Daily Archives: May 19, 2020

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2020)

To Know Thyself

The Sto­ry of the Uni­verse is the sto­ry of Spir­it. It is the sto­ry of the unman­i­fest becom­ing Man­i­fest, of absence being filled with Pres­ence, of dark­ness being revealed as the Light. It is in so many ways the sto­ry of the One, “whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere and whose cen­ter is every­where”, and that One becom­ing the many who are the body, the soul, and the mind of that very One.

This sto­ry is your sto­ry; it is you and I and all who came before us. We have made who and what we are by all the many lives and our sto­ries that we shared, by all these mind-forms that we made and formed into one anoth­er and into our world.

Today we cel­e­brate the next gift of Spir­it in the Astro­log­i­cal cal­en­dar, today we all begin our once a year jour­ney through the sto­ry that is the Sign of Gem­i­ni. The mean­ings and mes­sages of all the signs are ever-present with­in your con­sti­tu­tion, as you real­ly are made of all of them, just as is all of Cre­ation, as is the One.

But it is also true that each sign will shine a lit­tle stronger in its own very month. So, the ques­tion you must ask your­self now, “what does the Sign of Gem­i­ni mean to me, what does this sto­ry mean to me”? The shin­ing sto­ry of Gem­i­ni is about one of your most pre­cious gifts of spir­it, your Self-Aware­ness, and your fac­ul­ty of Intelligence.

The Ancient Teach­ings hold the Ori­gin Sto­ry: All of Cre­ation, all of Spir­it, in what­ev­er form it may be, is Life and is Con­scious. The very essen­tial essence of Spir­it, of each and every spark of the Divine, of every sin­gle Mon­ad of Spir­it is to grow, to become, and to unfold ever more the inher­ent­ly, almost infi­nite poten­tial of that Mon­ad of Spir­it. Tru­ly, it is said that we come from the stars, and our des­tiny some day is to become a Star.

One of the most pre­cious moments in the becom­ing of each spark of the Divine is when the Light of Self-Aware­ness is reached. The Sto­ry is the much the same through­out the cos­mos, and the ver­sion told of this for us is held by the “myth” of the bringers of the “Flame of Self-Consciousness”.

Once upon a time, the “gods” walked among us; it was the appoint­ed time when we were ready to “wake up”. These ancient myths and tales speak of Prometheus, Lucifer, Quet­zal­coatl, Loki and the Kumaras; what­ev­er their names, they came with a gift, the Light of Self-Aware­ness, the “gift of the gods”, which had also been bestowed upon them long, long ago. This is the Rib­bon of Light and Love, that streams through the hier­ar­chies of Cre­ation, hold­ing the Uni­verse togeth­er as the one Mind of the One.

With this gift of self-aware­ness, with the dawn­ing of objec­tive con­scious­ness, the next step in your jour­ney was tak­en, as you became aware through these twin pil­lars of Gem­i­ni of the way of the Uni­verse, of the dual­i­ties of cre­ation, of Spir­it and Mat­ter, of Sub­ject and Object, of “this and that”, which began most sim­ply for you as “I am that, I am not that”. And it was this, this unceas­ing, inces­sant need to expe­ri­ence Cre­ation in all its com­plex­i­ties, diver­si­ties, cor­re­spon­dences and con­nec­tions that stirred your glo­ri­ous and self-lumi­nous seed to sprout, you had to know, you had to under­stand “how all of this, how all of that”, is.

And, so what was awak­ened in you was that “sparkle in your eye”, that unquench­able thirst, that need to know your­self and your world, and so the lamp was lit that is known as your “Intel­li­gence”.

Intel­li­gence is part of this gift of spir­it, the fac­ul­ty of com­par­ing-con­trast­ing, of con­sid­er­ing the dual­i­ties that you expe­ri­ence as Subject/Object, and of all the divi­sions with­in and with­out, as your spir­it cease­less­ly seeks to find a way out of sep­a­ra­tion and divi­sion and find your way back to the One. The pow­er of Intel­li­gence is the abil­i­ty to see a sit­u­a­tion more com­plete­ly, to see it whole and make it whole. Between one way of see­ing or approach­ing a prob­lem or ques­tion, and anoth­er way of see­ing the issue at hand, the Intel­li­gence seeks for the “Third Way”, the path that usu­al­ly encom­pass­es some­thing from both those oth­er ways, and by so doing ris­es above them too. And, although you may cer­tain­ly do this by rea­son­ing with­in and for one­self, the process is most cer­tain­ly quick­ened when two or more of you put your minds togeth­er and find a bet­ter way.

Yes, your Intel­li­gence and Know­ing can­not real­ly func­tion by you and for your­self alone or apart from those with whom you jour­ney. As with all of Spir­it, as in all of Life, we are part of a greater whole, which is also part of an even Greater Whole. We are made by and through our inter­re­la­tion­ships with one anoth­er. The way you devel­op and engage your fac­ul­ty of rea­son­ing, an absolute neces­si­ty for your intel­li­gence to func­tion, is through you being able to com­pare, share, con­trast and cor­rect your thought-forms by and through your inter­ac­tions with many, many others.

This Truth of the “Way of Know­ing” is revealed in your very lan­guage. The word “Con­scious­ness” is made of two words, “Con” which means “Togeth­er” and “Scious­ness” which means “Know­ing”. Con­scious­ness means “Know­ing Together”!

Yes, this is your sto­ry, this is our story.

It is in this time of Gem­i­ni, and equal­ly so wher­ev­er Gem­i­ni is found in your own chart, it is here and there that you can­not help but won­der, “who, what, when, where and why?”

When you were born, the Uni­verse asked a question.

You are the answer.

The Key to Life, the Key to the King­dom of Light and Love, is this: