Daily Archives: July 21, 2020

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2020)

The Way of the Lion
To be true to thyself
To Hon­or one another
To Love one another
To For­ev­er Shine with the Light of the Sun

Today you begin your 30-day jour­ney through the Sign of the Sun, Leo. Hav­ing found a deep­er cen­ter­ing and secur­ing to one’s true self in Can­cer, hav­ing felt more tru­ly con­nect­ed to what lies at the heart of you (and as you go ever deep­er, what lies at the heart one and all), it is time for you to “sal­ly forth” and show what you are, to be true to your­self and shine for the world.

Some­where in your chart, and espe­cial­ly at this time of the year, you expe­ri­ence the celes­tial fire of Leo. There have been many cul­tures and reli­gions that ven­er­at­ed and “wor­shiped” the Sun; but the true nature of their ado­ra­tion was not for the phys­i­cal Sun. What they bowed to, what they held as most high and sacred, was the holy of holies revealed and hid­den behind the Solar Glory.

A core tenet of the Ancient Wis­dom is this: At the heart of every cen­ter of all the cen­ters of Cre­ation, in every sin­gle par­ti­cle of Cre­ation rang­ing from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal par­ti­cles, on up through atoms, mol­e­cules, min­er­als, plants, organ­isms, plan­ets, our Sun, stars and galax­ies, and equal­ly from the most phys­i­cal planes of man­i­fes­ta­tion to the most sub­lime reach­es of pure Spir­it, and from the most unawak­ened to the most lov­ing and wise of the co-cre­ators of Cre­ations, the shin­ing ones or devas, the bud­dhas and logoi, yes behind every one and behind it all stands the Eter­nal Flame of the One, which holds all of this Cre­ation togeth­er by One True Light, which is the pri­mal ener­gy-form you know as Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

This is the Fire you express in Leo,
It is the same Spir­it of the Solar Logos, and it shines in you too.
It is the Love you are made of; and it is the Love you are here to live by.

This is the les­son and mes­sage of Leo. You do not have to look for love; Love is what you are made of. You only need to reawak­en what you have known and felt before. In each of your many lives as human, you have been held by this love, some­times more, some­times less, and you have lived and loved by being this Truth of Love made manifest.

This Knowing/Feeling, this ulti­mate Truth of Spir­it, is the source of your Hap­pi­ness. Being who you are, being tru­ly your­self is “the Way”. Yes, you find what is at the root of you in the sign of Can­cer. Now in Leo, you play with the many ways to take these ener­gy-forms and weave them into your beau­ti­ful “Per­for­mances”, those mar­velous self-real­iza­tions by which you express your­self as a Leader and Cre­ator, and as a Lover too.

But you tru­ly shine when you see the oth­er before you as a “shin­ing one” too. You earn your respect by show­ing them respect; you find your hap­pi­ness in the joy that shines through their eyes. For you are human now, and you are made for and you are made by one anoth­er. You are here to love one anoth­er as you love your­self, unconditionally.

Love One Another.
Respect One Another.
Shine with the Light of the Sun.

This is the path; the path of Light and Love that leads to the heart of Creation.

The oth­er path, of fear and dark­ness, divides you from your true self and from one anoth­er. But it can­not cre­ate; it has no future and will with­er away.

Be what you are.
Be Fear­less, Faith­ful and Loving.
Be a Lion.