The Heart of a Star
Within each and every particle of Creation you will find the seed of a star.
The story is told in many tales and teachings from the Ancient Wisdom by the Wise Ones, Avatars and Mystics, and then on down to our present-day modern Alchemists who peer into Creation through scientific lenses which bend the One True Light into their Quantum Theories about the Cosmos. Whether you start from the Metaphysical or by the Physical Sciences, all agree that in the beginning there was “No-Thing”, and a darkness filled the Void. Then what we know as the One became the many, and from this beginning in Space-Time all the many ones went out to become what we are today, which is the Body, Mind and Spirit of the One who is Creation.
What we will ultimately feel, intuit, and know about this Foundational Truth of Being is that at the center of every particle of Creation resides a spark of the Divine, what some call “The Monad”, a seed of Spirit that is unique and yet equally part of the whole. This spark of the Divine is the Primal Energy-Form that holds Spirit-Matter as what it is, Spirit-Life-Consciousness. That is why from the most ancient of teachings as well as the latest scientific determinations, what we see and what we experience as the whole of Creation is the One Living Spirit made manifest, ranging from the densest of matter-forms to the most ethereal of spirit-forms.
It is from our very own monad, from our “Center which is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere”, that we humans can knowingly feel that we are a “one” and yet part of the “many”. And we humans are but one kingdom within a hierarchical and innumerable host of beings who live, love, and play in the “Fields of the Lord”. We are like little stars weaving through the wheels within wheels formed by the luminous Cosmic Hierarchy of Energy-Forms; humans are but one host among the many Kingdoms of Spirit, and every one of these Kingdoms together form the one life of The One.
But think of what this truly means, the very monad that ensouls your being is truly a kindred spirit of the monads of other creatures great and small, and it is just like the Monad of our Earth, and the Monad of our Star too. It is said by the Ancient Ones, that every one of us came from a star, like little diamonds of spirit winging our way through the Cosmos. And it is by our journey through innumerable forms and lives that we will become a shining star too.
Because each and every Monad contains the Heart of Spirit, it holds what I call the Quintessence or Swabhāva of that spark of the Divine, and this means each of us is formed as an Individuality while also being formed as part of a Communality with all our fellow Sparks of the Divine, and ultimately of course with the One. Each Spark holds to the same cause of Spirit, which is to be and become through all the many ages of this Cosmic Cycle “Whatever” or “Whomever” it will be; yet it can only do this through the company of fellow Energy-Fields, of which it is just one among countless fellow travelers through the Cosmos.
Today we enter the second of the three groupings formed by the four elements of the Zodiac, we have come to the time of Fire that is Leo. At this time of year, and wherever Leo is found in your chart, you experience the fervent call of your Monad of Spirit. There at the center of the Spark of the Divine you find your true nature and purpose, which is simply and purely to be what you are, a Creator.
You are here, now, and forever, to be and become your true self through ever more meaningful Self-Realizations. It was in the time and in the place of Cancer that you “returned to source”, to feel your true Self at the center of your being. And now, having embraced that sense of who and what you are, you move outwards in Leo by E‑Motion. You stretch yourself into ever more authentic forms of self-embodiments, as you reach inwardly then move outwardly as a creator, leader, teacher, and lover too.
And when you are true to yourself, you will shine like the Sun that you are, radiant with the Joy and Love that is your Spark of the Divine. But just like the stars in the firmament above, you will not, and cannot shine alone. For you are made to be together, formed of the same Divine Love as they, and you can only be you if you are the Light and Love for one another. Just like all the kingdoms of Creation, from the most infinitesimal to the starry firmament above, you are here to be a light for one another, to shine for and with one another; quite simply you are here to Love one Another.
You have entered the realm of Leo, the realm of the Heart of Creation. Here you experience the source of Light and Life, which is Divine Love. The whole of Creation is the embodiment of Divine Love, shining in each and every particle and being, and it is that Divine Light which shines in your eyes, warms your smile and becomes your kindness and compassion that you have for one another. This is the heart of you, the Love of the Creator for one and for all.
Just like the Sun, who never questions why it shines (it is its pure nature to be the light of our solar system), you too are here to be a light for one another. To see one another truly as what you are, to help one another to be who you are by living, creating, and loving as you are and will always be…
A star.