Daily Archives: May 19, 2021

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2021)

Gem­i­ni — by Johfra Bosschart

The Gift of Knowing

In all the great myths, in all the great reli­gions and teach­ings that have been hand­ed down through the ages, there is that sin­gu­lar moment in the sto­ry of human­i­ty when we moved through the por­tal of self-con­scious­ness. Long, long ago, we went from a state of sim­ple con­scious­ness (a rel­a­tive inno­cence) and into the realm of sub­jec­tive-objec­tive con­scious­ness. We became self-aware, con­scious of the essen­tial dual­i­ty of real­i­ty, of this and that. It was the time in our jour­ney at which we tru­ly knew, we became painful­ly aware, that we are in some way sep­a­rate from the Ocean of Spir­i­tu­al Oneness.

We were more and less, sep­a­rat­ed into “The Know­er and the Known”. We moved into a form of being that shapes our jour­ney to this day, as we dwell in this state of self and of oth­er. We became ele­vat­ed by the knowl­edge we could then acquire, and this became the source of our pro­tean pow­er to change our­selves and our world. Yet we also felt the loss, and we con­tin­ue to be brought to sor­row and shame by our still lim­it­ed under­stand­ing about the nature of our­selves and our world.

Whether it is the sto­ry of Prometheus steal­ing the “Fire of the Gods”, or Adam and Eve eat­ing from the Tree of Knowl­edge, it is held by the Ancient Wis­dom that we expe­ri­enced this quick­en­ing which equal­ly formed our abil­i­ty to bet­ter under­stand our­selves and the worlds around us. Yet, in many of these myths our advance into a greater aware­ness is por­trayed as also being a “fall”, of leav­ing a state of inno­cence or at-one-ness with Cre­ation as we moved into the expe­ri­ence of our sep­a­ra­tion from the Greater Real­i­ty of the One.

Accord­ing to the Ancient Wis­dom, the Sto­ry of Spir­it is also the Sto­ry of Con­scious­ness. It is the Mind of the One as “The One”, who to form Cre­ation becomes the many, divid­ing into the count­less sparks of the Divine, the mon­ads of Spir­it which are the root cause or seed behind every mote and speck of Cre­ation. And then, from that begin­ning, all these “lit­tle minds” began their jour­ney of Spir­it, of Con­scious­ness, as they moved up and out­wards into ever more encom­pass­ing expe­ri­ences of the Greater Real­i­ty over the ages and ages of a Cos­mic Age. The Sto­ry of Spir­it is the sto­ry of all these ones who slow­ly lift up them­selves to ever high­er lev­els of con­scious­ness, which is in fact the sto­ry of the Mind of the One.

For us, today, we begin our month­ly jour­ney through the Sign that holds this por­tal to con­scious­ness, the Sign of Gem­i­ni. At this time, and wher­ev­er Gem­i­ni is found in your chart, you are blessed with the “Gift of Know­ing” that is one of the most con­se­quen­tial fac­ul­ties you require as you walk the path of ful­fill­ment as a human. That Apoth­e­o­sis will arrive when you have moved from your more lim­it­ed con­scious­ness into what will be a tru­ly “Encom­pass­ing Con­scious­ness” of your one­ness with “The One” again, and that is known in the Ancient Wis­dom as the state of Cos­mic Con­scious­ness or Nirvana.

While we are human, we are the means to one another’s awak­en­ing. The devel­op­ment of your aware­ness depends upon all those who came before you as your con­scious­ness with­in and the cre­ations around you are the gifts of your ances­tors to you. And you most cer­tain­ly are depen­dent upon those with whom you live in this moment now for what you may achieve in this life too.

Always remem­ber, the great­est illu­sion we must tran­scend is this phys­i­cal expe­ri­ence of being sep­a­rate from one anoth­er, when in truth we are a hier­ar­chi­cal host of ener­gy-forms that inter­sect, blend, and inform, as we share and make this jour­ney with one anoth­er always. In truth, all these bod­ies that con­nect us make us who we are, but most cer­tain­ly our “body of con­scious­ness” is even more formed and elicit­ed, shaped, and sup­port­ed and uplift­ed by all of our many expe­ri­ences with one another.

From the begin­ning of your awak­en­ing, the way to your ful­fill­ment has always been the same. It is the mes­sage of Gem­i­ni, carved upon all the tem­ples of antiquity:

Know Thy­self

But it is equal­ly true that you will only know your­self, you will only be who and what you are, when you see the oth­er as your­self. When you look into the eyes of who­ev­er is before you, when you see shin­ing there the sparkling Spir­it of Know­ing, it is then that you will smile because you know we are the Light which is the Divine, “whose cen­ter is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere”.

It is then that you will know the truth that is there in you and in all things too.

We are the Divine.