Transcript of Radio Show: The Path of Light Part 2, Neptune and the Way of Unconditional Love
Today’s show is Part 2 of what I spoke (and then wrote) about in my last show (September 13th). We were looking at the Hierarchy of Energy-Forms that influence and inform our journey here on Earth. Working through the Hierarchical nature of the Universe, I looked at the various Cycles of Relationship that form our journey, from the Milky Way Galaxy on down to our planetary system. I finished with a brief observation on Pluto, and I thought it would be helpful to look at the second of the two remaining Evolutionary Planets, Neptune. If we have time, we will also consider Uranus, or I will examine its role in the next show.
Though I have traced a great many of the fundamental shifts we are experiencing now to the influence of Pluto in Capricorn, and to its cycle of relationship with the USA chart, I have also been commenting for some time on the meaningfulness of the planet Neptune during our current period, (as well as the significance of the planet Uranus too).
Truly, we should understand that these three outer planets of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus, forming what I call the “Triad of Spirit”, are the prime instruments or messengers of our Spiritual Journey and Evolution. We should always consider them as “working together”, but we can certainly look at their individual or separate influences and contributions as well.
I like to describe their three Primal Attributes as this: That by Pluto we strive towards Self-Mastery by a “Centered Will”; by Neptune we are supported to hold reality and one another in “Unconditional Love”; and by Uranus we are helped to become a unique Spark of the Divine by moving into ever “Freer Minds”.
The Arc of Awakening
For Mundane Astrology, the influence of Neptune moving through the Signs indicates the evolving shifts in Consciousness with regards to how Reality is conceived, experienced, and lived. This journey in Consciousness has been proceeding along an Arc of Awakening ever since Humans began to move into the first stages of self-awareness.
At lower levels, a human is limited to perceiving and experiencing the most basic factors of physical existence, with a circumscribed field of attention to the immediate surroundings of their world. As the spirit rises within any person, they will in any one life, and by a series of lives, move from level to level of inclusiveness and comprehension that encompasses ever more than the mere physical world and its limitations. Eventually, through a series of epiphanies and awakenings, the individual is able to encompass not only their familial, cultural and ultimately worldly understanding of humanity, but indeed they move beyond the Earth to encompass the entirety of the Solar System (and beyond), and to hold all that exists as One in their understanding of our journey through the Hierarchies of Time and Space.
By these series of Awakenings, an individual is said to have achieved what we know as an “Inclusive Consciousness”, a necessary part of human self-mastery. Those who have reached these heights of awareness are the leading lights of humanity, and they are known in various traditions as a “Jivanmutka”, or a “Buddha” or a “Christed one”. They are freed beings, having attained Spiritual Enlightenment and Liberation from the boundaries of their body and of Earth and are part of the stellar or Starry Company of Illumined Souls.
At this ultimate limit of what we as humans can imagine, (and it is the goal to which we are all heading, to be “fully human”), one is said to reach a level of consciousness that is described as all-encompassing, or as some would say, a truly Cosmic Consciousness. No longer bound by Earthly limits and physical forms, the individual’s lower mind ascends into the higher realms of understanding brought about with direct contact with the Energy-Forms comprising the Circle of Ascended Ones, who serve as the Spiritual Guardians for this Solar System.
We are all at some point on this path of awakening, moving from unself-aware sparks of the Divine to fully Self-Conscious Co-Creators of Creation. The examples set before us of those who lifted themselves out of darkness inspire us to this day: Confucius, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Jesus and many others not only point the way but continue to inspire our efforts. They will not leave us behind, but they may not, nor will they intervene. That is because we must all learn to know what is the good; we must struggle to lift ourselves up and choose to live by what is good and true. Just as they walked this path, we must come to this same self-mastery by learning what not to do, and how to be better and fuller humans.
Circles of Reality, Bubbles of Belief
The role of Neptune in this process is critical, (though truly, as I mentioned earlier, all three outer planets work together to forge the quickening of spirit), because Neptune holds the forms of reality that ultimately will be understood and experienced as “the One”.
Know this: All of Creation is the Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit of the One. To experience this, for even a brief instant, would produce for most ordinary and for any non-fully awakened consciousness, a shock that would shatter their being; it would quite simply be an encounter with what would appear to be pure Chaos! The One is beyond our comprehension, beyond our limited frameworks of principles, ideas, laws, or concepts. But this One is the Ultimate Reality. To us, as we look out into immensity of all of Creation it is truly chaotic; for those who have reached a higher consciousness it is sublime.
Neptune’s role for us in this journey of awakening is to move us steadily from less comprehensive to more encompassing experiences of this Oneness of Spirit. The One encompasses the whole of Creation, all life-forms, all feeling-forms, all thought-forms, and all spirit-forms. Within that One, whose “Center is Everywhere, and whose Circumference is Nowhere”, innumerable bubbles of more limited experiences of Reality exist.
For humans, these “Circles of Reality” are determined by the level of development of an individual’s degree of awakening, ranging from a very narrow experience of space and time, to ever more comprehensive and inclusive experiences. This proceeds through many stages and lives until they reach what is known as Apotheosis, and a completed human becomes truly divine. At lower levels, we could see the unfolding comprehension spiraling up from the limited bubble of a young child, to a young adult, to a mature adult, and perhaps in old age truly blossoming into some form of wisdom.
Within any group, region, culture or civilization, this same ordering of awareness and experience of reality can be seen, and here we find the formation of “Bubbles of Belief” that are created and shared by few, or many and sometimes all. Moreover, any one individual may find that their own formation of reality is intersected, sometimes more sometimes less, by many differing bubbles. You might picture these many intersecting “Reality Bubbles” as being formed like three-dimensional Venn Diagrams.
Depending upon the community, culture, and civilization you are examining, there will be one or more overarching or circumscribing “bubbles of reality-forms” that are shared by many. But the various sub-groups/sub-cultures may hold other subsets of “Bubbles of Belief”, which may be more or less tethered by and held together by the overarching Reality-Form. However, some of these “Bubbles of Beliefs” may become somewhat less or completely untethered to the general Paradigm of Belief of that group, culture, or civilization.
Neptune in Pisces
As Neptune moves through its 164-year orbit, there are moments when the strength and integrity of these bubbles of belief will shift. It seems that when Neptune is moving through the last sign of Pisces, the sign that it rules, the boundaries between “Belief/Reality-Forms” becomes thinner, and the combinations and transformations of those bubbles of belief become more pronounced. As you might have noticed, we are in such a period now from 2011 until 2026, and it has been observed by many that the Belief-Forms and Reality-Forms of our world are bending and mutating into rather exotic and sometimes seemingly very delusional manifestations.
As Pisces is the last Sign it often holds the whole of the previous cycle of experiences within it, like the final act in a play or movement in an opera or symphony. With Neptune in Pisces, we witness in these “end times” the reaping of the harvest of the prior period of the Paradigm of Belief and the formation of the seed for the next. The two previous Neptune passages in Pisces were 1848–1862 (which concluded the period that had started with Neptune in Aries from 1698–1712), and 1685–1698, (which finished the cycle that started in 1535–1548).
The most recent passage of Neptune in Pisces from 1848 to 1862, came during the build up to and beginning of the USA’s Civil War, wherein two completely incompatible views of humanity, (all humans are equal v. some humans are slaves), came to their final collision. The earlier period of 1685 to 1698, culminated in England with the last attempts at Catholic Rule and the restoration a Parliamentary form of Government and the triumph of a Protestant/Liberal culture.
What we are experiencing now is the end of our Neptunian Paradigm that began in Aries from 1862–1875. That is when the end of the Civil War led to the attempted but unfulfilled promise of Reconstruction in the South; that tragic failure, to address the grievous inequalities and injustices that remained in both the South, as well as in the North, are what we face in our Spiritual Crises of today.
It is no surprise that the rising tide of calls for Social Justice and Equal Rights have surged once again in this current period of Neptune in Pisces. Yet, because the boundaries between the various Bubbles of Reality formation are so porous and shifting, we find ourselves in a time when a commonly held Circle of Reality by a significant majority has been broken and shattered into ever more disconnected Bubbles of Belief.
Tower of Babel
Magnified by the modern phenomena of Social Media, and the proliferation and multiplication of sources of information and misinformation that are fired by the algorithms that drive outrage for profit, we have created a fragmenting and fracturing of our common understanding. We are immersed in a veritable cacophony of “Bubbles of Disharmonies”, and many souls (oftentimes unwittingly) are sharing and spreading half-truths and falsehoods.
It appears we humans have stumbled into what I would call another “Tower of Babel”; we speak words that carry very different meanings for one bubble versus another; we argue over what is a “fact” versus an “opinion”. We are held by incompatible Reality-Bubbles that divide us one from another. We are segmented into various parts or subsections within our country. Whether one looks at the divides between North and South, or Rural and Urban, or Coastal and Heartland, between ethnicities and sub-cultures, it has become exceedingly hard to find a common understanding or sense of purpose for these United States of America.
What can you do?
For me, and for all those who follow the path of the Ancient Wisdom, and equally the many who understand and follow the great teachers whose messages are the “Heart Doctrine” of all religious traditions, we will begin and remain upon the Shining Path of Unconditional Love.
It may seem paradoxical and oftentimes seemingly impossible, but that is the way of Truth. No matter who is before you, no matter how much what they do or say is disturbing or even repugnant to you, you must remember this and hold yourself to the path of Spirit and the clear Light of Truth:
“Love One Another”
Yes, yes, I know it is hard sometimes, and you and I will often stumble and fall short. And we will have to try again to listen to our heart day after day. We will have to find our strength through love. We must choose to not react to fear with fear, or to anger with anger; the way of Shadow and Fear is the path towards Pain and Loss.
It is easy to react, it takes no effort for it is mindless and often heartless. It is wiser though seemingly harder to choose to change the energy that came at you; to turn a negative Energy-Form and return with one that is positive. But that is the way of becoming fully human, to be an agent of creativity, renewal, and rebirth. That is why we are asked to show our strength, wisdom, and love by “turning the other cheek”. By doing this you are not being weak or cowardly whatsoever; this is true courage, because it comes from the heart which does not act from fear. This is the Strength of Love; this is building your life on Truth and Light.
Love is the way; it is the only way. It is the Way of Peace and Understanding. This is the Truth of Neptune. Neptune is the Way of Unconditional Love. It is the Light at the Core of you and of all Creation.
The One is the source of all; Unconditional Love is the foundation of the Universe. It is the Universal Power that holds each and every particle of Creation by, for, and in Love. When you hold yourself by this Love and act from this center, you will dispel the shadows and fears in yourself and in others.
Truly, this the Ultimate Encompassing Circle of Belief, the hidden Root of all the countless Bubbles of Belief. Unconditional Love is the One; this is the All-Encompassing Bubble of Reality, of which all lesser Bubbles are held.
If you start with this, if you start with Love, you will stay on the Path of Light and perhaps be the means to help another; you may be able to connect to those whose anger is formed by misunderstanding and fear. When you respond with Love and Understanding, you create an alternate pathway for the next step in that interaction. The reactive passing on of a negative energy-form, one that may have persisted for an awfully long time, has been broken.
Whether they are ready to take this step is up to them. But at the very least you have contributed to the de-escalation of the troubled thought-feeling-forms that have held them. You have offered a path towards understanding, and a way to move into a greater and more inclusive Bubble of Belief.
The path towards Spiritual Truth cannot be found by imposing or forcing truth upon another, for that is a greater untruth. Truth can only be found and lived by having been elicited from within the heart. We are here to lead one another out into a Greater Understanding.
The Ancient Wisdom holds that Creation is the manifestation of Truth. As much as the Truth is “out there” forming the foundation for everything in the vastness of the Cosmos, it is equally to found and awakened as a shinning splendor in every human heart and mind.
Be mindful, be gentle, be loving, and you will be on the path.
This is the Message of Neptune.
This is the Way of Unconditional Love.