Daily Archives: October 30, 2019

Mercury Turns Retrograde (October 31 — November 20, 2019)

The Path of Awakening

Yes, it is that time once again.

Many will com­plain about all the trou­bles, snafu’s, mis­un­der­stand­ings and mis­takes that have been surg­ing late­ly, and they may seek to find some cause or scape­goat to blame, like some dis­tant mem­ber of our solar sys­tem. But real­ly, and quite sim­ply, this is a mis­un­der­stand­ing about what is going on. All of this is the sto­ry of spir­it, and this is how the uni­verse works.

Remem­ber, you are here to learn one thing tru­ly, to know yourself.

You are also here to dis­cov­er that you can only mas­ter and exer­cise con­trol over one thing too. Again, that is yourself.

This is the Law: Know Thy­self; Rule Thyself.

By stay­ing upon the path of spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment, that is by steadi­ly increas­ing your self-knowl­edge, (which will elic­it from you an ever greater sym­pa­thy and under­stand­ing for all the lives and the worlds that sur­round you), you will slow­ly but steadi­ly rise into self-mas­tery. There is only one thing you can tru­ly con­trol, it is your­self. And those who live this truth are revealed and revered by their wis­dom and humil­i­ty. This is the roy­al road of truth, the path of self-ful­fill­ment for all souls, whether they be human or planetary.

Yes, it is time for you to slow down, and to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to step back and recon­sid­er: What do you know; and, how do you know it?

Three times a year, the plan­et Mer­cury catch­es up to Earth, pass­ing us like a rac­er on the inside track as both plan­ets cir­cle around the Sun. When Mer­cury does this it appears to be “loop­ing back­wards” against the back­drop of the heav­ens, and then, after three weeks it appears to move for­ward once more. As in all things, it takes dis­cern­ment and a more encom­pass­ing point of view to see what is real­ly going on.

That real­ly is the point of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade for us too. We need these reg­u­lar reminders of the essen­tial neces­si­ty to do some inter­nal “house­keep­ing”, to clear our minds of mis­per­cep­tions and mis­un­der­stand­ings. We need this gift of Mer­cury so that we might pause and take this gift of time, to reflect upon and to ques­tion our assump­tions of how we think, and what we think we know.

Yes, we need to reex­am­ine our thought-forms and men­tal pat­terns, to ques­tion our modes of obser­va­tion and analy­sis. We should strive to strength­en our pow­ers of dis­cern­ment and delib­er­a­tion. We need to endeav­or to re-work and restore our men­tal frame­works of under­stand­ing and our path­ways of com­mu­ni­ca­tion with one another.

All of this should be some­thing we endeav­or to do each and every day. You should begin the day with reflec­tion and prepa­ra­tion, and end your day with review, repair and renew­al. But most cer­tain­ly, dur­ing any Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, we must all remem­ber that “the weath­er out there” has changed, and that this won­drous realm of mind is going through a strong shift of ener­gy-forms. You must strive to be even more mind­ful and care­ful in these next three weeks.

Since each and every one of us is affect­ed by this shift of ener­gies, that we are all more intro­spec­tive and inward­ly focused, we must be even more atten­tive to what we observe and receive from oth­ers. And, we must equal­ly be more care­ful in how we reach out to con­nect with oth­ers by word and by deed. The chances of mis­un­der­stand­ing and mis­steps are high­er now, but if we stay alert, we can use this time to make great progress with one another.

Mer­cury is ret­ro­grad­ing in Scor­pio for the entire peri­od. It is cer­tain­ly going to be a time that will reveal deep and com­pelling secrets; and, it will shift the path of life and love, turned by soul­ful truths for you and for your world.

Emo­tions will run high­er, and the need to stay in con­trol of your­self, to remain cen­tered and calm despite the bat­tles of shad­ows and light, will be more essen­tial for one and for all.

Do your part…

Watch calm­ly, lis­ten care­ful­ly, think deeply, and ques­tion thoroughly.

When you find your­self in that tru­ly Scor­pio space, where your words will fail you.

Be grate­ful, and wait patient­ly, for this means you have reached the moment where the veil will lift a lit­tle higher.

There is only one way to move ahead now, in humil­i­ty and grace,

You must let go…and grow.