Sun Enters Cancer (June 20, 2020)

In Aries you ask, “Who am I?”; in Tau­rus you ask, “What am I?”; in Gem­i­ni you ask, “How do I Know?” And now in the time of Can­cer, you ask your­self, “Where do I come from?”

The “four cor­ners” of the year, and of your life, are held by the Car­di­nal Signs of Aries, Can­cer, Libra, and Capri­corn. These are the signs of begin­nings, and they are espe­cial­ly sacred as they are the por­tals and path­ways to your enlight­en­ment or Initiation.

In your own chart, the four car­di­nal signs point the way, much like a com­pass, reveal­ing through their polar­i­ties the four direc­tions of life as you estab­lish and secure your sense of Iden­ti­ty. As posit­ed by these equinox­es and sol­stices, you will expe­ri­ence the subject/object and inner/outer ways of being through Aries to Libra as in “Who am I, who are you”; and, by Can­cer to Capri­corn, as in “Where did I come from, where am I going”?

Today we enter one of these four sacred por­tals again, today we enter the realm of Feel­ing, as we seek to find our way to our true cen­ter by the Way of Can­cer. For there is only so much you know and can under­stand by your intel­lect; there is only so much that will be encom­passed by your present knowl­edge, by your con­cepts and cat­e­gories of thought. Beyond these defined, deter­mined data points and cat­e­gories of real­i­ty there lies what is always beyond; out there beyond the known, there you meet “the mys­tery”. Yes, out there, and equal­ly with­in your very own self too, you encounter the won­ders of the unknown, what is beyond “know­ing”; both in here and out there, you will expe­ri­ence the beau­ty and majesty of the All.

Some­where in your chart, there you will find this spe­cial realm that is the Sign of Can­cer. This is the space you enter now, the realm of feel­ings, of intu­itions and inti­ma­tions of what is beyond your con­scious know­ing. We can­not, yet, ful­ly under­stand what we sense with­in and around us; these impres­sions, sen­si­bil­i­ties and mes­sages are part of what remains beyond our thoughts and rea­son. We expe­ri­ence this abil­i­ty as our “sixth sense”, where we appre­hend by our intu­ition­al sense what is beyond the finite realm of con­scious understanding.

Yes, now in Can­cer we will move into our feel­ings, through sen­sa­tions that take us beyond def­i­nite bor­ders and bound­aries. We have entered into a realm where real­i­ty is felt as more encom­pass­ing, as it con­nects us deeply with­in and then out­ward­ly with every­one and every­thing, from the small­est of par­ti­cles to the great­est of stel­lar bod­ies of unimag­in­able size. In the end, when we feel the full­ness of our con­nec­tions with all that is, we will feel our true kin­ship with the entire­ty of Creation.

But first, before we reach upwards and out­ward, to the One and to the many, some­thing we will most cer­tain­ly con­sid­er in the time of Pisces, we feel the pull, and we must turn and con­sid­er the prin­ci­ple mat­ter of Can­cer, which is our first mys­tery, where do we come from? Before we can imag­ine or expe­ri­ence what is “out there”, we need to feel what is at the root of us; we need to under­stand what lies at the foun­da­tion and cen­ter of our journey.

Though we expe­ri­ence our­selves as body, mind and spir­it, (and so many sub­di­vi­sions with­in those realms), we also feel the truth, we all feel the need to have all these “parts” of us some­how yoked togeth­er, to hold all these parts as one. We are formed by a beau­ti­ful hier­ar­chy, made of fields of ener­gy-forms; we are some­how also held togeth­er as just a one. What is this sense of one, where does it come from, where do we come from?

It seems, at first, so clear and present to us. We come from Mother/Father, that is where we are from. But then the sense of your­self begins to grow out­ward­ly and inward­ly too. We are shaped and formed by a hier­ar­chy of rela­tions, both near at hand and far away in space and time as well. Yes, it starts with Mother/Father, Grandmother/Grandfather, Aunts and Uncles, Sis­ters and Broth­ers. You first feel your roots by your most inti­mate fam­i­ly mem­bers, by your fam­i­ly her­itage, and your first cir­cle of life-meanings.

But then your cir­cle widens and deep­ens, the mean­ings become more nuanced yet more strik­ing too, as you expe­ri­ence some of these as even more sig­nif­i­cant than some in the first cir­cle of kin­ship. You see that your source of feel­ing whole, of being cen­tered with­in your­self, is forged by ever more encom­pass­ing and affirm­ing inti­ma­cies and shared affec­tions with friends, col­leagues and most sur­pris­ing­ly but won­der­ful­ly in the mag­i­cal shar­ing with so-called total strangers too. Yes, you will through­out your jour­ney prune or alter some of the first or “giv­en” roots of you, as you choose to align with oth­er mean­ings and sen­si­bil­i­ties that feel more cen­tered and truer to your jour­ney of becoming.

But it is not mere­ly in the here and now that you will find the true cen­ter of you, for your roots con­tin­ue to grow both in space and through time. You will feel how your sense of cen­ter arch­es back before this life, to your ances­tors, to many cul­tures and art forms and teach­ings that frame your feel­ings of mean­ing in the present today.

Tru­ly, your work of cen­ter­ing, of find­ing your­self at your cen­ter will nev­er end. For it is very much part of the inces­sant force that binds the uni­verse togeth­er as one, as it is true for all Life and Spirit:

You are here to grow; you are here to change.

So, it equal­ly fol­lows, that as much as you alter your­self and your world out­ward­ly, so will you renew, extend, and deep­en the roots of you too. And, as you go deep­er, you will also rise.

As you lift your­self up, as your roots go deep­er, you will come to even greater intu­itions as to the nature of you and your world. You will feel the con­nec­tions to your fel­low humans, to all crea­tures great and small, and you will feel the truth that all of it, the plan­ets, stars and galax­ies too, that all Life is held as one by the One. You will under­stand that your root is the same, that all roots come togeth­er in the One whose “Cen­ter is Every­where, and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”.

Yes, you will feel and know the truth of the Ancients, which is that we are one fam­i­ly, “We are all Relat­ed”. We are all ones of the One, and we are here quite sim­ply to feel this truth and to love one anoth­er. This is what you will find at the core of you; there you will feel the truth, that what is at the cen­ter of you is the source of one and all:

Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

The time of Can­cer is here; let us cel­e­brate the Fam­i­ly of Spir­it. Let us bow to our Mother/Father who is in heav­en, and who is equal­ly in our own very hearts too.

But this is a most spe­cial entrance of the Sun mov­ing into Can­cer, (June 20 at 5:44 pm EDT). That is because only a few hours lat­er, there will be a New Moon Eclipse of the Sun (June 21 at 2:41 am EDT).

Accord­ing to the Ancient Wis­dom, the most impor­tant cer­e­monies for Ini­ti­a­tion take place at the Spring and Fall Equinox­es, and the Sum­mer and Win­ter Sol­stices. They each hold their own spe­cial sig­nif­i­cance, all are holy. An Ini­ti­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny is timed with the New Moon, so that the Ini­ti­ate is car­ried through the planes and spheres for the 14 days of the wax­ing Moon.

When the New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse, as is this one, those Ini­ti­a­tions are said to be high­ly sig­nif­i­cant. The great­est Ini­ti­a­tions of all are set at a Total Solar Eclipse, with the cer­e­mo­ny held direct­ly beneath the path of Eclipse on Earth.

This is no ordi­nary turn­ing of the sea­sons. We are in a very spe­cial time.

May the light of truth, love and under­stand­ing guide our steps.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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