Johfra Bosschart Zodiac Paintings
The Greatest Gift
One of the most profound challenges you will face in your journey of awakening is this: how can you find a place of happiness and peace in a world that is torn and broken by human conflict, and by natural and human-made disasters? How can you be happy when so many are suffering; how can you be at peace when so many in your world are troubled with strife and conflict? How is this possible?
The answer to the question of where you will find happiness and peace has always been the same. Happiness and Peace cannot be found in some special corner of the world, nor in any corner of the cosmos. The place that you must start is within yourself; happiness and peace are rooted within your true heart and held forever within your luminous soul.
We have come to that time of year, yet ever-present somewhere in your very own chart, we have come to that sacred time where we give thanks to and honor the gifts that Virgo brings to our lives. After the stretching and striving for greater self-expression and authenticity in Leo, we all have need for a time to reflect, reconsider, and improve ourselves; we all need to know and feel that there is good and beauty in ourselves and in the world.
After every Fixed Sign, (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), the Circle of Life moves us into what we need, the adaptability and integration that follow in the Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). These are the “Transitional Signs”, the Energy-Forms whose purpose is help us move from one state of Consciousness and Being into another. Truly, it is in the Mutable Signs that we take what we started with in the Cardinal Signs, and then moved towards fulfillment in the Fixed Signs; and now we need to understand, so that by our Experience, Wisdom and Love we may move into a greater state of awareness, acceptance and understanding.
Much like its “cousin” Gemini, who is also ruled by Mercury (or Hermes the Messenger), Virgo is equally a sign of “The Mind”. Gemini is about the wonderful faculty of positing multiple points of view, of being thrilled and delighted by our wonderous talent for questioning and re-questioning, of framing and reframing our points of view; with Gemini you look at your world with “the eyes of a child”, wondering and watching with a multitude of approaches and angles as you marvel at the miracle that is Creation.
Whereas in Virgo, we use our mind to find the most elegant, versatile, and meaningful way in which to understand ourselves and our world. We use our faculty of “Discernment” or “Discrimination”, and with attention to the details, to the intricacies, interconnections, and layers of the countless forms of the many instances of spirit, by seeing the many in their multiple connections, we weave our understanding of the greater whole into the One. Whereas Gemini is all about following our insatiable curiosity, Virgo is about our mind’s gift for exacting analysis and refinement.
In this time of Virgo especially, and as an integral presence in your body, mind, and spirit, you will become better by making use of this gift of clarity and grace every day. Take some time to pause and consider, to clearly discern what was and what may be, so that you may learn how to “do better and be better” every day. It is a time-honored practice among many who are on the path of spiritual self-improvement to prepare for each day ahead by carefully considering what lies before you; and then equally close each day by examining how you fared and how you might do better next time.
Whatever practice works best for you, by whatever means and methods that help you to maintain attentiveness and mindfulness, you will see that there is only one way to find the peace that you seek. It starts with the understanding and acceptance that the only control you will ever truly have, and the only mastery you truly need to acquire, is for you to lift yourself up by your self-awareness. It is by this that you stay on the royal or middle path of self-control, and this will lead to your self-mastery.
Virgo is one of the principal portals to the experience of Initiations. As in ancient cultures, like in the Lesser and Greater Mysteries of Greece and Roman culture, and in various ways on up to our present age, we have always understood that we must prepare ourselves for entrance into a fuller participation in our society and culture. You must become a master of the techniques for life and living in your time, as you move from novice to student, and then adept and eventual mastery in the arts and crafts of living a whole life, of becoming a whole person.
You only grow by trial and error, by learning from your mistakes and by your striving to do better. We only grow when we try and fail, and then try again. Our so-called “mistakes and errors” are the means to our salvation. Failure and Growth are inseparable; you can only learn by discovering what not to do and discovering how you might do better. With Virgo, by your self-correction and adjustment, yes by your humility and service to one another, you will slowly but surely lift yourself and one another higher. This is known as the Pathway to Perfection, and this is the Gift of Virgo.
And most certainly at the core of this gift is found the priceless reward that all have sought. Many believe that their happiness and peace will come if they have riches or fame, or power and position. But the Wisdom Keepers and Sages know that these are not “things in themselves”; they are merely ephemeral moments in the journey that is life. The greatest gift, the treasure of treasures is found by reaching a quality or state of being, a Way of Being that holds you true to your heart and soul. Yes, the greatest gift of Virgo is to live with Peace of Mind.
The good life is a beautiful life, and it is founded, formed, and held true by the quality and state of your thoughts. The whole purpose of metaphysical, spiritual, and philosophical teachings is to help you find the way to Peace and Happiness. The Wisdom held by Virgo will help you to form the sacred temple of your Mind. When the Luminous path of Wisdom is followed, forged by the delicate and integral balance of your Intuition and Reason, you will achieve a knowing and being that is lucid, self-critical, and open to the ever-unfolding journey of Spirit-Life-Consciousness.
Quite simply and wonderfully, you will walk the path of the One, which is known as the Path of Beauty:
As I walk, as I walk
The Universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.
So inspiring, so beautifully stated…