Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2020)

To be human…is to dream!

Anoth­er year around your star, and you find your­self once more in the super­nal realm of Pisces. At this time of the year, and liv­ing for­ev­er some­where in your Astro­log­i­cal chart, Pisces is where you encounter the mys­tery of you; Pisces holds the supreme won­der and promise of your spark of the Divine. The final gift from the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones” is the most pre­cious, for it tru­ly forms your Alpha and your Omega, the Foun­tain-Source of all your futures.

Wise ones know that every life you live is but one of many, and all your lives are like pearls strung upon a shin­ing sil­ver chord of spir­it, reach­ing far back beyond all know­ing and equal­ly stretch­ing for­ward into what has yet to be writ­ten in the stars.

At the end of every sto­ry of you is where you gath­er the seeds of the next. The har­vest of all your tri­umphs and stum­bles are brought togeth­er, and you come to under­stand that each part, the “good” and the “bad” as being nec­es­sary to the com­plete sto­ry that is you. You are mak­ing what you will become some­day; and by learn­ing what not to do is the very means by which you change.

Yes, it is by con­stant­ly let­ting go of the less­er and mov­ing into a greater form, that you real­ize that you are only present in one space; you are only here, for­ev­er, in the eter­nal now. You are the liv­ing instru­ment of becom­ing; you are “the way of becom­ing” on the path of what you are meant to be.

You grow and you change con­tin­u­ous­ly over the span of any one life. Then by fold­ing these expe­ri­ences into many, many lives, you slow­ly but sure­ly become ever stronger, ever gen­tler, acquir­ing true wis­dom that is matched by greater humil­i­ty. You lift your­self as you help one anoth­er too, and this is how you cre­ate the glo­ri­ous future that awaits us all.

For this is the “Great Work”, and the mak­ing of you is yours. The Great Law of Kar­ma is Per­fect, and that is why what you give is what you will get, and that what­ev­er you sow, so shall you reap. Your har­vest becomes the foun­da­tion for the next chap­ter with­in each life, and these sow­ings and reap­ings equal­ly shape the many lives you will live far into the future too.

This is the promise and pow­er of Spir­it, which is the lumi­nous Ener­gy-Form behind the entire­ty of Cre­ation: this whole Uni­verse is Alive; the Uni­verse is Con­scious; and every part of Cre­ation is the sto­ry of Spirit’s Jour­ney of Becom­ing, and you are a spe­cial part of the sto­ry, and at the cen­ter of one and all is the Spark of the Divine.

And now, hav­ing reached the King­dom called Human, you have joined the com­pa­ny of the Self-Aware. That lumi­nous, impelling, irre­sistible aware­ness is added to Spirit’s dri­ve to always grow and become some­thing more. Because of your awak­en­ing, the more uncon­scious­ly expressed need to be and become will now be guid­ed, shaped and real­ized by your “Choice”. You are mak­ing you, more and more over time, as a self-aware con­scious cre­ation. You are becom­ing a co-Cre­ator of Cre­ation, and you join a great celes­tial com­pa­ny now, mak­ing you into anoth­er shin­ing star among the many stars of Creation.

And here is the Pearl of Great Price held in Pisces. Pre­cise­ly because you are self-aware, because you are now able to bet­ter under­stand your­self and your world, you are more able to con­scious­ly con­nect with your “high­er self”. And it is because of this that you are able to move beyond your ordi­nary aware­ness, of mere­ly con­scious know­ing. You have awak­ened your intu­itive know­ing, so that you can lift the Veil of Isis. You are able to move beyond your low­er mind, to under­stand what is beyond ordi­nary know­ing. You have freed your con­scious­ness so that you can tru­ly dream and imag­ine “what might be”.

Yes, in Pisces your mor­tal­i­ty meets your immor­tal­i­ty, and the con­scious con­nec­tion with your “beloved”, the divine spark with­in you, allows you to lift your­self from a life lived fatal­is­ti­cal­ly to one lived by a “Liv­ing Faith”. You “know” because you feel the truth; you know a way beyond ordi­nary think­ing, because the inti­ma­tions and gen­tle reminders of your spark of the Divine enable you to face and over­come your great­est ene­my, fear.

Now you know that you have noth­ing to fear. Because you know, tru­ly know, that you are the Dream­er, who is mak­ing and liv­ing this life and this world. And no mat­ter what you have been, no mat­ter where you are now, you have with­in you the heart and the Soul of the Uni­verse to be and become so much more.

Yes, now that you are awake you are able have a Liv­ing Faith in your great­est gift which to imag­ine a bet­ter you, and to dream of a more lov­ing world for one and for all.

Now that you have awak­ened, now that you are ready, you can go forth and “make it so”.

Yes, in Pisces you find revealed the truth of what it means to be human; you are not to be dri­ven by desires and fears, by recrim­i­na­tions and shame. You are here because you dreamed, and you can use your imag­i­na­tion to dream bet­ter and make a more beau­ti­ful you and world again and again.

You have your faith, a liv­ing faith, and a know­ing that the sto­ry of human­i­ty is the sto­ry of mov­ing from fear to faith, from anger to love, and from the dark­ness into the ever­last­ing, eter­nal light.

This is who you are; and this is why you here.

Pisces is the final chap­ter, but also it is the begin­ning, over and over again.

This is your jour­ney, from dark­ness into the light.

You were made for this,

And you were made to shine!

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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