Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2021)

Gem­i­ni — by Johfra Bosschart

The Gift of Knowing

In all the great myths, in all the great reli­gions and teach­ings that have been hand­ed down through the ages, there is that sin­gu­lar moment in the sto­ry of human­i­ty when we moved through the por­tal of self-con­scious­ness. Long, long ago, we went from a state of sim­ple con­scious­ness (a rel­a­tive inno­cence) and into the realm of sub­jec­tive-objec­tive con­scious­ness. We became self-aware, con­scious of the essen­tial dual­i­ty of real­i­ty, of this and that. It was the time in our jour­ney at which we tru­ly knew, we became painful­ly aware, that we are in some way sep­a­rate from the Ocean of Spir­i­tu­al Oneness.

We were more and less, sep­a­rat­ed into “The Know­er and the Known”. We moved into a form of being that shapes our jour­ney to this day, as we dwell in this state of self and of oth­er. We became ele­vat­ed by the knowl­edge we could then acquire, and this became the source of our pro­tean pow­er to change our­selves and our world. Yet we also felt the loss, and we con­tin­ue to be brought to sor­row and shame by our still lim­it­ed under­stand­ing about the nature of our­selves and our world.

Whether it is the sto­ry of Prometheus steal­ing the “Fire of the Gods”, or Adam and Eve eat­ing from the Tree of Knowl­edge, it is held by the Ancient Wis­dom that we expe­ri­enced this quick­en­ing which equal­ly formed our abil­i­ty to bet­ter under­stand our­selves and the worlds around us. Yet, in many of these myths our advance into a greater aware­ness is por­trayed as also being a “fall”, of leav­ing a state of inno­cence or at-one-ness with Cre­ation as we moved into the expe­ri­ence of our sep­a­ra­tion from the Greater Real­i­ty of the One.

Accord­ing to the Ancient Wis­dom, the Sto­ry of Spir­it is also the Sto­ry of Con­scious­ness. It is the Mind of the One as “The One”, who to form Cre­ation becomes the many, divid­ing into the count­less sparks of the Divine, the mon­ads of Spir­it which are the root cause or seed behind every mote and speck of Cre­ation. And then, from that begin­ning, all these “lit­tle minds” began their jour­ney of Spir­it, of Con­scious­ness, as they moved up and out­wards into ever more encom­pass­ing expe­ri­ences of the Greater Real­i­ty over the ages and ages of a Cos­mic Age. The Sto­ry of Spir­it is the sto­ry of all these ones who slow­ly lift up them­selves to ever high­er lev­els of con­scious­ness, which is in fact the sto­ry of the Mind of the One.

For us, today, we begin our month­ly jour­ney through the Sign that holds this por­tal to con­scious­ness, the Sign of Gem­i­ni. At this time, and wher­ev­er Gem­i­ni is found in your chart, you are blessed with the “Gift of Know­ing” that is one of the most con­se­quen­tial fac­ul­ties you require as you walk the path of ful­fill­ment as a human. That Apoth­e­o­sis will arrive when you have moved from your more lim­it­ed con­scious­ness into what will be a tru­ly “Encom­pass­ing Con­scious­ness” of your one­ness with “The One” again, and that is known in the Ancient Wis­dom as the state of Cos­mic Con­scious­ness or Nirvana.

While we are human, we are the means to one another’s awak­en­ing. The devel­op­ment of your aware­ness depends upon all those who came before you as your con­scious­ness with­in and the cre­ations around you are the gifts of your ances­tors to you. And you most cer­tain­ly are depen­dent upon those with whom you live in this moment now for what you may achieve in this life too.

Always remem­ber, the great­est illu­sion we must tran­scend is this phys­i­cal expe­ri­ence of being sep­a­rate from one anoth­er, when in truth we are a hier­ar­chi­cal host of ener­gy-forms that inter­sect, blend, and inform, as we share and make this jour­ney with one anoth­er always. In truth, all these bod­ies that con­nect us make us who we are, but most cer­tain­ly our “body of con­scious­ness” is even more formed and elicit­ed, shaped, and sup­port­ed and uplift­ed by all of our many expe­ri­ences with one another.

From the begin­ning of your awak­en­ing, the way to your ful­fill­ment has always been the same. It is the mes­sage of Gem­i­ni, carved upon all the tem­ples of antiquity:

Know Thy­self

But it is equal­ly true that you will only know your­self, you will only be who and what you are, when you see the oth­er as your­self. When you look into the eyes of who­ev­er is before you, when you see shin­ing there the sparkling Spir­it of Know­ing, it is then that you will smile because you know we are the Light which is the Divine, “whose cen­ter is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere”.

It is then that you will know the truth that is there in you and in all things too.

We are the Divine.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

One thought on “Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2021)

  1. Suzanne Beverly Miller

    You are ever Mas­ter-Full, and as a Mas­ter, full-fill your ser­vice to Life, here, now, with the gifts of insight, and love infused inspi­ra­tion to all who have been blessed to“know” you. Thank you, Bill.


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