To Know Thyself
The Story of the Universe is the story of Spirit. It is the story of the unmanifest becoming Manifest, of absence being filled with Presence, of darkness being revealed as the Light. It is in so many ways the story of the One, “whose circumference is nowhere and whose center is everywhere”, and that One becoming the many who are the body, the soul, and the mind of that very One.
This story is your story; it is you and I and all who came before us. We have made who and what we are by all the many lives and our stories that we shared, by all these mind-forms that we made and formed into one another and into our world.
Today we celebrate the next gift of Spirit in the Astrological calendar, today we all begin our once a year journey through the story that is the Sign of Gemini. The meanings and messages of all the signs are ever-present within your constitution, as you really are made of all of them, just as is all of Creation, as is the One.
But it is also true that each sign will shine a little stronger in its own very month. So, the question you must ask yourself now, “what does the Sign of Gemini mean to me, what does this story mean to me”? The shining story of Gemini is about one of your most precious gifts of spirit, your Self-Awareness, and your faculty of Intelligence.
The Ancient Teachings hold the Origin Story: All of Creation, all of Spirit, in whatever form it may be, is Life and is Conscious. The very essential essence of Spirit, of each and every spark of the Divine, of every single Monad of Spirit is to grow, to become, and to unfold ever more the inherently, almost infinite potential of that Monad of Spirit. Truly, it is said that we come from the stars, and our destiny some day is to become a Star.
One of the most precious moments in the becoming of each spark of the Divine is when the Light of Self-Awareness is reached. The Story is the much the same throughout the cosmos, and the version told of this for us is held by the “myth” of the bringers of the “Flame of Self-Consciousness”.
Once upon a time, the “gods” walked among us; it was the appointed time when we were ready to “wake up”. These ancient myths and tales speak of Prometheus, Lucifer, Quetzalcoatl, Loki and the Kumaras; whatever their names, they came with a gift, the Light of Self-Awareness, the “gift of the gods”, which had also been bestowed upon them long, long ago. This is the Ribbon of Light and Love, that streams through the hierarchies of Creation, holding the Universe together as the one Mind of the One.
With this gift of self-awareness, with the dawning of objective consciousness, the next step in your journey was taken, as you became aware through these twin pillars of Gemini of the way of the Universe, of the dualities of creation, of Spirit and Matter, of Subject and Object, of “this and that”, which began most simply for you as “I am that, I am not that”. And it was this, this unceasing, incessant need to experience Creation in all its complexities, diversities, correspondences and connections that stirred your glorious and self-luminous seed to sprout, you had to know, you had to understand “how all of this, how all of that”, is.
And, so what was awakened in you was that “sparkle in your eye”, that unquenchable thirst, that need to know yourself and your world, and so the lamp was lit that is known as your “Intelligence”.
Intelligence is part of this gift of spirit, the faculty of comparing-contrasting, of considering the dualities that you experience as Subject/Object, and of all the divisions within and without, as your spirit ceaselessly seeks to find a way out of separation and division and find your way back to the One. The power of Intelligence is the ability to see a situation more completely, to see it whole and make it whole. Between one way of seeing or approaching a problem or question, and another way of seeing the issue at hand, the Intelligence seeks for the “Third Way”, the path that usually encompasses something from both those other ways, and by so doing rises above them too. And, although you may certainly do this by reasoning within and for oneself, the process is most certainly quickened when two or more of you put your minds together and find a better way.
Yes, your Intelligence and Knowing cannot really function by you and for yourself alone or apart from those with whom you journey. As with all of Spirit, as in all of Life, we are part of a greater whole, which is also part of an even Greater Whole. We are made by and through our interrelationships with one another. The way you develop and engage your faculty of reasoning, an absolute necessity for your intelligence to function, is through you being able to compare, share, contrast and correct your thought-forms by and through your interactions with many, many others.
This Truth of the “Way of Knowing” is revealed in your very language. The word “Consciousness” is made of two words, “Con” which means “Together” and “Sciousness” which means “Knowing”. Consciousness means “Knowing Together”!
Yes, this is your story, this is our story.
It is in this time of Gemini, and equally so wherever Gemini is found in your own chart, it is here and there that you cannot help but wonder, “who, what, when, where and why?”
When you were born, the Universe asked a question.
You are the answer.
The Key to Life, the Key to the Kingdom of Light and Love, is this: