Libra (by Johannes Franciscus Gijsbertus van den Berg)
We are made of one another…
Long, long ago, in the time when we became self-aware and self-knowing, we began to share with one another our stories. We shared our experiences, knowledge, and wisdom with one another. We knew one another and we cared for one another; and we found that our love within was met in another standing before us.
And that is how we began to become truly human.
We began to become human when we realized we are nothing without one another.
We understood that we could not be human without all these relations starting with Father/Mother, and Brother/Sister, Friend to Friend, with our steadfast Companions and those Dear Ones we love most deeply. We came to know them all and that is how we came to know ourselves.
And to this day, and for all our days to come, we are made of one another; they made us, and we made them. We are inseparable; for we are the many that make the One. In these Mansions of Spirit, you live with one another and make one another.
In the Houses of the Holy known as the Zodiac, each step has led to this. From each Sign you find another portion of what makes you whole. From the Awakening of Awareness in Aries, to the Substantiation of Value in Taurus, to the Delights of Intelligence in Gemini, to the Rooting and Centering in Cancer, to the Release of the Self in Leo, to the Wholeness of Peace you find in Virgo.
From all these sacred places and experiences, from the depths of your soul you know that you are ready for the next step. Now you must enter what I call “Third Space”. Forever and always you are in your own Sacred Space, for you are a field of Energy-Forms held as one; and whoever is before you, they are in their own Sacred Space too.
And what you create with one another is from both of you; it is the space of I and Thou. Relationship is a special Sacred Space; it is the “Third Space” that you make together. This is the Mansion of Libra; it is the Space of Relationship which is truly your only way to Freedom and Self-Realization.
For you are never free when you are alone…you are just alone. You can only be and become you from, through and by relationships. To do this, you learn to form these fields of relating so that they are mutually beneficial and supportive of one another’s development and self-realization.
In “Right Relationships”, when you have understood who you are, and equally who they are, you can then form a relationship with one another that supports and encourages each of you to be more of “That”. To be more of who you really are with one another than you ever could possibly be by yourself.
What is the way to Right Relationship?
By Mindfulness, we are to use our intelligence and reason to create our patterns of meeting one another so that they are guided by mutually agreed upon understandings of one another. We agree to treat one another reciprocally and equally, to treat one another as we would wish to be treated.
By Love, we are guided by our awareness that we are equal sparks of the Divine, and that each of is made by love; that we are equal and living embodiments of love. That whoever is before us, we by them experience the reflection of the Divine which shines is our heart too.
By Will, we hold and protect our sacred space of the Divine Spark, as we equally hold their sacred self to be a holy space too. We will not trespass upon one another. Moreover, we pledge to help one another towards greater self-mastery and self-determination. By joining freely, bending our wills towards ever greater self-control and self-mastery, we hold true to one another for mutual self-fulfillment.
We are the means to our becoming fully human, and we could never be on the path of becoming a complete human without all those with whom we have met, shared, struggled, supported, and loved.
Wherever Libra is found in your chart, and most especially in this time of Libra, strive to move beyond your greatest illusion, the illusion that is Separation.
Remember who and what you are.
You are made of many; you are made of one another.
Just look into one another’s eyes and you will see it shining back at you.
It is you and it is us; this is who we are.
We are the ones of the One, and we are all related.
Look at the light shining there and say to one another,