Daily Archives: November 21, 2019

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2019)

The Path of Wisdom

You will always reach the most supreme and delight­ful moments in Scor­pio; and you will also fall into the deep­est and dark­est of pits too. For it is here, at the cross­ing point between “the dark­ness and the light”, it is here that you will find your­self beyond “the beyond”. In this space between worlds, there are no words at all that could encom­pass what you faced and felt. It is an Alchem­i­cal Realm of great promise and pain, the cru­cible of Birth, Death and Rebirth.

What you encounter here, wher­ev­er you have Scor­pio or when­ev­er you move through its space, will leave you stunned and speech­less by the unde­ni­able and ulti­mate truths about your human jour­ney. You feel this now, you are an immor­tal in mor­tal realms, and your life will be a tapes­try of love and loss, filled with great joy and marked by deep pain. And if you do not have these, well then you are not tru­ly human at all.

But you will also be blessed by a time­less gift in this realm of shad­ow and light. Behind all of it you will feel the first promise that was made (and kept) when you began your jour­ney long, long ago. The Immor­tal Spir­it behind all of cre­ation, which forms the shin­ing cord of your true self and with one anoth­er too, will for­ev­er hold you and all of this cre­ation togeth­er by the Ener­gy-Form behind it all, and you know this because you have felt this, it is pure uncon­di­tion­al love.

But now you turn to face the dawn­ing of a brand-new day, and you will enter the Halls of Wis­dom. You will be offered the balm of Under­stand­ing in the Libraries of Truth. It is time for you to return to the peren­ni­al “Wells of Wis­dom”, as you take up your cup and drink from these eter­nal truths, which will bind your hurts and heal your wounds and restore your peace of mind once more.

Yes, you have been on a long, wind­ing and cir­cuitous Jour­ney of Awak­en­ing. From an unself-con­scious spark of the divine, your pere­gri­na­tions have brought you to this present day and pre­cious realm of Spir­it where you are “human”. The Light of self-aware­ness was lit for you long ago by those whose karmic duty was to bestow this gift, as they in turn had received this bless­ing many ages ago. These Promethean Fires are the gifts of Spir­it encod­ed and embod­ied wher­ev­er and when­ev­er you move through the Realm of Sagittarius.

From the very begin­ning until the end of this Cos­mic cycle, the Truths that form and sus­tain the whole of Cre­ation, (and which are part of the very being and fiber of each and every one of you), remains the same. The very rea­son that you are capa­ble of self-mas­tery through self-under­stand­ing, is because these same truths equal­ly form all these worlds around you. You and all of Cre­ation are made of these very same Ener­gy-Forms of Light and Love and Truth. That is why the Key to your Lib­er­a­tion, one of the Pil­lars of Pur­pose­ful­ness that will hold you to the Mid­dle Path of your jour­ney, is by hold­ing to the first injunc­tion, “Know Thyself”.

For it is by only by Right Thought that you can form Right Action, and by this you will become a mas­ter of your­self. For your­self, and for one anoth­er, you are only human because you have shared your sto­ries, your dis­cov­er­ies, your philoso­phies and sci­ences, your meta­physics and wis­dom with all who are here and those who came before you too.

We have made one anoth­er by telling our sto­ries to one anoth­er, and these sto­ries are the ves­sels of you, and from your ances­tors and then for all who will come long after you, we give thanks for these gifts of the spir­it that form our soul-full and liv­ing truth.

Tell your sto­ries, sing your songs and gath­er togeth­er in cer­e­mo­ny and sacred spaces of silence too.

Just as it was, and shall ever be, let us begin again with those mag­i­cal words…

Once upon a time…

And may it be, that we shall one day also gath­er and say to one anoth­er too…

And they lived hap­pi­ly ever after…

May it be, let it be.

So be it.