tive to what we observe and receive from oth­ers. And, we must equal­ly be more care­ful in how we reach out to con­nect with oth­ers by word and by deed. The chances of mis­un­der­stand­ing and mis­steps are high­er now, but if we stay alert, we can use this time to make great progress with one another.

Mer­cury is ret­ro­grad­ing in Scor­pio for the entire peri­od. It is cer­tain­ly going to be a time that will reveal deep and com­pelling secrets; and, it will shift the path of life and love, turned by soul­ful truths for you and for your world.

Emo­tions will run high­er, and the need to stay in con­trol of your­self, to remain cen­tered and calm despite the bat­tles of shad­ows and light, will be more essen­tial for one and for all.

Do your part…

Watch calm­ly, lis­ten care­ful­ly, think deeply, and ques­tion thoroughly.

When you find your­self in that tru­ly Scor­pio space, where your words will fail you.

Be grate­ful, and wait patient­ly, for this means you have reached the moment where the veil will lift a lit­tle higher.

There is only one way to move ahead now, in humil­i­ty and grace,

You must let go…and grow.

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2019 – Where are we now, Part III (Sunday October 27, 2019 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – Where are we now, Part III Astro­log­i­cal themes for 2019 – Don­ald Trump, Rudi Giu­liani, Nan­cy Pelosi and Adam Schiff (Octo­ber 27, 2019)

In my Four­teenth show of 2019, we will look again at Don­ald Trump and some of the oth­er prin­ci­pals in the Impeach­ment inquiry, Rudi Giu­liani, Nan­cy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Octo­ber 27th @ 2 pm EDT:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Octo­ber 27th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2019)

The Sacred Union, the Cru­cible of Immortality

Now you enter the place of mys­tery and mag­ic; the holy realm that is known as the “Tem­ple of Alche­my”. It is here that you will find the source of your quick­en­ing, the leav­en­ing of your spir­i­tu­al poten­tial through a hier­ar­chy of com­bi­na­tions, col­lab­o­ra­tions and syn­the­ses. This is the heart and soul of Spir­it; this is the Way of the Divine which is made man­i­fest in the sacred dances of Spir­i­tu­al Union.

In Libra you forge the space of I and Thou, and it is there that you must strive to con­scious­ly set the con­di­tions for one another’s expe­ri­ence of one anoth­er. There you formed the implied and explic­it pat­terns and con­di­tions between I and Thou, “the third space of We”. This is the true space of your “free­dom to be and become”, and it is shaped by your under­stand­ing of your­self and of one anoth­er. You deter­mine what you seek from and need to give to one anoth­er, guid­ed by your rea­son, and so you form the mutu­al­ly agreed upon prin­ci­ples and rules, often formed into laws and con­tracts, that will make pos­si­ble your mutu­al self-fulfillment.

But it is here in the “Cru­cible of Union” that that the real “work of the soul” is done. Here you move beyond the “airy” rea­sons of Libra into the “watery” realm of feel­ings held by Scor­pio. It is here in the sacred cen­ters that are every­where and in every­thing, it is here where the promise of indi­vid­u­a­tion, of your real­iza­tion of your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and the ful­fill­ment of your unique promise is forged through your sac­ri­fices to and for one another.

It is by these sacred acts of self-tran­scen­dence, of giv­ing up the less­er parts of your­self in order to bring forth the greater that is with­in and between you, it is this which makes and moves you into your greater or high­er self. It is here in the realm of alchem­i­cal trans­for­ma­tions where you become for one anoth­er the very means of spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing; it is here where you encounter the mys­ter­ies of love and loss, of birth, death and rebirth, and it is here that you expe­ri­ence the inti­ma­tions and proof of your own immor­tal­i­ty too.

Yes, you can­not become tru­ly human with­out one anoth­er; you are made of one anoth­er and become what you are by all the many inter­ac­tions that you have with one anoth­er. It is here in Scor­pio that you con­scious­ly choose to do this: Here you must will­ing­ly give up some less­er part of your­self (and so dis­cov­er some deep­er truth, some fin­er qual­i­ty of being with­in you both), as you share, hon­or and lift one anoth­er into a more sub­lime real­i­ty. And this can only hap­pen because you face and over­come your fear of rejec­tion and loss.

You take a risk in reach­ing out to one anoth­er, (but you real­ly have noth­ing “to lose”), and as long as you remain true to your­self, anchored in your love and cen­tered in your truth, you will find the path togeth­er to your greater selves.

Yes, in Scor­pio you expe­ri­ence the heights and the depths, the unimag­in­able joy of pierc­ing beyond the illu­sion of being alone and sep­a­rate, and so become more tru­ly one with one anoth­er. Yet you will also expe­ri­ence the awful pain of when that inevitably ends, when they leave or are “tak­en” from you. Here in Scor­pio you face the ulti­mate truths and they leave you speech­less, you are struck dumb and with­out words.

You can­not expe­ri­ence the gift of Love with­out the agony of loss; you can­not have Joy with­out pain for they are insep­a­ra­ble. Here you must bow you head and open your heart to that mys­tery where two become one is made real, and then you must equal­ly be ready, at some point, to say to one anoth­er, “fare thee well, until we meet again.”

Yes, it is in Scor­pio, (and you have Scor­pio some place in your chart), where you will find your­self beyond words, as you encounter the great­est joys and the most ago­niz­ing pains. You expe­ri­ence the unimag­in­able joy of union, of trans­for­ma­tion and self-tran­scen­dence, the redemp­tion and release from your less­er self. But you equal­ly face the great­est fears and pains, of rejec­tion, of loss of your beloved, and you equal­ly face your own mor­tal­i­ty too.

Yes, it is said that Scor­pio is the “strongest” sign; It is stronger, because it needs to be.

Yes, you feel this now, you know the truth that makes you tremble…everything and every­one will die, and you ask your­self “what hope can remain after this?” Well, it comes from this…this expe­ri­ence which is “real” is also anoth­er illu­sion. It is not your spir­it or soul that is lost, it is just the form that you were in for a very short time. You (and all of cre­ation), are Immor­tals in mor­tal mat­ter. This dance of Spir­it and your Spir­it-Form are eter­nal; and you will move through form after form, into life after life, meet­ing one anoth­er again and again and again, so that you may smile and laugh and dance and love once more, as you have so many, many times before.

You have noth­ing to fear; you are an Immor­tal mov­ing through mor­tal realms. You are here to be for one anoth­er the very liv­ing instru­ments that lift one anoth­er to live by the Light and Love that is the “Warp and Weft” of the whole of Cre­ation. What is with­in you sur­rounds and sus­tains you; It is Spir­it whose Ener­gy-Form you know as Love. The illu­sion of your mor­tal exis­tence is this feel­ing of sep­a­ra­tion, and your mov­ing beyond this each time in your Scor­pio Unions will ulti­mate­ly free you from the fear of death and bring you to the promised land of Immortality.

This is the gift and truth of Scorpio.

You have noth­ing to fear, for you are an Immortal.

You were made by love, and you are here to love.

You are here for one anoth­er, because you are all part of one another.

And all you have to do, is let go of your fear,

And Love one another.

Astrological Musings – Where are we now, Part 2? The USA, Trump and Impeachment (October 7, 2019)

I thought it might be use­ful to offer (more or less) a tran­script of my lat­est radio show (Octo­ber 6, 2019):

Don­ald Trump – The test of Power

As I not­ed in my 2019 Fore­cast, it is cer­tain­ly true that through­out his­to­ry, one can often dis­cern the future of a nation by the for­tunes or mis­for­tunes indi­cat­ed in the chart of its head of state. I had also not­ed in the my fore­cast for the USA that the most sig­nif­i­cant plan­e­tary tran­sit in the chart of the USA this year is Plu­to oppos­ing the USA Mer­cury. It may come as no sur­prise then that the most impor­tant tran­sits in the chart of Don­ald Trump is by Plu­to in 2019 and 2020.

Yes, in 2019 and 2020, Don­ald Trump will have Plu­to form­ing an Incon­junct aspect (150°) to his Sun. But out­er plan­e­tary align­ments build in over more than one year, and then cul­mi­nate when they are exact. For now, in 2019 and becom­ing exact in 2020, the plan­et Plu­to will be in oppo­si­tion to Trump’s Saturn.

Pluto’s Role in the Tri­ad of Spirit

Plu­to is one of the Avatars of the tri­par­tite core of our Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy, or what I like to call the “Tri­ad of Spir­it”. Uranus is the Avatar or prin­ci­ple of the High­er Mind; Nep­tune is the Avatar of Uncon­di­tion­al Love; and Plu­to is the Avatar of the Will. Togeth­er, form­ing the crown of the spir­i­tu­al hier­ar­chy, which is found in every speck and mote of cre­ation, they rep­re­sent the Mind, Love and Will of God. Where­as their man­i­fes­ta­tion on low­er planes is seen in the struc­tures of ele­men­tary par­ti­cles, chem­i­cal, and organ­ic life-forms, we as humans, being self-aware, are here to learn to wield these pow­ers, by align­ing are thoughts, feel­ings and pow­er to the path of truth and light. We humans are cir­cuitous­ly and slow­ly, but sure­ly bend­ing ever upward as we walk the path of awak­en­ing by devel­op­ing ever freer minds, more tru­ly uncon­di­tion­al love and becom­ing ever more guid­ed by our more cen­tered wills.

For humans, Plu­to rules will-pow­er, and it is by exer­cis­ing our will that we strive to mas­ter our­selves. We are slow­ly learn­ing that we must focus inward­ly, and to use our will for greater self-con­trol and self-mas­tery. The num­ber one error (or sin) on this Earth is when we use our will and pow­er to con­trol, sub­ju­gate, manip­u­late and vio­late one anoth­er. The great­est spir­i­tu­al crime that we humans can com­mit is tres­pass­ing, where­in we vio­late the sacred space of another.

We are here to mas­ter our­selves. By our exam­ple to one anoth­er, as well as by offer­ing lov­ing help and guid­ance to oth­ers, we are here to help one anoth­er towards greater self-mas­tery and self-con­trol. It is only by being tru­ly cen­tered by the will, (and guid­ed by Wis­dom and Uncon­di­tion­al Love), that we will use what­ev­er per­son­al pow­er (as in a fam­i­ly), or social pow­er (as in our com­mu­ni­ty) or our larg­er col­lec­tive pow­ers (such as in Cor­po­rate or Insti­tu­tion­al pow­ers) it is only by our Tri­ad of Spir­it that we exer­cise them cor­rect­ly. We must always remem­ber that all pow­er flows from the source and must serve it, (the fam­i­ly, the com­mu­ni­ty or the Nation),  and so we must serve the source of that pow­er and direct it in a prop­er man­ner as deter­mined by what or whom we serve. It is not “our” pow­er; we are but ves­sels serv­ing some­thing high­er. Ulti­mate­ly, any exer­cise of pow­er must be in accor­dance with Spir­i­tu­al truth which is the source of the One Pow­er. That is why we must hold our­selves to the roy­al road and say, “Let Thy Will Be Done”.

In all these human hier­ar­chies of Fam­i­ly, Com­mu­ni­ty, Cor­po­ra­tion or State, the lead­er­ship is spir­i­tu­al­ly invest­ed with the respon­si­bil­i­ty to be the prime mover and exam­ple for the whole that they serve, they are the “Exem­plar” or Avatar in human terms of this spir­i­tu­al truth: Their exer­cise of Will and Pow­er must be held, cen­tered and so yoked so that it serves the pur­pose and intent of that enti­ty that they serve. This is why we acknowl­edge these investi­tures of pow­er by some form of cer­e­mo­ny, and very often that per­son will take a “oath”, which binds their indi­vid­ual will to the gen­er­al good or pur­pose of the what or whom they serve. They are to acknowl­edge that this pow­er is not “theirs”, but it is mere­ly entrust­ed to them while they hold that office faithfully.

Don­ald Trump

In 2019 Don­ald Trump is expe­ri­enc­ing both Plu­to Incon­junct to his Sun, as he also faces the steadi­ly build­ing Oppo­si­tion of Plu­to to his Sat­urn. With the Sun rul­ing the “Expe­ri­ence of One­self”, and with Sat­urn rep­re­sent­ing the Real­i­ty that this Self has made or formed for itself, we are wit­ness­ing the grow­ing unease and uncer­tain­ty of Trump’s expe­ri­ence of his pur­pose and will, (Plu­to to his Sun). But also, increas­ing­ly in dur­ing 2019 but becom­ing ful­ly formed in 2020, Trump will encounter the grow­ing real­i­ty that his pow­er is being be met with a Pow­er greater than his which, depend­ing upon how he responds (or reacts), may ulti­mate­ly lead to the removal of his exer­cise of pow­er alto­geth­er as Plu­to goes over his Saturn.

The 2019 Incon­junct, is slow­ly but sure­ly cre­at­ing a con­di­tion of uncer­tain­ty and fear for Trump, as he real­izes that his inte­ri­or expe­ri­ence of his own pow­er, and the actu­al expe­ri­ence of pow­er out­ward­ly are becom­ing uncou­pled. Many indi­vid­u­als who face this same aspect often find them­selves with a fore­bod­ing sense that the ground is shift­ing from under­neath them, so that they feel and act as indi­vid­u­als who are becom­ing unmoored and uncen­tered. Some have cho­sen to walk away, to relo­cate or refo­cus their cen­ter and their exer­cise of pow­er. For many of those, it is actu­al­ly quite lib­er­at­ing, and is expe­ri­enced as it should be, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow. For some, who do not wish to lose what they believe to be “theirs”, they are remind­ed that we are all here to serve the source of pow­er, and not to exer­cise it as if it were ours alone. So, what is actu­al­ly hap­pen­ing “spir­i­tu­al­ly” for Trump, is that his per­son­al will and its align­ment to the greater Will of the whole is becom­ing increas­ing­ly tenuous.

Mean­while, grow­ing in 2019 and then force­ful­ly show­ing itself ful­ly in 2020, the Plu­to Oppo­si­tion to Trump’s Sat­urn will direct­ly con­front the very struc­ture or Real­i­ty of his Pow­er, as it will force a con­fronta­tion between Pow­er and Pow­er in the very Roles and Titles, the very Insti­tu­tion­al nature as under­stood and expe­ri­enced by Trump. Pluto’s pas­sages are most often expe­ri­enced as quite cathar­tic and trans­for­ma­tion­al, and for many are likened to a death and/or rebirth expe­ri­ence. The Real­i­ty that Trump has made of him­self is fac­ing its ulti­mate test. He will see it as a “life or death” expe­ri­ence. He will fight hard­er than he ever has to main­tain his posi­tion and pow­er. The oth­er realms of col­lec­tive Will and Pow­er will take up one side or anoth­er, and often Trump will see these oth­er wield­ers of Pow­er as coun­ter­ing him and what he con­sid­ers to be his right­ful exer­cise of pow­er. The ques­tion will be, is it a right­ful or wrong­ful use of his posi­tion. Pow­er will face Pow­er, claims of Right will bat­tle with oth­er claimants. In the end, Spir­it will decide who is right and who must fall.

Oth­er Alignments

As I not­ed in my 2019 fore­cast, there are sev­er­al oth­er chal­leng­ing tran­sits in Trump’s chart in 2019 and 2020. For exam­ple, Nep­tune, the sec­ond plan­et of the Spir­i­tu­al Tri­ad, is mak­ing sev­er­al align­ments: Nep­tune Squares his Uranus in 2019 and Nep­tune Squares his Lunar Nodes in 2020; and Nep­tune will Square his Moon and Sun in 2021:

  • The Square of Nep­tune to Uranus will make an indi­vid­ual feel that their indi­vid­ual free­dom is being cir­cum­scribed and dimin­ished. Here in 2019, life will seem more and more fraught with uncer­tain­ties and con­fu­sion for Trump, lead­ing to ris­ing lev­els of anx­i­ety and fear. This par­tic­u­lar pas­sage is even more dis­turb­ing for Trump, who has Uranus as the plan­et next to his Sun and also lead­ing the pat­tern of his chart. This posi­tion of Uranus has cre­at­ed a self-image for Trump as an “Icon­o­clast” (a break­er of idols), and he has through­out his life sought to break con­ven­tions, norms and stretch the bounds of what is right and wrong. Now his very “pow­er”, to be an unbound man, is com­ing into ques­tion as he feels his free­dom to act as he will challenged.
  • In 2020, Nep­tune Squares Trump’s Nodes of the Moon, (what are known as the point­ers of life, of where you are com­ing from and going to, what we know as Dharma/Karma). It is one of the most impor­tant indi­ca­tors of your spir­i­tu­al pur­pose, show­ing the path of growth (or not) for the soul. This aspect is already being felt by Trump, cre­at­ing a grow­ing unease and con­fu­sion regard­ing his real pur­pose, and storm clouds of anx­i­ety will obscure what he is tru­ly fac­ing on the path ahead.
  • Cul­mi­nat­ing in 2021, but already being felt in 2019 and cer­tain­ly through­out 2020, Trump will have Nep­tune Squar­ing both his Moon and his Sun. The pas­sage over his Moon will make him ever more emo­tion­al and unsta­ble. He will expe­ri­ence ever increas­ing degrees of emo­tion­al con­fu­sion, and he will exhib­it many more emo­tion­al upsets and out­bursts, as he slow­ly descends into ever greater emo­tion­al vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. This tran­sit can make a per­son who is not cen­tered and strong ever more con­fused, fear­ful and delu­sion­al. It real­ly should be a peri­od, for any­one, to take some time to con­sid­er their life with regards to spir­i­tu­al and emo­tion­al ful­fill­ment. They should take time to restore their emo­tion­al health, and so reduce or let go of major responsibilities.
  • At the same time, Nep­tune will align with Trump’s Sun which is often more chal­leng­ing than the pas­sage over the Moon. The Sun rules your sense of self, and Nep­tune will erode and dis­solve that sense of self and reveal the “truth”, that you do not real­ly know who you are, and that you are more (or less) than the per­son you thought your­self to be. Trump will expe­ri­ence a loss of con­fi­dence and cer­tain­ty about him­self, (and most like­ly com­pen­sate by dou­bling down on his grandios­i­ty and claims of being “per­fect”). If he were hon­est with him­self, he would sur­ren­der his respon­si­bil­i­ties (and per­haps go on a spir­i­tu­al quest which might lead to some kind of re-birth and renew­al). But if Trump per­sists as if noth­ing has changed, he will increas­ing­ly find that his view of him­self and the world will become irrev­o­ca­bly and deeply divid­ed from the world as it tru­ly is.

The Chart of the Impeach­ment Inquiry

I also thought it worth men­tion­ing that an Astrologer can cre­ate a chart for any “event”, and see what it might indi­cate for that moment in time, that is the con­di­tions and mes­sag­ing from the stars in “the now”. I cal­cu­lat­ed the chart for the announce­ment by Nan­cy Pelosi of the offi­cial start of the Impeach­ment Inquiry on Sep­tem­ber 24, 2019, at just after 5 pm EDT.

I often make use of, in my per­son­al read­ings with clients, a book of sym­bols for each degree of the Zodi­ac, writ­ten by Dane Rud­h­yar titled, “An Astro­log­i­cal Man­dala: The Cycle of Trans­for­ma­tions and its 360 Sym­bol­ic Phases”.

I often use this when exam­in­ing Pro­gressed New Moons and Pro­gressed Full Moons, as well as oth­er rel­e­vant moments in a client’s jour­ney. One of the most impor­tant points of any chart is formed by the Ris­ing Sign and Degree. The ris­ing degree or Ascen­dant in the “Impeach­ment Chart” is 18 degrees of Aquar­ius. Here is the sym­bol of that degree:

Keynote: The dif­fi­cul­ty for the mod­ern indi­vid­ual to keep secret his pri­vate past or his deep­er motives…
This sym­bol refers to the UNMASKING of hid­den motives and per­son­al secrets. It may refer to the pub­li­ciz­ing of past behavior.

This is Trump’s “test of pow­er”, and it will reveal whether or not he has aligned his will with the Greater Will, or whether he has mis­used his pow­ers and tak­en the Social and Col­lec­tive good will to serve his own per­son­al and self-inter­est­ed needs.

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2019 – Where are we now, Part 2? (Sunday October 6, 2019 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – Where are we now, Part 2? Astro­log­i­cal themes for 2019 –
Don­ald Trump and the USA (Octo­ber 6, 2019)

In my Thir­teenth show of 2019, we will look at the major align­ments in the charts for the USA and Don­ald Trump for 2019 and 2020. We will also con­sid­er the chart for the start of the House Impeach­ment investigations.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Octo­ber 6th @ 2 pm EDT:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Octo­ber 6th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.