Daily Archives: April 18, 2021

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2021)

The Way to the Val­ue of You

Today we begin our jour­ney through the sec­ond realm of the Zodi­ac. Some­where in your chart, most cer­tain­ly through­out your entire being, and espe­cial­ly at this time of the year, you will find great wis­dom in the mes­sages and mean­ings held by the Sign of Taurus.

For the last 30 days or so, the light of illu­mi­na­tion has been upon the first ques­tion you will meet on your path; the ques­tion of Aries asks noth­ing less than, “Who are You?” But now the Wheel of Life has turned, and you meet the next, and some would say even more pro­found ques­tion on the path of Light and Love, “What are You?”

It is in Aries we ask, “Who am I?”; Aries is about our aware­ness of being aware, it is about the expe­ri­ence of our “pres­ence”, our per­sona (or per­sonas) by which we move through Space-Time in the Eter­nal Now. In Tau­rus we expe­ri­ence what must fol­low, the man­i­fes­ta­tion of form, of what I like to call the “Con­tain­ers of Spir­it”, in which through our bod­ies whether they be phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, men­tal, or spir­i­tu­al we move through many forms of being. Quite sim­ply in Aries we say, “I Am”, but in Tau­rus we must ask, “What am I?”

But what is the nature of that “what”; how do we expe­ri­ence and under­stand our being “some-thing”? This is the heart of the realm that is Tau­rus, for it is the nature of the sec­ond sign to show us the qual­i­ty, nature, and con­tent of this and of that, to under­stand that most inef­fa­ble essence of being, that we are here in this Real­i­ty-Form, and we have formed what we expe­ri­ence of our self in rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er and to all of Cre­ation by this qual­i­ty of being that we call Value.

But what is Val­ue? What makes this thing, or this expe­ri­ence to be more or some­times less mean­ing­ful for you or for me? How do we mea­sure the qual­i­ty of what­ev­er we are con­sid­er­ing, expe­ri­enc­ing, becom­ing or being? For us to take the mea­sure of any­thing what­so­ev­er we need to form a rela­tion­ship of us to this oth­er form. We must have a stan­dard of mea­sure­ment; we need some way to under­stand the val­ue of this or of that in our hier­ar­chy of val­ue and meaning.

The ques­tion is, how do we form our mea­sure­ments? How do we com­pare this with that? We must have a last­ing and true, yet liv­ing and pro­tean stan­dard by which to mea­sure our­selves and our world. The Ancient Teach­ings remind us, that what we need to do is to start at the begin­ning, with our under­stand­ing about the Root nature of Cre­ation, and by this we will know where this ulti­mate val­ue is to be found.

The Root of all val­ue, the pri­mal Ener­gy-Form that shines through all the innu­mer­able hier­ar­chies of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness in the Uni­verse is this: it is the Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One that is this Cre­ation and is in all of us as it is in every sin­gle par­ti­cle of Cre­ation. The ever­last­ing Truth behind Cre­ation and in each one of us is that we are all “price­less”, for we are made of the Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One, and we are here to be and live by this Love.

This Spir­it of the One, this pre­cious love, is the root of your Immor­tal Self, your high­er Self. And your High­er Self is the source of your ever­last­ing “Val­ue that is Love”. It is this Love which makes all things shin­ing through all the lives that you will live. Your high­er self, what I like to call your Beloved, will always be there with you, shin­ing this light of love, this essen­tial being of you for ever and ever. When­ev­er you are in doubt, when­ev­er you doubt your val­ue or your love, lis­ten to that qui­et, lov­ing voice who is there with you and you will find peace. And you will equal­ly find this peace as you see that all around you is filled with this same love and is shin­ing too.

Yes, this is the essen­tial essence of you, the ener­gy-form of Pure Love. But you are most cer­tain­ly not a com­plete or per­fect human as your forms of self-real­iza­tion whether bod­i­ly, emo­tion­al, men­tal, and even spir­i­tu­al are not yet ful­ly formed or mas­tered by you. You and I are on a jour­ney through many forms and lives, as we learn to become a bet­ter human, more attuned and aligned with our high­er self. But to do this we must learn to choose what is more per­fect from less per­fect, to be more lov­ing, and less fear­ful, and this takes many lives; we make our­selves into what we will be by many won­der­ful but also many chal­leng­ing expe­ri­ences until we are a ful­ly awak­ened One, a being of pure Light and Love.

There will be many times that you will feel less than “price­less”, often far from it. And as you take the mea­sures of your val­ue of you, of your phys­i­cal strengths, emo­tion­al depths, intel­lec­tu­al adept­ness, and spir­i­tu­al aware­ness, you will most sure­ly expe­ri­ence them to wax and wane in any one life, and in all your many lives. But behind all those vari­a­tions in your expe­ri­ence of the val­ue of you and your world you will even­tu­al­ly be helped by the Love that is always there inside of you, and you will see the shin­ing truth behind it all. You always remain, and you will always be, a price­less spark of the Divine.

And because this is What you are, that you are one of the ones of the One, you will even­tu­al­ly reach that pre­cious moment when you will also arrive at the final step of becom­ing human. There you will be greet­ed by those who came this way before, whose Love and Inspi­ra­tion for you nev­er wavered as you fol­lowed the path of Awak­en­ing that brought forth ful­ly your essen­tial nature of Uncon­di­tion­al Love, just as they fol­lowed this path long, long ago.

Then, as the por­tal to the ways beyond this Earth beck­ons to you as it did them, you will be stead­fast and true as were those great souls, and so you will turn to help those who fol­low you because of this love of the One that is you.

This is the gift of Tau­rus; You are Love…and you are here to be that love which will one day encom­pass your entire being, and then you will shine like the stars above.