Daily Archives: June 19, 2020

Sun Enters Cancer (June 20, 2020)

In Aries you ask, “Who am I?”; in Tau­rus you ask, “What am I?”; in Gem­i­ni you ask, “How do I Know?” And now in the time of Can­cer, you ask your­self, “Where do I come from?”

The “four cor­ners” of the year, and of your life, are held by the Car­di­nal Signs of Aries, Can­cer, Libra, and Capri­corn. These are the signs of begin­nings, and they are espe­cial­ly sacred as they are the por­tals and path­ways to your enlight­en­ment or Initiation.

In your own chart, the four car­di­nal signs point the way, much like a com­pass, reveal­ing through their polar­i­ties the four direc­tions of life as you estab­lish and secure your sense of Iden­ti­ty. As posit­ed by these equinox­es and sol­stices, you will expe­ri­ence the subject/object and inner/outer ways of being through Aries to Libra as in “Who am I, who are you”; and, by Can­cer to Capri­corn, as in “Where did I come from, where am I going”?

Today we enter one of these four sacred por­tals again, today we enter the realm of Feel­ing, as we seek to find our way to our true cen­ter by the Way of Can­cer. For there is only so much you know and can under­stand by your intel­lect; there is only so much that will be encom­passed by your present knowl­edge, by your con­cepts and cat­e­gories of thought. Beyond these defined, deter­mined data points and cat­e­gories of real­i­ty there lies what is always beyond; out there beyond the known, there you meet “the mys­tery”. Yes, out there, and equal­ly with­in your very own self too, you encounter the won­ders of the unknown, what is beyond “know­ing”; both in here and out there, you will expe­ri­ence the beau­ty and majesty of the All.

Some­where in your chart, there you will find this spe­cial realm that is the Sign of Can­cer. This is the space you enter now, the realm of feel­ings, of intu­itions and inti­ma­tions of what is beyond your con­scious know­ing. We can­not, yet, ful­ly under­stand what we sense with­in and around us; these impres­sions, sen­si­bil­i­ties and mes­sages are part of what remains beyond our thoughts and rea­son. We expe­ri­ence this abil­i­ty as our “sixth sense”, where we appre­hend by our intu­ition­al sense what is beyond the finite realm of con­scious understanding.

Yes, now in Can­cer we will move into our feel­ings, through sen­sa­tions that take us beyond def­i­nite bor­ders and bound­aries. We have entered into a realm where real­i­ty is felt as more encom­pass­ing, as it con­nects us deeply with­in and then out­ward­ly with every­one and every­thing, from the small­est of par­ti­cles to the great­est of stel­lar bod­ies of unimag­in­able size. In the end, when we feel the full­ness of our con­nec­tions with all that is, we will feel our true kin­ship with the entire­ty of Creation.

But first, before we reach upwards and out­ward, to the One and to the many, some­thing we will most cer­tain­ly con­sid­er in the time of Pisces, we feel the pull, and we must turn and con­sid­er the prin­ci­ple mat­ter of Can­cer, which is our first mys­tery, where do we come from? Before we can imag­ine or expe­ri­ence what is “out there”, we need to feel what is at the root of us; we need to under­stand what lies at the foun­da­tion and cen­ter of our journey.

Though we expe­ri­ence our­selves as body, mind and spir­it, (and so many sub­di­vi­sions with­in those realms), we also feel the truth, we all feel the need to have all these “parts” of us some­how yoked togeth­er, to hold all these parts as one. We are formed by a beau­ti­ful hier­ar­chy, made of fields of ener­gy-forms; we are some­how also held togeth­er as just a one. What is this sense of one, where does it come from, where do we come from?

It seems, at first, so clear and present to us. We come from Mother/Father, that is where we are from. But then the sense of your­self begins to grow out­ward­ly and inward­ly too. We are shaped and formed by a hier­ar­chy of rela­tions, both near at hand and far away in space and time as well. Yes, it starts with Mother/Father, Grandmother/Grandfather, Aunts and Uncles, Sis­ters and Broth­ers. You first feel your roots by your most inti­mate fam­i­ly mem­bers, by your fam­i­ly her­itage, and your first cir­cle of life-meanings.

But then your cir­cle widens and deep­ens, the mean­ings become more nuanced yet more strik­ing too, as you expe­ri­ence some of these as even more sig­nif­i­cant than some in the first cir­cle of kin­ship. You see that your source of feel­ing whole, of being cen­tered with­in your­self, is forged by ever more encom­pass­ing and affirm­ing inti­ma­cies and shared affec­tions with friends, col­leagues and most sur­pris­ing­ly but won­der­ful­ly in the mag­i­cal shar­ing with so-called total strangers too. Yes, you will through­out your jour­ney prune or alter some of the first or “giv­en” roots of you, as you choose to align with oth­er mean­ings and sen­si­bil­i­ties that feel more cen­tered and truer to your jour­ney of becoming.

But it is not mere­ly in the here and now that you will find the true cen­ter of you, for your roots con­tin­ue to grow both in space and through time. You will feel how your sense of cen­ter arch­es back before this life, to your ances­tors, to many cul­tures and art forms and teach­ings that frame your feel­ings of mean­ing in the present today.

Tru­ly, your work of cen­ter­ing, of find­ing your­self at your cen­ter will nev­er end. For it is very much part of the inces­sant force that binds the uni­verse togeth­er as one, as it is true for all Life and Spirit:

You are here to grow; you are here to change.

So, it equal­ly fol­lows, that as much as you alter your­self and your world out­ward­ly, so will you renew, extend, and deep­en the roots of you too. And, as you go deep­er, you will also rise.

As you lift your­self up, as your roots go deep­er, you will come to even greater intu­itions as to the nature of you and your world. You will feel the con­nec­tions to your fel­low humans, to all crea­tures great and small, and you will feel the truth that all of it, the plan­ets, stars and galax­ies too, that all Life is held as one by the One. You will under­stand that your root is the same, that all roots come togeth­er in the One whose “Cen­ter is Every­where, and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”.

Yes, you will feel and know the truth of the Ancients, which is that we are one fam­i­ly, “We are all Relat­ed”. We are all ones of the One, and we are here quite sim­ply to feel this truth and to love one anoth­er. This is what you will find at the core of you; there you will feel the truth, that what is at the cen­ter of you is the source of one and all:

Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

The time of Can­cer is here; let us cel­e­brate the Fam­i­ly of Spir­it. Let us bow to our Mother/Father who is in heav­en, and who is equal­ly in our own very hearts too.

But this is a most spe­cial entrance of the Sun mov­ing into Can­cer, (June 20 at 5:44 pm EDT). That is because only a few hours lat­er, there will be a New Moon Eclipse of the Sun (June 21 at 2:41 am EDT).

Accord­ing to the Ancient Wis­dom, the most impor­tant cer­e­monies for Ini­ti­a­tion take place at the Spring and Fall Equinox­es, and the Sum­mer and Win­ter Sol­stices. They each hold their own spe­cial sig­nif­i­cance, all are holy. An Ini­ti­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny is timed with the New Moon, so that the Ini­ti­ate is car­ried through the planes and spheres for the 14 days of the wax­ing Moon.

When the New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse, as is this one, those Ini­ti­a­tions are said to be high­ly sig­nif­i­cant. The great­est Ini­ti­a­tions of all are set at a Total Solar Eclipse, with the cer­e­mo­ny held direct­ly beneath the path of Eclipse on Earth.

This is no ordi­nary turn­ing of the sea­sons. We are in a very spe­cial time.

May the light of truth, love and under­stand­ing guide our steps.