Transcript of Radio Show on April 12, 2020 — Astrological Musings – A New World Will Rise, a look back and ahead (April 12, 2020)
I called today’s show, which is the 9th show of our 2020 series, a “New World will rise, a look back and ahead”. We need to do that because we are part of an ongoing development in terms of history and human development, of spiritual and cultural and economic development, and that all these things are tied to one another. We can find resonances, if you will, of where planets were at some point in time, and then looking at another time where they are in those same positions.
In this case, what I am doing is looking at the planet Pluto being at the same Zodiacal space, that it is in the same degree in Capricorn, and looking at what was happening when it was there compared to now. And, again doing the same thing with the planet Neptune. Now these are sort of arbitrary choices. Because you would want to examine planetary patterns and planetary alignments and all these other things, and you would want to be consider these too in terms of comparing one period to another. But it just is kind of striking to me, so I thought I would just look at these two for today.
For the USA, and again just looking at the USA, (but we could look at other places as well for this) the periods that I found that were parallel to the current year 2020 was 1774 to 1775, and that is formed by Pluto. And, the year of 1857 to 1858, looking at the planet Neptune, looking at American history.
It was in 1774, and many people don’t realize this, because they think of the American Revolution as starting in 1776, and that is the most recognizable date. But obviously we were building towards that circumstance of an actual physical war breaking out, (and it actually broke out in 1775). And things were happening in 1774, and before then, that led up to what happened in 1776. In 1774, having had the “Boston Tea Party” right before at the end of 1773, England, the King and the parliament, decided to pass very punishing laws on the colonies for these acts of civil disobedience. They broke with their compact of trade with the colonies, where we were supposed to be governed fairly, and by which we would be represented by people in parliament for our own interests. Instead, here parliament was passing laws to punish the colonies. The colonies, facing these terrible penalties and laws, called “the Intolerable Acts”, decided to meet in this first Continental Congress. They came together, as these separate colonies, and they said to one another, “what do we do for our continent, for our country?”
Basically, they were beginning to form their union, though they maybe wouldn’t have understood it as such at that point, but that what was happening. And then, they agreed to boycott the goods from the UK, and in so doing the UK sent forces to Boston, to shut it down, to put it under martial law, and the people of Boston were harassed and abused. Soldiers were being quartered, forced into people’s homes, and all these terrible things happened. And, this eventually led to the battles of Lexington and Concord, and the siege of Boston in 1775, and the Revolutionary War became inevitable.
The issue for the colonists was quite simple. They wanted to have the right to self-determination, to have their value as citizens of a country, England, be counted as equal to those who remained in England. So, they chose a path of self-government, breaking with the Lords and Kingly hierarchy and declaring themselves to be, and this was revolutionary, “Free Men” who had a divine right to determine their own future.
And, it was shortly after the American Revolution, that we had the French Revolution, though that was fraught with even greater upheaval and violence. They produced, in the very beginning of their revolution in 1789, the very famous “Declaration of the Rights of Man”, which was a very historic step in the march towards the principle of self-determined government, which is what was emerging in that historical period of the 1700s. The world was moving from feudalism to monarchies in the 1500s and now in the 1700s moving from monarchies to this form of self-government, of parliamentary democracy.
Well, we flash forward in our country to address one of the remaining great sins of our country’s origin in 1857–1858. Things were becoming very fraught in our country, over the struggle over slave or free states, and whether or not slavery was going to spread throughout the country or not. And in that period, when Neptune was in the same Zodiacal space or position as it is now, (and this is kind of striking in terms of how we are again dealing with this very same question in our country, of what does it mean to be “American”, and who can who is allowed to come here, and how do we treat fairly and equally or not all peoples, again being the question). The Dred Scott decision, by the Supreme Court, determined that slaves would never be citizens and no matter where they went, they could be seized as property of their former Masters.
And so, this was highlighted in the Lincoln-Douglas debates, where Lincoln most famously stated, “…that a house divided against itself cannot stand.” He was saying that we were two peoples, two different economies, two different cultures, and we were divided from one another, and this division of our country had to be resolved somehow. And, of course, it was resolved in the Civil War of the 1860’s.
Yet, after the Civil War the promise of a better and more just country was thwarted. There was the policy known as Reconstruction, but that reconstruction was blocked eventually. And, a new system of nominal slavery was imposed by the sharecropper system, of basically peonage for the former slaves. It was only, really, during the “second civil war”, as I would call it, in the 1950s and 60s, the civil rights movement, which brought about the legal reforms and pressures upon the former confederacy, mostly the South, which opened the door to greater freedom for the black citizens in the South and of course those in the North too, who had also faced great inequality and segregation. And, still to this day, the work is not done.
But also, in that period, and this is quite interesting, with Neptune being this unifier, and encompassing and bringing everything together in one universal experience, that this same period witnessed the first ever worldwide economic/financial panic that swept across the entire planet. This happened when Neptune was in the same position as today, and it is kind interesting, that we are having this worldwide “pandemic panic”, which is crushing economies around the world here at the same time. It is very much a parallel experience, but also very much is different too.
Our Time
So, what we all want to know is what’s coming next, what’s our future? What will this world we are going into look like? What is our responsibility now?
We really must face and accept the truth, that as much as we made the wonders of this world, we also made the horrors of the world that is now confronting us.
This pandemic and what may follow, this was and will be our creation. And there is only one question, how do we make a better world for one and all?
Just as in 1774 and 1857, as always, the challenge in any time, is spiritual. Will we reveal what is best in us by following the one true spiritual imperative: “That we are all related”; and what we do to any other we inevitably will be doing to ourselves.
I hold that this is the shining light, that we are on an “Arc of Awakening”, and our path will ever bend towards the truth to see one another as created equal. And that behind all of creation there is “the One”.
We were made by this One True Love; we are simply and most profoundly here to love one another as we are loved.
So, my question is what comes first, what matters most? And, we realize that we must now decide how we will be guided by this absolute spiritual truth, that all life is sacred. Our lives, right now, will be forever measured by our love for one another and our lives will also be measured by how we treat all the life forms on this planet, with whom we share this beautiful world.
What comes first? Life comes first.
What matters most to us who are here now, and for all the generations who will come after us, is that we, from this point forward, act with the understanding that our lives depend upon all the other life forms on this planet. This pandemic, among many other signs, is a warning that we have made a world that is out of balance. If we do not change our way of life, we will be facing ever greater threats in the not very distant future.
The accelerating true global pandemic is Climate Change, of which this pandemic is merely a symptom, and this virus really only threatens us humans. All our plans and actions must be guided by an absolute commitment now to protect and preserve the diverse hierarchies of life that make possible all lives, including our very own.
What is the value of any nation, and of our nation?
I always say, it is the people. As I have said many times in my blog, and on my radio show, and in readings with clients, the value of the community, of a village and town, region or nation, is not in its physical attributes, in its land or water, or other natural resources. Of course, those things matter for life. But the source of value in any human society is the value of each and every human.
And the question will be for that culture or people, for us here now, did you create the best possible conditions to help those humans realize their fullest potential?
Because that’s where value comes from; we make it.
Historically, this essential understanding of the value of humanity has often been circumscribed and limited, arranged hierarchically in the different social orders throughout history. Whether in a hunting/gathering culture or a pastoral culture or farmers or crafts and trades, and on into this so-called modern world filled with a range of occupations and lifeways.
Though the foundational ideas of our own Declaration of Independence were idealistic and inspirational; wherein we stated, “…that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”, we know that at our founding, and for many years thereafter, these fine ideals were not followed whatsoever.
The vast majority of humans on this continent were considered, for a very long time, to not even be human, and were subjected to genocidal warfare, the Native Americans. And, another huge population of people were considered to be only fit as beasts of burden, as property to be bought and sold by their so-called masters, the black slaves. And we cannot forget that most men without significant property and all women were regarded as not worthy of self-determination or equal rights to the men of property.
Yes, we have come a long way, but our present circumstance lays bare once again how far we have yet to go. Our history of slowly extending legal equality for all has been hard and painful, but the legacy of racism, slavery and genocide still permeates our culture to this day, as we can see in the differing outcomes for different groups, in the kind of health care and lives they can live and hope for. This has to stop; it has to stop now.
Over the course of our history we have gone from a mostly agrarian nation to a manufacturing colossus, to a service-based economy. The imbalances that led to the Great Depression were addressed by the New Deal, and led to a period of relatively shared growth from the 1940s onwards in the various percentiles, the divisions of the country, the bottom 20th, the top 20th and so on.
But since 1980 that shared prosperity has been broken. Partly it was the shift from a manufacturing to a service economy. But it was also created by those with the means to influence the laws of this nation, the rules of the economy, and they shaped those rules to serve the accumulation of wealth as opposed to having a more fairly shared distribution as we had experienced since the 1940s.
The imbalance in the distribution of wealth in this country is not a natural result. It has been formed by changes in the economy. Yes, as the power of unions faded, as we moved from a manufacturing economy and other things, and no similar organization was able to protect the workers in the growing service sectors (and this is most certainly true for the emerging economy of gig workers). But for many years the vast majority of our citizens have worked harder and harder for less and less of the share in the productivity that they made possible, that they created.
Many feel that there must be something wrong with them, that it’s their failure, it’s personal instead of being the consequences of a system that is not fair. But this was more as a consequence of policies and laws that accelerated and protected the accumulation of wealth, that favored short-term gains over long-term investments, corporate power of the few outweighing the votes of the many, as congressman and senators wrote the laws that favored their financial backers, and also created laws that apply to everyone but themselves.
Crisis and Opportunity
Yes, a crisis such as we face now reveals the greatest in our culture and the rot and the corruption too. As I have pointed out in previous blog postings and shows, the shift in the 1930s and 1940s led to a very different shift in the 1980s, where the fairness in the USA began to breakdown. So here we are, again, 40 years later, the 1940s the 1980s and now the 2020s, and this crisis is calling once more for a new way of organizing our lives and livelihoods.
But this crisis, this turning, will be much bigger because the stakes are so much higher. More than an economic crisis or a political crisis, we truly face a spiritual and existential crisis. Life on this planet is in crisis, and we have only to look in the mirror to see who is to blame.
The planets, Pluto or Neptune, Uranus or Saturn, they don’t cause anything, they just frame the timing of the unfoldment of patterns. And, they provide meaning or context to what is happening, but the content of this moment, the pandemic and what is coming after that we made and is what we will make.
We all have a choice and we must put first what is most important, life! The actions we are taking now, to face this crisis, are the first steps that we are also taking to make the New World.
The old world is broken; the ways we sourced energy, the ways we sourced our food, the way we created shelter and clothing, the way we met our needs for one another, these will and must change. Because most of these ways that got us to here, they will not get us to where we need to go.
Our old ways were destroying life on this planet, the beauty of the divine diversity of this world is rapidly becoming a memory. Without preserving all other life forms, from the most infinitesimal to the most majestic, from the plankton in the oceans and the fishes is in the seas, from the bees and the birds that travel in the air, from the valleys to the mountain tops, life is leaving this planet and we made this happen.
And that truth is our shame, but that truth can also be our salvation.
We made this happen, and we can do better. And, now that we know, what choice do we have? Now that we live in fear, we are paying attention.
This is the moment; our lives and our world will change, but only we can make a difference in the how. We must choose life; we must choose to love one another and all of life on this planet.
Okay, I know that was quite a lot, but I wanted to try to get it out there for all of us to consider. That we should pause this time to consider this beautiful world we live in, and the beauty that we can behold in one another, and the beauty of nature all around us. That we should be so grateful and thankful for this gift, for this wonder. And our desire should only be to preserve and make it better.
We are not here to use up the world, there is no “Planet B”. We only have this, this lifeboat, this beautiful blue orb spinning through space, a wonderful lifeboat of life. And, we are the ones who can save it if we are not the ones who will destroy it.
I’m sure most of you know these things, think these thoughts, share these thoughts with those that you care for and care about. We all want the world to change, we all want to get back to a better life.
But we’re not going to go back, we have to go forward if we’re going to make a better life.
I hope we all take that message to heart. I hope we all do our part now, to make the world a better place, because it’s the only thing that matters.