Daily Archives: August 22, 2020

Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2020)

The Pathway of Perfection

There is but one ques­tion that you will face, again and again:

Why am I here?

If you remain still and lis­ten, you will hear the answer ris­ing from the divine spark with­in you, and you will hear your beloved soul lov­ing­ly reply:

You are here for one pur­pose only; you are here to become a bet­ter human.

The Wheel of Life is turn­ing once more, and in the Heav­en­ly King­dom above and in the inner­most sanc­tum of your heart, you will feel a change in the air now. There is a dif­fer­ent qual­i­ty of light at dawn, and at dusk, the days grow short­er, the nights are longer, and you know that you need to pre­pare for what lies ahead.

Yes, the whole world can feel it, and you can feel it too, that a new sea­son is com­ing. But before you can move for­ward you must turn around and tend to your har­vest; you have learned much, and you must gath­er the fruits of your labors over the last many months. Yes, before you move into the next sea­son of life you must under­stand what you have learned about your­self and your world.

Today you enter a time in between; today you move into Vir­go. In every year at this time, and wher­ev­er Vir­go is found in your chart, it is here for the next 30 days, and in that space for­ev­er, that you are offered the gift of attune­ment, align­ment, and healing.

After the realm of Leo, after you have stretched your­self into new forms of Lead­er­ship, Cre­ativ­i­ty and Love, after your lat­est per­for­mance, it is time to pause and review; it is time to inte­grate, adjust and pre­pare for the sec­ond half of the Cir­cle of Life that will begin in Libra.

In Vir­go you are offered the gift of a greater mea­sure of Self-Under­stand­ing; by Vir­go, you come to know and under­stand that your spir­i­tu­al jour­ney is about one thing only, Self-Mas­tery. Your first step to Mas­tery is to “know thy­self”, to use your won­drous gifts of Self-Aware­ness, Intel­li­gence and Objec­tiv­i­ty. By these tools of Mas­tery, you strive to attune and align the hier­ar­chy of your entire being, to forge an inte­gral bal­ance of your body, heart, and mind; as an Appren­tice of Spir­it, you train your­self and train with oth­ers to become a Mas­ter of Light through Right Think­ing and Right Action.

Your first step comes by your acknowl­edge­ment and accep­tance of this truth: that you are a work in progress that stretch­es back many years (and many lives). That where you are today is a prod­uct of what you (and many oth­ers) have helped to make. It is you who has have forged your strengths that you rely upon. And it is you as well who has drawn to your­self these chal­lenges which you must face now. Humbly yet wise­ly, you will come to under­stand that these very dif­fi­cul­ties are gift to you from you; that you made these ener­gy-forms by your past thoughts and deeds, and now they have returned to you, their author. Because these very chal­lenges will pro­vide you with the expe­ri­ences you need to improve your­self, you are the very instru­ment and means to your lift­ing your­self high­er upon the mas­ter­ly path of humil­i­ty and sac­ri­fice. This, of course, is the great law of Karma.

You will find inspi­ra­tion in the “great ones” who came this way before on the Path­way of Light and Love, whose exam­ples and teach­ings became part of the great philoso­phies, reli­gions and myths that are equal­ly to be found in your heart. They are the “known mas­ters”: Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, Pythago­ras, Jesus, Muham­mad, Bahá’u’l­láh and many oth­ers. But most who take up the life of ser­vice do so with­out recog­ni­tion; they have loved, sac­ri­ficed and forged the Path of Light for count­less cen­turies. They too are hon­ored by the Broth­er­hood of Light and Love.

Most cer­tain­ly, your prin­ci­pal guide will be your high­er self. Yet upon the path that leads from dark­ness to the light you will meet many teach­ers and stu­dents who will bring you gifts of com­pas­sion, grace, and love. Some you will know, some will pass unno­ticed, but all of them will serve you as you serve them too. Tru­ly, in every encounter you have, with Father and Moth­er, Broth­er and Sis­ter, Friend, Lover and Stranger too, each and every moment with all your fel­low humans, and oth­er life-forms too, in all of these expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er, you will be as dia­mond cut­ters of the soul for each oth­er, reveal­ing in joy­ous moments and painful ones too, the Light that resides with­in each and every heart.

Yes, we all have jobs to do. We all need to pro­vide for our­selves and loved ones with regards to our needs for food and shel­ter, com­fort, and secu­ri­ty. But, for each of us these occu­pa­tions are not the point or pur­pose of life at all.

The cen­tral pur­pose of your life, of any life, con­cerns your heart and your soul; life is all about your Spir­i­tu­al Life.

All that you do is a means to this end, to be a bet­ter human.

Equal­ly, you are here to help every oth­er human to be a bet­ter human too.

As you walk the path of Humil­i­ty and Wis­dom, the Way of Sac­ri­fice and Ser­vice, may you walk the path of Love and Beau­ty that is a mighty Riv­er of Light, may you always walk the Way of Beauty:

As I walk, as I walk

The Uni­verse is walk­ing with me

In beau­ty, it walks before me

In beau­ty, it walks behind me

In beau­ty, it walks below me

In beau­ty, it walks above me

Beau­ty is on every side

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

Liv­ing in Beauty

Lov­ing in Beauty

May you walk in Beauty

May you live in Beauty

For all your days

May you be at Peace

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

It is done.