Daily Archives: September 21, 2020

Sun Enters Libra – The Equinox (September 22, 2020)

Libra (by Johannes Fran­cis­cus Gijs­ber­tus van den Berg)

We are made of one another…

Long, long ago, in the time when we became self-aware and self-know­ing, we began to share with one anoth­er our sto­ries. We shared our expe­ri­ences, knowl­edge, and wis­dom with one anoth­er. We knew one anoth­er and we cared for one anoth­er; and we found that our love with­in was met in anoth­er stand­ing before us.

And that is how we began to become tru­ly human.

We began to become human when we real­ized we are noth­ing with­out one another.
We under­stood that we could not be human with­out all these rela­tions start­ing with Father/Mother, and Brother/Sister, Friend to Friend, with our stead­fast Com­pan­ions and those Dear Ones we love most deeply. We came to know them all and that is how we came to know ourselves.

And to this day, and for all our days to come, we are made of one anoth­er; they made us, and we made them. We are insep­a­ra­ble; for we are the many that make the One. In these Man­sions of Spir­it, you live with one anoth­er and make one another.

In the Hous­es of the Holy known as the Zodi­ac, each step has led to this. From each Sign you find anoth­er por­tion of what makes you whole. From the Awak­en­ing of Aware­ness in Aries, to the Sub­stan­ti­a­tion of Val­ue in Tau­rus, to the Delights of Intel­li­gence in Gem­i­ni, to the Root­ing and Cen­ter­ing in Can­cer, to the Release of the Self in Leo, to the Whole­ness of Peace you find in Virgo.

From all these sacred places and expe­ri­ences, from the depths of your soul you know that you are ready for the next step. Now you must enter what I call “Third Space”. For­ev­er and always you are in your own Sacred Space, for you are a field of Ener­gy-Forms held as one; and who­ev­er is before you, they are in their own Sacred Space too.

And what you cre­ate with one anoth­er is from both of you; it is the space of I and Thou. Rela­tion­ship is a spe­cial Sacred Space; it is the “Third Space” that you make togeth­er. This is the Man­sion of Libra; it is the Space of Rela­tion­ship which is tru­ly your only way to Free­dom and Self-Realization.

For you are nev­er free when you are alone…you are just alone. You can only be and become you from, through and by rela­tion­ships. To do this, you learn to form these fields of relat­ing so that they are mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial and sup­port­ive of one another’s devel­op­ment and self-realization.

In “Right Rela­tion­ships”, when you have under­stood who you are, and equal­ly who they are, you can then form a rela­tion­ship with one anoth­er that sup­ports and encour­ages each of you to be more of “That”. To be more of who you real­ly are with one anoth­er than you ever could pos­si­bly be by yourself.

What is the way to Right Relationship?

By Mind­ful­ness, we are to use our intel­li­gence and rea­son to cre­ate our pat­terns of meet­ing one anoth­er so that they are guid­ed by mutu­al­ly agreed upon under­stand­ings of one anoth­er. We agree to treat one anoth­er rec­i­p­ro­cal­ly and equal­ly, to treat one anoth­er as we would wish to be treated.

By Love, we are guid­ed by our aware­ness that we are equal sparks of the Divine, and that each of is made by love; that we are equal and liv­ing embod­i­ments of love. That who­ev­er is before us, we by them expe­ri­ence the reflec­tion of the Divine which shines is our heart too.

By Will, we hold and pro­tect our sacred space of the Divine Spark, as we equal­ly hold their sacred self to be a holy space too. We will not tres­pass upon one anoth­er. More­over, we pledge to help one anoth­er towards greater self-mas­tery and self-deter­mi­na­tion. By join­ing freely, bend­ing our wills towards ever greater self-con­trol and self-mas­tery, we hold true to one anoth­er for mutu­al self-fulfillment.

We are the means to our becom­ing ful­ly human, and we could nev­er be on the path of becom­ing a com­plete human with­out all those with whom we have met, shared, strug­gled, sup­port­ed, and loved.

Wher­ev­er Libra is found in your chart, and most espe­cial­ly in this time of Libra, strive to move beyond your great­est illu­sion, the illu­sion that is Separation.

Remem­ber who and what you are.

You are made of many; you are made of one another.

Just look into one another’s eyes and you will see it shin­ing back at you.

It is you and it is us; this is who we are.

We are the ones of the One, and we are all related.

Look at the light shin­ing there and say to one another,
