The Way of the Lion
To be true to thyself
To Honor one another
To Love one another
To Forever Shine with the Light of the Sun
Today you begin your 30-day journey through the Sign of the Sun, Leo. Having found a deeper centering and securing to one’s true self in Cancer, having felt more truly connected to what lies at the heart of you (and as you go ever deeper, what lies at the heart one and all), it is time for you to “sally forth” and show what you are, to be true to yourself and shine for the world.
Somewhere in your chart, and especially at this time of the year, you experience the celestial fire of Leo. There have been many cultures and religions that venerated and “worshiped” the Sun; but the true nature of their adoration was not for the physical Sun. What they bowed to, what they held as most high and sacred, was the holy of holies revealed and hidden behind the Solar Glory.
A core tenet of the Ancient Wisdom is this: At the heart of every center of all the centers of Creation, in every single particle of Creation ranging from the most infinitesimal particles, on up through atoms, molecules, minerals, plants, organisms, planets, our Sun, stars and galaxies, and equally from the most physical planes of manifestation to the most sublime reaches of pure Spirit, and from the most unawakened to the most loving and wise of the co-creators of Creations, the shining ones or devas, the buddhas and logoi, yes behind every one and behind it all stands the Eternal Flame of the One, which holds all of this Creation together by One True Light, which is the primal energy-form you know as Unconditional Love.
This is the Fire you express in Leo,
It is the same Spirit of the Solar Logos, and it shines in you too.
It is the Love you are made of; and it is the Love you are here to live by.
This is the lesson and message of Leo. You do not have to look for love; Love is what you are made of. You only need to reawaken what you have known and felt before. In each of your many lives as human, you have been held by this love, sometimes more, sometimes less, and you have lived and loved by being this Truth of Love made manifest.
This Knowing/Feeling, this ultimate Truth of Spirit, is the source of your Happiness. Being who you are, being truly yourself is “the Way”. Yes, you find what is at the root of you in the sign of Cancer. Now in Leo, you play with the many ways to take these energy-forms and weave them into your beautiful “Performances”, those marvelous self-realizations by which you express yourself as a Leader and Creator, and as a Lover too.
But you truly shine when you see the other before you as a “shining one” too. You earn your respect by showing them respect; you find your happiness in the joy that shines through their eyes. For you are human now, and you are made for and you are made by one another. You are here to love one another as you love yourself, unconditionally.
Love One Another.
Respect One Another.
Shine with the Light of the Sun.
This is the path; the path of Light and Love that leads to the heart of Creation.
The other path, of fear and darkness, divides you from your true self and from one another. But it cannot create; it has no future and will wither away.
Be what you are.
Be Fearless, Faithful and Loving.
Be a Lion.