Daily Archives: March 19, 2021

Sun Enters Aries (March 20, 2021)

A New Year, A New Beginning

We mark the pas­sage of time in so many ways. We hold in our mem­o­ries so many expe­ri­ences and mean­ings that help us to meet the next moment in our jour­ney. And we also hold in our dreams so many hopes about what our life might become. But there real­ly is only one time that mat­ters; there is but one place for you that is real. That time and space where we are real­ly “real” is the ever-unfold­ing real­i­ty, where the past and future meet, and that is the ful­crum of Spir­it we know as the Eter­nal Now.

Today we move from one Astro­log­i­cal Year into the next; today we move from the realm of Pisces to the space that is Aries. At this time of the year, and always in that space in your own chart where Aries is found, you are there to be and to become by expe­ri­enc­ing the gift of Inspi­ra­tion, the pow­er of Enthu­si­asm and the joy of New Begin­nings that is held in the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones by the Zodi­a­cal Sign of Aries.

The Joy and Pow­er of New Begin­nings is real; and you can and should in some man­ner expe­ri­ence this gift of the Spir­it in all the sec­onds, days, and years of your life. But of course, you have brought much from before to this moment now. Most recent­ly, in the last 30 days while in Pisces, you were giv­en the pre­cious gift of intro­spec­tion, reflec­tion, humil­i­ty and rein­te­gra­tion. The gift of Pisces is in expe­ri­enc­ing the Whole of You, as you feel your one­ness with­in and your one­ness with the One. Pisces enables you to be your entire expe­ri­ence, to won­der at the Arc that is your Life, as you can gath­er the har­vest of all that you have been and become in your entire life includ­ing the year that is over now.

But now you begin again; now you emerge out of the “All” where there are no bound­aries, and you enter into the time of your “Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion”. It is in Aries that you meet the world with your “self”, and here in this moment, and in each and every step you will take on the path that is your life, you face the first and most pro­found ques­tion of your life as a sep­a­rate one, “Who are you”?

That is no small ques­tion, and you should stop and con­sid­er how and in what man­ner “you will be you” in this space and time. It is only here in the ever-unfold­ing Eter­nal Now, that you may redeem your past and build your bet­ter future too. In Aries you move with the dri­ve to do, to be and become what you aspire to be. But before you leap into the cru­cible of cre­ation, you need to con­sid­er what is before you in this space where the past and future meet, the formed and form­less Now.

You are not enter­ing an emp­ty space, as all the mon­ads of spir­it, all the hier­ar­chies of Spir­it and Mat­ter and you have been mak­ing this moment that is before you now, and for quite some time. What­ev­er and whomev­er is before you, all of “that” is there because of a com­plex inter­weav­ing of Ener­gy-Forms that we call “Kar­ma”, which is the sum of all pri­or actions/reactions of the Life-Forms, by all the mon­ads of spir­it who are the “caus­es” that led to these “effects” that you encounter now.

The ques­tion put to you is not sim­ply “who are you?”, but what of you will you bring to this moment now? For being self-aware, and respon­si­ble for what you will face in your future by the Law of Kar­ma, you should con­sid­er care­ful­ly in what man­ner you should act in this pre­cious, this price­less moment we call “the now”. You are bring­ing what you have made of your­self so far, and you are shaped and guid­ed by your mean­ings that are your moti­va­tions; you are guid­ed by your inten­tions that will now become your actions. But you are not enter­ing empti­ness; you move into the next moment of the Eter­nal Now that is a full­ness of ener­gy-forms that are wait­ing upon what you do next.

You need to use all your spir­i­tu­al gifts of per­cep­tion to deter­mine what is the best way to move into this moment that is a full­ness of poten­tial, but you must be care­ful to do so in such a man­ner that you con­tribute to the advance­ment of your being and equal­ly the con­di­tions of your world.

Imag­ine that you are enter­ing a room, and you must spir­i­tu­al­ly appre­hend the con­di­tion or state of what you are mov­ing into and deter­mine what is need­ed. If you enter a room that is in tur­moil, you will wish to draw upon your kind­ly and gen­tle nature to calm mat­ters down. Like­wise, if you enter a space that is lack­ing in ener­gy, you should bring your vig­or and strength and be the liv­ing spir­it of Love in action that you are.

Every step that you take is a new begin­ning. It is anoth­er chance to turn a regret into an offer­ing of grace and love.

Every action you take can be the answer to another’s prayer and plea for help and understanding.

The ques­tion of Who you Are is real­ly do you under­stand Why you Are?

You are here because of Love, for the One that made us all, that One is in us all.

You are because of Love, and you are here to be that Love.

To be you,

Love your­self.

And Love one another.

Then you are what you are.


Love your­self.

Love one another.

Then you are what you are.
