Transcript of Radio Show: Where are we now – The End of an Age – The Pandemic
The Pandemic
As you might imagine these last couple of weeks almost every session I have done has always begun, though I have hour long sessions, the first 20 or 30 minutes have been taken up with the events of the time, (and then I certainly give that client their one hour session too). But most people want to talk about what is going on and what the stars have to say about it, and we share our experiences and how we are trying to cope with this.
Whether it is clients in Europe who have had an earlier taste of this, and here now in the US and around the world, we are trying to make sense of what is happening here. Of course for me in terms of what I have studied, and relying upon the ancient wisdom, (being a student of history and also student of astrology for many years), I try to understand these things in big historical terms and looking at the “arc of history”, and I try to understand how that fits into the “arc of the planets and their cycling”.
I always tend to frame it that way, and I am always optimistic because we have come through very troubling times before, again and again throughout history, and Spirit and the human spirit finds a way through. It is always a time, I would say, of a quickening of spirit, that when things have great “friction” we reveal the “shining” underneath, and that behind all the incrustations we see our love and compassion and caring for one another
Heroes of Humanity
That is showing up in leaps and bounds now, right here intimately in our daily lives as well as what we watch on the stage of the world with all those heroes out there. The front line, of course, considering the conditions were going through, our health care workers and other leaders who are trying to forestall any greater calamity to us all. And we praise them like we did our 9/11 responders here in New York, who rushed in without thinking of themselves. Their example is truly the shining star of human consciousness; it is our selflessness and sacrifice for one another, which is our love for one another. And it gives me goosebumps when I watch what is going on, and what we will be going through, and hopefully we will have a lot of those shining moments here to look back upon.
The End of an Age
But of course, you want to know why; why is this happening now? And again, Astrologically, as I have been saying, and probably getting very dull now since before 2008, I have kept on this drumbeat that this is going to be a time that we will not forget. Because this is a time much like it was in the 1700s and before that in the 1500s and so on that every 240, 250 years or so, one of those great planets, the planet Pluto the planet that rules Transformation, Death and Rebirth, (I say it rules the will). But it is the power of Creation, of death and rebirth and renewal. When it is moving through certain signs, it is affecting the qualities and conditions that sign governs. It always goes through a series of steps and stages, and we can look at them all at some point historically. But for our purposes, just to focus on today, I have said that in the 1500s was a time where a “world” came undone, in terms of how it was structured economically and politically and culturally and spiritually. It set in motion a new kind of culture and economy and way of life for the next 250 years. And that came undone in the next episode of Pluto through Capricorn which was 1760 to 1770s.
The Answer or Solution becomes the problem
In each of these periods, what had been the dominant way of meeting human needs, because that is what we are talking about, (we are humans, we take care of one another), whether within families or in communities, and then in larger social organizations on up to state and transnational organizations, it is all about meeting human needs. We create these systems to meet our needs within families and then expanding outward, and the systems we put in place, the patterns that we create will work for a time, perhaps for a very long time, but they are not forever. And they need to change because of their own internal dynamic of no longer meeting the nature of what humans need at that time, but also externally, because of external events and changes in climate and other things, that make it no longer tenable to meet our needs that way.
That is what happened in the 1500s, it happened again the 1700s. What happens is the very solution that is formulated and put forth and becomes dominant in a period, that solution creates its own contradictions and limitations. We see these amazing challenges and problems in the 1700s, that set in motion certain dynamics in terms of releasing great wealth and power, and accumulation and growth in societies on the one hand, but also had inherent side effects that were going to be catching up to us at some point. And, here they are, as the very things that we used to solve our problems, (of having enough food and having enough power and having and accumulating more wealth and well-being in the world), is now choking and destroying the world, causing all these dislocations in the natural world and our human made world.
That is the result of things we know, in terms of many scientists for years talking about this, and that as we broke down the natural systems, and they came under greater stress, there would be repercussions. And as we moved into all spaces on the Earth, and came into contact with spaces that we normally would not, with pathogens and lifeforms, and these became introduced into our world, and we would have no defenses against them.
When did this begin?
You could say this goes back 10 to 15,000 years ago, when humans decided (and it maybe longer than that, depending upon how you look at history), when humans became no longer hunter-gatherers, and began to settle down into communities, as agriculturalist and pastoralists, and we began to live with our animals. At that very moment, we began to have more of this interfacing with life-forms that we had no defenses against, and we had to accumulate those defenses.
But of course, that sped up over time, to the point where now it is racing across the globe in a matter of hours, because of how we have connected to one another through these amazing technologies. But the downside is yes, there is this greater connectivity for all things traveling along those pathways including things that are dangerous to us.
And so many people are saying, well why did we let this happen? There were many voices speaking to this, saying it is going to happen again, and to the extent that we have rigorous public health structures, and people looking out for these things, we could catch it in time.
Of course, in many places and cultures they have some of those systems in place, and they may be faring a little better than other places. And, in other systems, they took their “eye off the ball”, and they did not put the funds and resources there, they did not catch it early enough, and now they are trying to play “catch up”. Unfortunately, America and other countries are in that role, of having not been as resilient in terms of some resources that we would like to draw upon at this time.
Why does this happen?
So, people ask, why does this happen? The planets do not cause this. They are what they are, in their regular patterning with each other, and they set in motion periods where there is a beginning of something; and then it comes to a pivot point; then it comes to a climax; and around again until it begins a new cycle. What happens within that cycle, any cycle, whether it is looking at things in the monthly cycle of the Sun and Moon or other kinds of weekly cycles every 7 days, every 14 days, something begins and goes through various stages. Just like in disease, a doctor will note the onset of a disease and then you reach a critical moment at 3 1/2 days, and then another inflection at 7 days. There are these constants in terms of numbers and Fibonacci sequences, that seem to time the unfoldment of natural and beyond natural processes, that seem to shape the timing of things.
But what happens in any one of those times, depending upon what organism we are talking about, is dependent upon that organism, especially when we are talking about humans, since we have much greater powers to change our world and ourselves.
We are the Cause
What is happening here, the content of what we are facing, that is on us. It is not caused by Pluto in Capricorn; it is not caused by Saturn going from Capricorn to Aquarius, which it did last night. And we are thankful for that, because it brings a new kind of test here into the world for us all, one that is quite striking in terms of what we are going through, and I will definitely mention that.
But in terms of what we are facing, there is no determination coming from the planets. They just say when and what the nature of it might be. That this is a time when the institutions fall apart. And what will be revealed to us is how lacking they are in their capacity to handle certain problems, that in some sense they helped to create these problems, that the way we did things help to create these problems.
And we will see individuals, some rising to the occasion and being the heroes of the moment, people who are authorities in various positions, that are carrying out their duties as best they can, given the times they are in. And others we will see, like the institutions themselves, are failing and flailing, because they do not have the character, they do not have the integrity, they do not have the virtue, they do not have the wisdom, and they do not act with truth. That is revealed at a time like this, everything is exposed.
Most of us, as we have been told, will get through this fine. There will be inconveniences, certainly, and devastating economic consequences, but life will go on. There are those we should be rushing to help who are more vulnerable, and those who are in the front lines who need our support because they are putting their life on the line every single moment.
It need not have been this difficult; there is no necessity to how difficult it is now. That is through a series of choices or willful ignorance or what have you, by those who might have taken steps. We never lay this on the planets and say they are the cause of something. They are a way of looking for the meaningfulness of something. And yes, in individual charts we can say this is a time for having stress in your life, and then you need to be able to cope with that.
Certainly, Pluto going through Capricorn is a stressful period in history for all places. But obviously, different places and peoples and cultures will respond differently given their level of development and integrity in handling those crises. And that is what we are seeing play out across the planet right now in this quite literally global pandemic.
Saturn — Test of Responsibility, becomes the Test of Community
So what we can do right now is understand that the test we’ve been undergoing for the last 2 1/2 years, with Saturn also being in Capricorn was a test of responsibility, where we would see how well our systems were holding and people within those systems understood the exercise of their power and carried it out correctly or did not; or failed to do so, dropped the ball, stumbled and caused greater harm. But just last night and now this morning, and for the next couple of years, the planet Saturn is in Aquarius. The next test for all of us, within this larger test of Pluto going through Capricorn, (which continues till 2024), is that Saturn in Aquarius says we have got to think about and face our understanding of our Social Consciousness and Conscience.
It is really about community, and that we realize that our true nature is not individual but that we are made of one another. And we need one another to develop intelligence, to develop our knowing, develop our feelings and have these connections within ourselves that are formed by all these connections we form out and around ourselves. I like to say, “we are more of a we than an I” and most of our thoughts and feelings and understanding has been formed by all these interactions we have had with people throughout our lives, and through many lives.
What is “the Good”, what is Happiness?
We must work at maintaining and preserving and extending our communities, because it is all about this: How do we achieve the greatest level of self-fulfillment, for one and for all? What is happiness? Happiness is reaching one’s highest level of self-realization, which has to be something we all strive for, to bring everybody up to that greater level of self-realization, because then we will succeed as a culture and a people and a planet.
If we fail to create conditions that allow for this greater self-realization and therefore of happiness, we will go into a darker period. So, right now, as we are being asked to physically separate, we have to ever more pull together, call one another, speak to one another, wave to one another from a respectful distance and hold together and help one another through this time.
Our social connections are being tested, and I am sure that they will be found to be strong and true. This will revive a human spirit in terms of fellowship and community and love of my neighbor. And love of all others in communities around the world, community to community banding together to solve our problems.
The Old Order, The New World
It is in the dark time, by Pluto going to Capricorn when the world falls apart, that a New World is also equally emerging, and that will become ever more evident as we move into 2024 and 25 and 26. It is not going to be easy to build a New World, because we know there are significant problems that we are confronting, not the least of which is the challenge of diseases springing out of nowhere like this, seemingly, but it is not from nowhere. Or watching the ecological destruction of this planet and the sustainability of life itself in peril.
We are, as we like to think, a higher lifeform, having self-awareness and self-consciousness. But we have been acting very stupidly for a long time in terms of thinking we could get away with destroying lower life-forms and our own life-form be unaffected by that.
Life depends on Life
All life depends on life; and the higher lifeforms even more so depend on all lower lifeforms, from the most microscopic to larger macroscopic realms. We are right now removing life from this planet, at an increasing rate. If we do not turn that around, (not that these other ecological systems and other beings have inherent value themselves, vast value) our potential and our value, and our realization will very much diminish as a result.
So, the hour is late, and I see these blows we are receiving in ecological disasters and fires and storms and now waves of pandemics, as signs of the planet is saying: “Stop! Change your way, wake up to the need for considering all life is sacred”, protecting all of life, and protecting your own life through that.
First, we need to reach out to one another and then to all other life forms, to continue upon this wonderful “lifeboat of life” that we call our Earth. But right now the hour is late, and right now we are facing this crisis that we have to get through, and we are being asked to make extraordinary changes and sacrifices, which we will make for one another and for the future. But certainly, it is not a necessity at all that this had to happen. Something would have to breakdown, and things are breaking down and certainly around the world in various ways, but that is also because it was time. But it is equally time to start building better systems, a better way of meeting our needs and meeting the needs for one another that are sustainable and can be passed down to future generations as they improve upon that in many, many years and decades and even centuries to come.
But this is our moment, this is our moment when we see the end of an age. And rather than striking fear into our hearts we should realize: We are grateful for where it brought us, this civilization and culture; but we see its inherent contradictions and limitations and how it is itself a very impediment to future human evolution and fulfillment.
Spiritual Awakening/Spiritual Praxis
Therefore, we must change, we must be these instruments of change, now. There is no time to delay. And maybe this is one of those shocks or wake up calls that makes us see that. That the epidemic, this pandemic COVID-19, is a blessing, because it makes people realize they cannot just get by, they cannot pretend that everything is okay, that this is merely a passing challenge.
There is a spiritual awakening that will take place in many souls and in many hearts, and we are all experiencing it on different levels I am sure. I am certainly hearing that from many people. We all wish it did not have to happen this way, and I do not think it had to happen this way, but it is where we are and it is where we are going to be for some time, to get ourselves out of this self-created mess that we are in.
The Way is Truth
We will do better, we will be fine, but we need to remember how to find our way. And that is why I always return to ancient teachings, to ancient philosophy, to metaphysical principles to hold us true to the fundamental teachings, which are:
Life is sacred and whatever and whomever I encounter is an aspect of the divine, and to treat it as anything less than that is to harm myself.
Love is the is the energy that holds this whole universe together.
In thinking you will find that truth is Wisdom.
In feeling you will find that truth is Beauty.
In living you will find that truth is Virtue.
And in action you will find that truth is Moderation.
Many different philosophies understand this and have spoken to this. The stoic philosophers are amazing, and they affirm that we can only control ourselves. And so, self-mastery is the key, which comes from self-knowledge and knowledge of the world around oneself.
So, we need to do our own part in mastering ourselves and conducting ourselves with integrity, and in searching for truth. By finding truth we will establish greater equilibrium and normalcy in ourselves and in our conduct. No one possesses truth, but you can become possessed by it, and know what is right and what is wrong, without thinking about it; it requires no thought whatsoever, it is an intuitive feeling and this is what should guide us.
When will this end?
Probably people want me to say when is this going to end, and there are experts in epidemiology and pandemics that know far better than me, (and we are all reading about these things now), what the timeline is here. But I would stress, and as they stress, the timeline is not fixed; it is determined by how we each act and follow what we find are the reasonable and right authorities who have more understanding, the scientists and those political and other leaders who are staying on the straight and narrow path, and follow their advice and do what we are asked to do and answer the call if we have to, and that will that will determine how long this takes.
But there is no astrological determination that says this or that will happen. Because obviously what is happening here on the planet for everyone is a response and result by each individual and community and nation in its own fashion.
So, each of us must do our utmost and best, if we want to get through this more easily and no longer be under this fearful energy-form that seems to be holding people in place right now. Instead, we should remove the fear by acting in loving manners, in loving ways and loving actions towards one another, that is the greatest thing any of us can do right now, at any point in time, but especially a time when it seems as if we want to retreat and withdraw from one another. We need to stay distant, but we need to be even more connected is the message.