Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2021)

Johfra Boss­chart Zodi­ac Paintings

The Great­est Gift            

One of the most pro­found chal­lenges you will face in your jour­ney of awak­en­ing is this: how can you find a place of hap­pi­ness and peace in a world that is torn and bro­ken by human con­flict, and by nat­ur­al and human-made dis­as­ters? How can you be hap­py when so many are suf­fer­ing; how can you be at peace when so many in your world are trou­bled with strife and con­flict? How is this possible?

The answer to the ques­tion of where you will find hap­pi­ness and peace has always been the same. Hap­pi­ness and Peace can­not be found in some spe­cial cor­ner of the world, nor in any cor­ner of the cos­mos. The place that you must start is with­in your­self; hap­pi­ness and peace are root­ed with­in your true heart and held for­ev­er with­in your lumi­nous soul.

We have come to that time of year, yet ever-present some­where in your very own chart, we have come to that sacred time where we give thanks to and hon­or the gifts that Vir­go brings to our lives. After the stretch­ing and striv­ing for greater self-expres­sion and authen­tic­i­ty in Leo, we all have need for a time to reflect, recon­sid­er, and improve our­selves; we all need to know and feel that there is good and beau­ty in our­selves and in the world.

After every Fixed Sign, (Tau­rus, Leo, Scor­pio, and Aquar­ius), the Cir­cle of Life moves us into what we need, the adapt­abil­i­ty and inte­gra­tion that fol­low in the Muta­ble Signs (Gem­i­ni, Vir­go, Sagit­tar­ius, and Pisces). These are the “Tran­si­tion­al Signs”, the Ener­gy-Forms whose pur­pose is help us move from one state of Con­scious­ness and Being into anoth­er. Tru­ly, it is in the Muta­ble Signs that we take what we start­ed with in the Car­di­nal Signs, and then moved towards ful­fill­ment in the Fixed Signs; and now we need to under­stand, so that by our Expe­ri­ence, Wis­dom and Love we may move into a greater state of aware­ness, accep­tance and understanding.

Much like its “cousin” Gem­i­ni, who is also ruled by Mer­cury (or Her­mes the Mes­sen­ger), Vir­go is equal­ly a sign of “The Mind”. Gem­i­ni is about the won­der­ful fac­ul­ty of posit­ing mul­ti­ple points of view, of being thrilled and delight­ed by our won­der­ous tal­ent for ques­tion­ing and re-ques­tion­ing, of fram­ing and refram­ing our points of view; with Gem­i­ni you look at your world with “the eyes of a child”, won­der­ing and watch­ing with a mul­ti­tude of approach­es and angles as you mar­vel at the mir­a­cle that is Creation.

Where­as in Vir­go, we use our mind to find the most ele­gant, ver­sa­tile, and mean­ing­ful way in which to under­stand our­selves and our world. We use our fac­ul­ty of “Dis­cern­ment” or “Dis­crim­i­na­tion”, and with atten­tion to the details, to the intri­ca­cies, inter­con­nec­tions, and lay­ers of the count­less forms of the many instances of spir­it, by see­ing the many in their mul­ti­ple con­nec­tions, we weave our under­stand­ing of the greater whole into the One. Where­as Gem­i­ni is all about fol­low­ing our insa­tiable curios­i­ty, Vir­go is about our mind’s gift for exact­ing analy­sis and refinement.

In this time of Vir­go espe­cial­ly, and as an inte­gral pres­ence in your body, mind, and spir­it, you will become bet­ter by mak­ing use of this gift of clar­i­ty and grace every day. Take some time to pause and con­sid­er, to clear­ly dis­cern what was and what may be, so that you may learn how to “do bet­ter and be bet­ter” every day. It is a time-hon­ored prac­tice among many who are on the path of spir­i­tu­al self-improve­ment to pre­pare for each day ahead by care­ful­ly con­sid­er­ing what lies before you; and then equal­ly close each day by exam­in­ing how you fared and how you might do bet­ter next time.

What­ev­er prac­tice works best for you, by what­ev­er means and meth­ods that help you to main­tain atten­tive­ness and mind­ful­ness, you will see that there is only one way to find the peace that you seek. It starts with the under­stand­ing and accep­tance that the only con­trol you will ever tru­ly have, and the only mas­tery you tru­ly need to acquire, is for you to lift your­self up by your self-aware­ness. It is by this that you stay on the roy­al or mid­dle path of self-con­trol, and this will lead to your self-mastery.

Vir­go is one of the prin­ci­pal por­tals to the expe­ri­ence of Ini­ti­a­tions. As in ancient cul­tures, like in the Less­er and Greater Mys­ter­ies of Greece and Roman cul­ture, and in var­i­ous ways on up to our present age, we have always under­stood that we must pre­pare our­selves for entrance into a fuller par­tic­i­pa­tion in our soci­ety and cul­ture. You must become a mas­ter of the tech­niques for life and liv­ing in your time, as you move from novice to stu­dent, and then adept and even­tu­al mas­tery in the arts and crafts of liv­ing a whole life, of becom­ing a whole person.

You only grow by tri­al and error, by learn­ing from your mis­takes and by your striv­ing to do bet­ter. We only grow when we try and fail, and then try again. Our so-called “mis­takes and errors” are the means to our sal­va­tion. Fail­ure and Growth are insep­a­ra­ble; you can only learn by dis­cov­er­ing what not to do and dis­cov­er­ing how you might do bet­ter. With Vir­go, by your self-cor­rec­tion and adjust­ment, yes by your humil­i­ty and ser­vice to one anoth­er, you will slow­ly but sure­ly lift your­self and one anoth­er high­er. This is known as the Path­way to Per­fec­tion, and this is the Gift of Virgo.

And most cer­tain­ly at the core of this gift is found the price­less reward that all have sought. Many believe that their hap­pi­ness and peace will come if they have rich­es or fame, or pow­er and posi­tion. But the Wis­dom Keep­ers and Sages know that these are not “things in them­selves”; they are mere­ly ephemer­al moments in the jour­ney that is life. The great­est gift, the trea­sure of trea­sures is found by reach­ing a qual­i­ty or state of being, a Way of Being that holds you true to your heart and soul. Yes, the great­est gift of Vir­go is to live with Peace of Mind.

The good life is a beau­ti­ful life, and it is found­ed, formed, and held true by the qual­i­ty and state of your thoughts. The whole pur­pose of meta­phys­i­cal, spir­i­tu­al, and philo­soph­i­cal teach­ings is to help you find the way to Peace and Hap­pi­ness. The Wis­dom held by Vir­go will help you to form the sacred tem­ple of your Mind. When the Lumi­nous path of Wis­dom is fol­lowed, forged by the del­i­cate and inte­gral bal­ance of your Intu­ition and Rea­son, you will achieve a know­ing and being that is lucid, self-crit­i­cal, and open to the ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of Spirit-Life-Consciousness.

Quite sim­ply and won­der­ful­ly, you will walk the path of the One, which is known as the Path of Beauty:

As I walk, as I walk

The Uni­verse is walk­ing with me

In beau­ty it walks before me

In beau­ty it walks behind me

In beau­ty it walks below me

In beau­ty it walks above me

Beau­ty is on every side

As I walk, I walk with Beauty.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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