2020-10-11 Radio Show Transcript — The Path of Light Part 3, Uranus and Individuality

Tran­script of Radio Show: The Path of Light, Part 3 Uranus and Individuality
(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

Today’s show is Part 3 of my review of the Hier­ar­chy of Ener­gy-Forms that influ­ence and guide our lives here on Earth. I began in Part 1 by con­sid­er­ing some of the longer-term influ­ences rang­ing from the Galaxy down to our Solar Sys­tem end­ing with the influ­ence of Plu­to. In Part 2, we con­tin­ued by look­ing at the role of Nep­tune. Today I will con­sid­er the role of Uranus.

The Tri­ad of Spirit
These three plan­ets form what I like to call the “Tri­ad of Spir­it”, and they are the prin­ci­pal Avatars for the ener­gy-forms that dri­ve the evo­lu­tion of our Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney here on Earth. With­in the Will of the One, whose Cir­cum­fer­ence holds the entire­ty of Cre­ation, Plu­to is for us, in our sys­tem, the Avatar of the mak­er of the Bound­aries for and the Con­tain­ers of all the less­er Spir­it-Forms rang­ing from Galax­ies, to Stars to Plan­ets, and all the count­less life-forms that fill the heav­ens. Through­out this seem­ing­ly infini­tude of Con­tain­ers with­in the all-encom­pass­ing One, Nep­tune rep­re­sents for us the Ener­gy-Form that fills these Spaces of Space. It is said that Space is not “emp­ty” but is in truth a Full­ness, called the Plero­ma, and that all of Space is the One. The fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Form that fills the Spaces of Space is Life, it is the Love of the One, and we humans know this as Uncon­di­tion­al Love. Uranus is the Third Prin­ci­ple of the Tri­une Nature of God, and from it we are each made into a Self-Aware unique, spe­cial, and indi­vid­ual embod­i­ment of the One.

If Plu­to is the Will of God, and Nep­tune is the Love of God, then Uranus is the Mind of God. What I like to say is that with­in every mote and par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, in every Galaxy, Star, Plan­et, and in every crea­ture great and small, there is a spark of the Divine which has some degree of aware­ness. That spark of the Divine is the Mon­ad of that enti­ty, formed by the Will, and the Love and the Mind of the One Spir­it, the Pri­mal Cause for every­thing and everyone.

Because of this, the Ancient Wis­dom holds that the entire Uni­verse is not only Alive but equal­ly holds that every-thing and every-being is endowed with some degree and form of Con­scious­ness. Yes, the whole Uni­verse is alive and awake, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal par­ti­cles, on up through atoms and mol­e­cules, to life-forms small and large, on up to the Mag­is­te­r­i­al lords of the plan­ets, stars, and galax­ies. Because all these many ones are part of the One Will, and the One Love, and equal­ly the One Mind of God, the whole of Cre­ation can also be expe­ri­enced as pure Spir­i­tu­al Consciousness.

Sparks of the Divine, The Monads
That is why the fol­low­ers of the Ancient Teach­ings know and under­stand this: Cre­ation is the jour­ney of the Mon­ads of Spir­it who are Sparks of the Divine; Cre­ation is the jour­ney of Spir­i­tu­al Con­scious­ness through Ener­gy-Forms that are formed and informed by the Will, Love and Mind of the One. As a Mon­ad pro­gress­es through lives and forms, it will unfold ever­more its capac­i­ty for Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. Each Spark of the Divine, each Mon­ad, is a unique or indi­vid­ual expres­sion of the Divine. What I like to say is that the essen­tial con­sti­tu­tion of each Mon­ad car­ries a “Quin­tes­sence” of that Spark of the Divine, and it is that par­tic­u­lar spir­i­tu­al quin­tes­sence that makes you and I the very spe­cial ones that we are. And much of what makes you spe­cial is held by the Avatar Uranus, the Avatar of Indi­vid­u­a­tion by Freer Minds.

Through the jour­ney in space-time, and by a series of forms, and lived in innu­mer­able lives, each Mon­ad will at some point enter the realm of Self-Aware Con­scious­ness, of which our Human King­dom is one.

The Awak­en­ing
The sto­ry told of this moment is found in many teach­ings, myths, and leg­ends. It is when the “gods” walked among us; it is when the Light-Bear­ers came to us. It was their Karmic Duty to pass on the light of self-aware­ness, and we entered our first tru­ly human state of self-aware con­scious­ness. Before then, we had been par­tial­ly con­scious but held with­in a realm of shad­ows and igno­rance; when we woke up, we crossed a fun­da­men­tal thresh­old that divides the dark­ness from the light.

From that moment onwards, our spir­i­tu­al quick­en­ing was estab­lished, as we began to be guid­ed con­scious­ly by our own Will, Love, and by an ever more Self-Aware Con­scious­ness; we were now able to become more con­scious co-cre­ators of this Cre­ation. Through our awak­en­ing, the unfold­ment of our Divine poten­tial became more insis­tent, as it was now being forged by an ever increas­ing­ly self-deter­mined and self-aware con­scious­ness whose prin­ci­ple instru­ment is held by the Avatar that is Uranus.

But this also set in motion one of the greater chal­lenges of our jour­ney. We have had to strug­gle with the spir­i­tu­al chal­lenge of try­ing to hold togeth­er the seem­ing­ly con­flict­ing Ener­gy-Forms of Uranus and Nep­tune with­in the Cru­cible of the Will formed by Plu­to. We are still attempt­ing to find a way to weave togeth­er and bal­ance the Nep­tun­ian “Song of Com­mu­nal­i­ty” with the Uran­ian “Song of Individuality”.

Com­mu­nal­i­ty and Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, Dri­ver of History
Through­out human his­to­ry, (or maybe it is bet­ter under­stood that this is the dri­ver to the sto­ry of this  human phase of our jour­ney), the attempt to bal­ance and inte­grate the cre­ative ten­sion between self­less­ness and self-asser­tion, between com­mu­ni­ty and indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, between Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Freer Minds has been the prin­ci­pal dri­ver for the rise and fall of com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures and civ­i­liza­tions. It may come as no sur­prise that we find our­selves in a moment that cer­tain­ly high­lights this chal­lenge right now.

As I dis­cussed in the last show, the role of Nep­tune is to be the Avatar of the over­ar­ch­ing par­a­digm of beliefs in any com­mu­ni­ty, cul­ture, or civ­i­liza­tion. It is what I call the Hold­er of the encom­pass­ing Bub­ble of Beliefs; and that Par­a­digm of Belief is made up of many small­er and inter­laced belief bub­bles that are held by sec­tions and sub­groups with­in any cul­ture. As I not­ed, when you look at any com­mu­ni­ty, cul­ture, and civ­i­liza­tion there will be one or more over­ar­ch­ing or cir­cum­scrib­ing “Bub­bles of Belief” that are shared by many. But the var­i­ous sub-group­s/­sub-cul­tures may hold oth­er sub­sets of “Bub­bles of Belief”, which will be teth­ered by and held togeth­er by the over­ar­ch­ing Real­i­ty-Form. How­ev­er, some of these “Bub­bles of Beliefs” may become some­what less or com­plete­ly unteth­ered to the gen­er­al Par­a­digm of Belief of that group, cul­ture, or civilization.

Uranus, Freer Minds
Look­ing to the Role of Uranus, which is to fos­ter and devel­op our Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty by Freer Minds and more self-aware under­stand­ings, those indi­vid­u­als and groups who are devel­op­ing more spir­i­tu­al­ly indi­vid­u­at­ed minds may sep­a­rate from the main belief sys­tem, as it may no longer be suf­fi­cient for them; they are think­ing more “for them­selves”. With­in any one Bub­ble of Belief there will be some­times more and some­times few­er mem­bers who have sep­a­rat­ed them­selves from the main belief struc­ture because of their own spir­i­tu­al­ly indi­vid­u­at­ing journey.

These Freer Thinkers have moved beyond the ortho­dox or typ­i­cal beliefs, and by so doing they have often raised their under­stand­ing to a more inclu­sive and spir­i­tu­al place of under­stand­ing. In a way, they become a van­guard or advanced sec­tion of those humans in that peri­od. The deter­mi­na­tion that they have indeed pro­gressed spir­i­tu­al­ly is that they hold them­selves in a fun­da­men­tal attune­ment with the One, with the Tri­ad of Spir­it. If so, then we can see that they are guid­ed by Freer Minds, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Cen­tered Wills.

But it is equal­ly pos­si­ble that oth­er indi­vid­u­als and groups may use their so-called freer minds to cre­ate sub­sets of belief that are spir­i­tu­al­ly regres­sive, a turn­ing-back to a more lim­it­ed belief struc­ture. There are many exam­ples of these so-called freer thinkers look­ing to the past, with a desire to return to what they con­sid­er to be a bet­ter time than the present; they think and act so as to restore or res­ur­rect a hier­ar­chy of belief and val­ue which restores their vision of what is “the old good”. But we will find that most of these indi­vid­u­als and groups are dri­ven by fear and not love; that rather than the inclu­siv­i­ty of Uncon­di­tion­al Love as the basis of Spir­i­tu­al Truth they divide their world into “us” and “them”.

Through­out His­to­ry, one can find peri­ods where the major­i­ty in a com­mu­ni­ty or cul­ture hold to a more or less well-defined and accept­ed belief sys­tem; but there are peri­ods where this com­mon­al­i­ty of belief breaks down. As I not­ed in the last show, the peri­od we are in with Nep­tune in Pisces from 2011 to 2026, and the par­al­lels to the oth­er times in his­to­ry when Nep­tune was there, cer­tain­ly cre­ates con­di­tions for the per­me­abil­i­ty and dis­so­lu­tion of the integri­ty of the pre­sid­ing Par­a­digm, and the over-arch­ing “Bub­ble of Belief” pops. At such times there is great con­fu­sion, with mul­ti­ple and con­flict­ing claims as to what is a fact, or how to deter­mine what is true and what is false. This is the time we are in now.

Uranus in Taurus
I do not sup­pose that it would sur­prise you that the con­tri­bu­tion of Uranus to our present cir­cum­stance is also an espe­cial­ly impor­tant fac­tor. Uranus is in Tau­rus from 2018 to 2026. If we look to his­to­ry, the indi­ca­tions are rather strik­ing. Uranus was also in Tau­rus from 1935 to 1942, and 1851 to 1859, and 1768 to 1775. With Tau­rus being the hold­er for the expe­ri­ence of Val­ue, Uranus as the Awak­en­er will lead to an erup­tion of change in the expe­ri­ence and under­stand­ing of val­ues dur­ing these peri­ods; it will dri­ve any social order to face a cri­sis, break­down and shift in the val­ues of their com­mu­ni­ty and culture.

For exam­ple, the 1935–42 pas­sage wit­nessed a great upheaval in the world with regards to ques­tions of val­ue and the Eco­nom­ic-Polit­i­cal order, with the strug­gle com­ing from the cri­sis of the Great Depres­sion between Cap­i­tal­ism, Social­ism, Com­mu­nism and Fas­cism. The 1851–59 pas­sage saw the clash between the two val­ue sys­tems and two Cul­tur­al-Eco­nom­ic orders in the USA, between the Free Labor econ­o­my in the North, and Slave Labor econ­o­my in the South. The 1768–1775 pas­sage wit­nessed the strug­gle of two polit­i­cal-economies, Colo­nial­ism or Self-Deter­mi­na­tion as the Amer­i­can colonies strug­gled to assert greater self-deter­mi­na­tion over their lives lead­ing up to the start of the Rev­o­lu­tion­ary War.

In each of these peri­ods, revolt, rebel­lion even rev­o­lu­tion was per­me­at­ing the cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal order. A great clash of ideas and ide­olo­gies led to schisms and con­flicts over essen­tial val­ues between groups and regions. An old order of val­ue was being chal­lenged by a series of crises of val­ue that were in fact the end prod­uct of the old order crum­bling into a fail­ing hier­ar­chy of val­ue and belief.

Uranus and Nep­tune, Par­al­lels in Time
If we are to draw par­al­lels about the role of Uranus and Nep­tune act­ing in con­cert in these peri­ods, and con­sid­er­ing our own present cir­cum­stance, I would have to state that our time is much like the 1850’s to the 1860’s, where both Uranus was in Tau­rus and Nep­tune in Pisces. That is where they both are now. Once again, we are faced with both the break­down of a Uni­ver­sal­ly shared Par­a­digm of Belief by Nep­tune, while we are also faced with the shat­ter­ing of the old val­ue sys­tem by Uranus that was estab­lished at the end of World War II.

Free­dom, The Illusion
Yes, it would seem, giv­en that Nep­tune in Pisces has blurred the lines between Truth, Fact and Delu­sion, and Uranus has Freed our minds with regards to ques­tions of Val­ue, giv­en this Pro­tean moment in his­to­ry, each of us is “freer” than we have been before. We are free to decide what is true and what is not, we can deter­mine what is fact and what is fic­tion. Giv­en the pow­er to believe any­thing and deter­mine what is and what is not, we are tru­ly freer now than ever before.

But it cer­tain­ly does not seem freer, does it? Why, what is miss­ing? What we are miss­ing is that we are only human, and we can­not think or believe in a man­ner that is sep­a­rate from the Greater Real­i­ty of which we are a very small part; we can­not, on our own, be defin­ers of what is real and what is not real. That belongs to a high­er power.

Laws of the Universe
The Laws of the Uni­verse are just that, Uni­ver­sal Laws that are the embod­i­ment of the One; and for that very rea­son those same Truths and Laws reside with­in each of us as well. Whether we are look­ing through the Meta­phys­i­cal lens of Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, or the Log­i­cal lens of Phi­los­o­phy, or the Phys­i­cal lens of Sci­ence, all of these are ordered and held togeth­er as one by the Will, Love, and Mind of the One. Truth is out there in the whole of Cre­ation; and that means that it equal­ly abides in our very con­sti­tu­tion from the phys­i­cal to the spir­i­tu­al realm in each human being. But to tru­ly dis­cov­er and under­stand this truth you must act human­ly; we are co-cre­ators of our con­scious­ness; we need to share with one anoth­er. That very word we use to define our aware­ness, con­scious­ness, means “know­ing-togeth­er”.

Yes, you can make things up, you can sup­pose or even believe what is phys­i­cal­ly, log­i­cal­ly, or spir­i­tu­al­ly true for you…but that will nev­er make it so. So, the ques­tion becomes, what can, or should you do with your lim­it­ed free will and with your lim­it­ed free mind?

What you must first acknowl­edge is that we do live in a Cre­ation that is gov­erned by Spir­i­tu­al, Men­tal, Emo­tion­al and Phys­i­cal Laws, and that in order for your val­ues and beliefs to real­ly approach the Truth, they must cor­re­spond with this Greater Real­i­ty. For­tu­nate­ly, much has been dis­cov­ered, dis­cerned, and is avail­able for you already. You are the heir to a great for­tune, found in the Halls of Spir­i­tu­al Wis­dom, in the Holy Teach­ings form­ing the heart of every Reli­gion, and in the pur­suit of the Truths of Sci­ence with regards to the phys­i­cal laws of the Uni­verse. The great­est minds that ever lived have left you a lega­cy, and you can build your under­stand­ing upon what has been giv­en to you. Start with these gifts from the wise ones; build your tem­ple of truth on the foun­da­tions made by the great ones whose work and gifts are eternal.

How to know Truth
But the jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and the estab­lish­ment of truth is an ever-evolv­ing endeav­or. The most essen­tial gift of hav­ing a freer mind is your capac­i­ty to ques­tion, test and val­i­date a the­o­ry or law or fact. There is noth­ing wrong with this, it is in fact nec­es­sary to your spir­i­tu­al growth and the pur­suit of Truth. You are not here mere­ly to accept what you read or what you are told; you must seek to under­stand for your­self, to affirm and then add to the gifts of your ancestors.

How do we estab­lish what is truer, or more fac­tu­al? We do what we have always done ever since we woke up; we need to be human; we need to remem­ber that we made one anoth­er through our gift of shar­ing with one anoth­er. We humans are sto­ry­tellers, and we need to tell each oth­er our sto­ries, share our expe­ri­ences, com­pare our find­ings, and keep refin­ing from all these impres­sions, expe­ri­ences, dis­cov­er­ies, and real­iza­tions of what is “tru­ly truer”. We need one anoth­er to lift one anoth­er up to our Greater Understanding.

We need to lis­ten to one anoth­er and under­stand where we agree and where we have a dif­fer­ence. But we need to bal­ance Uranus, our crit­i­cal, doubt­ing, ques­tion­ing intel­li­gence with Nep­tune, by always remem­ber­ing that we are made of one anoth­er and we must always treat one anoth­er as we would wish to be treat­ed; we need to weave togeth­er our Freer Minds with our Uncon­di­tion­al Love for one another.

We need to hold togeth­er these three Avatars: By Plu­to we forge our Cen­tered Wills so that we will nev­er tres­pass upon anoth­er; with Nep­tune we act with Uncon­di­tion­al Love because we are ones of the One; and with Uranus we strive for Freer Minds to under­stand our­selves and our Uni­verse. Only togeth­er can these pow­ers work; only togeth­er can we be bet­ter humans.

Yes, it is by fol­low­ing the path of the Lone­ly Ones, the Wise Ones, the Teach­ers and Heal­ers, that is the only way. We must for­ev­er strive for more Self-Con­trol through a Cen­tered Will, Kind­li­ness through Uncon­di­tion­al Love, and Wis­dom through Freer Minds.

This is the path.

It has always been the path.

For those on the path, we say “Let Thy Will be Done”.

For This is the Way of the One.

And we are the ones of the One.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

One thought on “2020-10-11 Radio Show Transcript — The Path of Light Part 3, Uranus and Individuality

  1. Asli

    Hi Bill!

    How can I email you please? I would love to add your show’s tran­skript into my new book if pos­si­ble, I could­nt help but already trans­lat­ed the 3 parts of it into Turk­ish which is the lan­guage of my book. The book is going to archive a new guin­ness record as I write it with a spe­cial math. My inten­tion doing this to protest and shake peo­ple minds about the real issues about the world right now be it Cli­mate Change, femi­cide, mis­an­thropy, racism, child abuse, tox­ic shame and the rest and what we should do about it.

    I also worked with many oth­er arti­cle own­ers abroad but yours is noth­ing like else and I have some spe­cial chap­ter for it. I just could­nt hold my tears first time heard the show!

    One of my pro­fes­sion­al trans­la­tor friend going to check my mis­takes before pub­lis­ing it.

    So, do you want to be part of it?

    Please get back to me for fur­ther details on the email I use to com­ment to this post! I will be very hap­py if you give permission!

    Wait­ing with excitement,

    Best Regards!


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