Daily Archives: October 21, 2020

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 22, 2020)

The Gift of Scorpio

You are not what you seem. Oh no, you are much more than this phys­i­cal body of flesh, blood, and bone. That is your vehi­cle; but it is not you. You are more than that, you know. And now you also under­stand that you are not you with­out one anoth­er too; this is the gift of rela­tion­ship met in the realm of Libra.

You are a spark of the Divine; you are an Immor­tal in a beau­ti­ful but mor­tal body. Your body is your home and your means to exist as a phys­i­cal being on this earth­ly plane. But every­thing and every­one on Earth is here for a tru­ly short time; we move from life to life and through form after form as we make our way through the stars.

Behind all the innu­mer­able forms you live as a mor­tal, behind them all is what resides in your heart of Spir­it, the Noume­na of Cre­ation; behind the phe­nom­e­na of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness there is just the One, whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere. The whole of Cre­ation is a field of ener­gy-forms that are all held in the One Field of the One. You, yes you, are a micro­cosm of the cos­mos, and your own field of ener­gy-forms moves through a hier­ar­chy of oth­er ener­gy-forms. The Uni­verse is known Meta­phys­i­cal­ly and Sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly as a Full­ness or Plero­ma, an unimag­in­ably vast Field of Ener­gy-Forms. And we humans? We are all sparks of the Divine, Lumi­nous Bub­bles of Ener­gy-Forms too; we are but lit­tle Light-Forms who in our com­bi­na­tion with many oth­er life-forms are the Radi­ance of the One.

The Uni­verse is a Hier­ar­chy of wholes. Each less­er whole, like we humans, seems to be sep­a­rate from the oth­ers. Be we are, of course, shaped, live and thrive through all the greater and more encom­pass­ing wholes (for exam­ple of fam­i­ly, friends, com­mu­ni­ties). These innu­mer­able wholes in every king­dom or realm form the Cos­mos, like wheels with­in wheels, which we can ulti­mate­ly com­pre­hend and encom­pass into the holi­est of wholes, the One.

It is your great­est illu­sion to believe and act as if you are sep­a­rate and apart from any­thing and any­one. You are inex­tri­ca­bly and won­drous­ly part of one anoth­er; your field of self­hood has been, and will always be, made from all the con­tacts, con­nec­tions, mix­ings and trans­for­ma­tions that you have had since your birth as an “inde­pen­dent” being.

From Mother/Father, Sister/Brother, Friend/Lover, from casu­al to inti­mate, long-lived or short, and mere­ly chance encoun­ters too, you have been made by your connecting/blending/transforming into you; your ener­gy-field has been made from and by so many oth­ers. They have become part of you, and you will always be part of them.

Your sen­si­bil­i­ties, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, truths, and wis­dom too…all of it you owe to oth­ers, as they also owe theirs to you. We are one another’s means to be who we are. From our first breath we became the means to one another’s becom­ing human; we are for one anoth­er the agents of awak­en­ing and becom­ing more ful­ly human in this our fam­i­ly of the human.

But know this too, much of what made you was by count­less semi to uncon­scious acts, con­nec­tions, and blending’s with many oth­ers; it just hap­pened. That is per­fect­ly fine, but it is not enough. Not if you are to become a tru­ly Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

Here in Scor­pio you take the most impor­tant step. You Choose; you move into Con­scious­ly Cre­at­ed Spaces of Union. Hav­ing first estab­lished the space that is rela­tion­ship as a mutu­al­ly con­scious act in Libra, it is here in the Realm of Scor­pio, in the Sacred Space of Alche­my, that  the “I and thou” are formed by mak­ing a self-con­scious­ly aware choice of join­ing in Union with one anoth­er. It is in Scor­pio that the Mys­tery and Mag­ic of Com­bi­na­tion is found.

In this time of Scor­pio, and wher­ev­er Scor­pio is found in your chart, you must choose to enter the “Cru­cible of Union”, the Sacred Space of Spir­it. For every­thing and every­one in the Uni­verse is formed by com­bi­na­tions. This is the source of Spir­i­tu­al Growth. Since the One became the many, atoms have com­bined with oth­er atoms to form larg­er ones, and mol­e­cules with mol­e­cules, and organ­isms with organ­isms. From the largest wholes of Galax­ies, Stars and Plan­ets down to the most infin­i­tes­i­mal of beings, all of Cre­ation is forged and trans­formed by the “Self-Made Motions of Becom­ing” made in the Cru­cible of Spir­it, the Alche­my that is Space.

When­ev­er you enter any joint endeav­or, whether in per­son­al and busi­ness part­ner­ships, in friend­ship or casu­al com­bi­na­tions, and most espe­cial­ly in your most sacred of Holy Unions, you must be pre­pared. It is here in the Sign of Alche­my that you must will­ing­ly and con­scious­ly choose to com­bine with one anoth­er. You enter here a sacred realm, and for this rea­son you must be pre­pared to make your sacrifice.

Yes, in Scor­pio you must choose what you are will­ing to give up so that you might gain some­thing fin­er; you must come to dis­cern what is nego­tiable and what is non-nego­tiable with­in you. In a tru­ly spir­i­tu­al union, you must each give up the less­er with­in you, and by this affirm and secure the greater with­in and between you. And as you each give up some­thing for one anoth­er, and indeed move clos­er to a Union with one anoth­er, you also dis­cov­er the greater mys­tery behind Scor­pio, the mys­tery and joy of re-birth.

For as much as you will by your mutu­al self-sac­ri­fice and mutu­al self-affir­ma­tions move clos­er to one anoth­er, you also real­ize that by this Alchem­i­cal Work you have been brought clos­er to your own true self too. You have done the sacred work, of giv­ing up the less­er to affirm, hon­or and live out the greater in your lives.

Scor­pio is the Forge of Spir­it; it is the realm of Chem­istry in the phys­i­cal world, and Alche­my in the Spir­i­tu­al. It is said that the strongest sign of the Zodi­ac is Scor­pio, and it must be so for a very good rea­son, (but remem­ber, we all have Scor­pio some­where in our charts).

You must be strong, you must be brave, for in Scor­pio you will reach the great­est heights, and plumb the deep­est depths. Yes, you will expe­ri­ence the joy of tru­ly reach­ing out to one anoth­er and becom­ing more one with each oth­er. That Joy will lift you high­er than ever before, and you will feel that there is some­thing more to life than what it appears to be. That there is some­thing, there must be some­thing, that is for­ev­er and ever.

But you will also face the awful truth that what­ev­er you felt, and even if for a moment you feel that some part of you is Immor­tal, you will also know that you live on a mor­tal plane, and that noth­ing here will last. Yes, you will real­ize the bit­ter fruit of your self-aware­ness. That if we are to Love, we will expe­ri­ence Loss; if we are to have Joy, we will also have Pain; these are insep­a­ra­ble for us because we are human, and we know and we feel these truths.

Scor­pio bring us the great­est gift, and the deep­est of challenges.

It is the Joy of Union and the agony of Separation.

But in the end, we will know and under­stand. We have noth­ing to fear.

We are here to become ful­ly human; to dance through forms we made, in life after life.

We are Immor­tals in mor­tal frames, and we are here to shine.

This is the Gift of Scorpio.