Sun Enters Scorpio (October 22, 2020)

The Gift of Scorpio

You are not what you seem. Oh no, you are much more than this phys­i­cal body of flesh, blood, and bone. That is your vehi­cle; but it is not you. You are more than that, you know. And now you also under­stand that you are not you with­out one anoth­er too; this is the gift of rela­tion­ship met in the realm of Libra.

You are a spark of the Divine; you are an Immor­tal in a beau­ti­ful but mor­tal body. Your body is your home and your means to exist as a phys­i­cal being on this earth­ly plane. But every­thing and every­one on Earth is here for a tru­ly short time; we move from life to life and through form after form as we make our way through the stars.

Behind all the innu­mer­able forms you live as a mor­tal, behind them all is what resides in your heart of Spir­it, the Noume­na of Cre­ation; behind the phe­nom­e­na of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness there is just the One, whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere. The whole of Cre­ation is a field of ener­gy-forms that are all held in the One Field of the One. You, yes you, are a micro­cosm of the cos­mos, and your own field of ener­gy-forms moves through a hier­ar­chy of oth­er ener­gy-forms. The Uni­verse is known Meta­phys­i­cal­ly and Sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly as a Full­ness or Plero­ma, an unimag­in­ably vast Field of Ener­gy-Forms. And we humans? We are all sparks of the Divine, Lumi­nous Bub­bles of Ener­gy-Forms too; we are but lit­tle Light-Forms who in our com­bi­na­tion with many oth­er life-forms are the Radi­ance of the One.

The Uni­verse is a Hier­ar­chy of wholes. Each less­er whole, like we humans, seems to be sep­a­rate from the oth­ers. Be we are, of course, shaped, live and thrive through all the greater and more encom­pass­ing wholes (for exam­ple of fam­i­ly, friends, com­mu­ni­ties). These innu­mer­able wholes in every king­dom or realm form the Cos­mos, like wheels with­in wheels, which we can ulti­mate­ly com­pre­hend and encom­pass into the holi­est of wholes, the One.

It is your great­est illu­sion to believe and act as if you are sep­a­rate and apart from any­thing and any­one. You are inex­tri­ca­bly and won­drous­ly part of one anoth­er; your field of self­hood has been, and will always be, made from all the con­tacts, con­nec­tions, mix­ings and trans­for­ma­tions that you have had since your birth as an “inde­pen­dent” being.

From Mother/Father, Sister/Brother, Friend/Lover, from casu­al to inti­mate, long-lived or short, and mere­ly chance encoun­ters too, you have been made by your connecting/blending/transforming into you; your ener­gy-field has been made from and by so many oth­ers. They have become part of you, and you will always be part of them.

Your sen­si­bil­i­ties, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, truths, and wis­dom too…all of it you owe to oth­ers, as they also owe theirs to you. We are one another’s means to be who we are. From our first breath we became the means to one another’s becom­ing human; we are for one anoth­er the agents of awak­en­ing and becom­ing more ful­ly human in this our fam­i­ly of the human.

But know this too, much of what made you was by count­less semi to uncon­scious acts, con­nec­tions, and blending’s with many oth­ers; it just hap­pened. That is per­fect­ly fine, but it is not enough. Not if you are to become a tru­ly Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

Here in Scor­pio you take the most impor­tant step. You Choose; you move into Con­scious­ly Cre­at­ed Spaces of Union. Hav­ing first estab­lished the space that is rela­tion­ship as a mutu­al­ly con­scious act in Libra, it is here in the Realm of Scor­pio, in the Sacred Space of Alche­my, that  the “I and thou” are formed by mak­ing a self-con­scious­ly aware choice of join­ing in Union with one anoth­er. It is in Scor­pio that the Mys­tery and Mag­ic of Com­bi­na­tion is found.

In this time of Scor­pio, and wher­ev­er Scor­pio is found in your chart, you must choose to enter the “Cru­cible of Union”, the Sacred Space of Spir­it. For every­thing and every­one in the Uni­verse is formed by com­bi­na­tions. This is the source of Spir­i­tu­al Growth. Since the One became the many, atoms have com­bined with oth­er atoms to form larg­er ones, and mol­e­cules with mol­e­cules, and organ­isms with organ­isms. From the largest wholes of Galax­ies, Stars and Plan­ets down to the most infin­i­tes­i­mal of beings, all of Cre­ation is forged and trans­formed by the “Self-Made Motions of Becom­ing” made in the Cru­cible of Spir­it, the Alche­my that is Space.

When­ev­er you enter any joint endeav­or, whether in per­son­al and busi­ness part­ner­ships, in friend­ship or casu­al com­bi­na­tions, and most espe­cial­ly in your most sacred of Holy Unions, you must be pre­pared. It is here in the Sign of Alche­my that you must will­ing­ly and con­scious­ly choose to com­bine with one anoth­er. You enter here a sacred realm, and for this rea­son you must be pre­pared to make your sacrifice.

Yes, in Scor­pio you must choose what you are will­ing to give up so that you might gain some­thing fin­er; you must come to dis­cern what is nego­tiable and what is non-nego­tiable with­in you. In a tru­ly spir­i­tu­al union, you must each give up the less­er with­in you, and by this affirm and secure the greater with­in and between you. And as you each give up some­thing for one anoth­er, and indeed move clos­er to a Union with one anoth­er, you also dis­cov­er the greater mys­tery behind Scor­pio, the mys­tery and joy of re-birth.

For as much as you will by your mutu­al self-sac­ri­fice and mutu­al self-affir­ma­tions move clos­er to one anoth­er, you also real­ize that by this Alchem­i­cal Work you have been brought clos­er to your own true self too. You have done the sacred work, of giv­ing up the less­er to affirm, hon­or and live out the greater in your lives.

Scor­pio is the Forge of Spir­it; it is the realm of Chem­istry in the phys­i­cal world, and Alche­my in the Spir­i­tu­al. It is said that the strongest sign of the Zodi­ac is Scor­pio, and it must be so for a very good rea­son, (but remem­ber, we all have Scor­pio some­where in our charts).

You must be strong, you must be brave, for in Scor­pio you will reach the great­est heights, and plumb the deep­est depths. Yes, you will expe­ri­ence the joy of tru­ly reach­ing out to one anoth­er and becom­ing more one with each oth­er. That Joy will lift you high­er than ever before, and you will feel that there is some­thing more to life than what it appears to be. That there is some­thing, there must be some­thing, that is for­ev­er and ever.

But you will also face the awful truth that what­ev­er you felt, and even if for a moment you feel that some part of you is Immor­tal, you will also know that you live on a mor­tal plane, and that noth­ing here will last. Yes, you will real­ize the bit­ter fruit of your self-aware­ness. That if we are to Love, we will expe­ri­ence Loss; if we are to have Joy, we will also have Pain; these are insep­a­ra­ble for us because we are human, and we know and we feel these truths.

Scor­pio bring us the great­est gift, and the deep­est of challenges.

It is the Joy of Union and the agony of Separation.

But in the end, we will know and under­stand. We have noth­ing to fear.

We are here to become ful­ly human; to dance through forms we made, in life after life.

We are Immor­tals in mor­tal frames, and we are here to shine.

This is the Gift of Scorpio.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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