Daily Archives: September 29, 2020

The New Masculine Podcast, with Travis Scott – Episode 24 with Bill Attride

I am very hap­py to share with you the Pod­cast “The New Mas­cu­line” with Travis Scott. I was the guest on his show recent­ly, and I think many of you would enjoy hear­ing Travis and me share expe­ri­ences and thoughts. I speak about my jour­ney of dis­cov­ery of how I became who I am, and what Astrol­o­gy has to say about the for­ma­tion of iden­ti­ty and how our expe­ri­ences of one anoth­er make us who we are.

Here is the link to the pod­cast: The-new-masculine.simplecast.com/episodes/bill-attride-astrologer-seer-transformer