Daily Archives: November 20, 2021

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2021)

Johfra Boss­chart — Zodi­ac-Paint­ings — Sagittarius

The Path of Awakening

From the depths of expe­ri­ence, we encounter the Jew­els of Meaning.
And from these Truths we have met, we weave our Sto­ries of one another.

Yes, we encounter the truth in Scor­pio, but in Sagit­tar­ius we tell our sto­ries to one another.
And that is how we forge the path, so that we may live with mean­ing and pur­pose in our lives.

At this time of the year, and some­where in your very own chart, you enter the Realm of Truth that is Sagit­tar­ius. Since we humans became human thou­sands of years ago, that is when we “woke up” and became self-aware, we have sought to expe­ri­ence “The Why” of our jour­ney with one another.

When we woke, we won­dered, why is the sky “blue”; why does the Sun rise and set; why do I ask why; and why am I? Which of course led us to heart of “why”, why is anything?

Yes, we sought and will ever seek to know the why of our jour­ney. Why…because we have felt the joy of love and the agony of loss, we have wit­nessed the mir­a­cle of birth and faced the mys­tery of what comes after death. We are aware, and we know that we do not know…and so we won­der, and we seek, and we strive to understand.

We have been on a very long jour­ney of Awak­en­ing. After count­less ages of sim­ple aware­ness, the Light of Self-Aware­ness was bestowed upon us by those who had received this gift of awak­en­ing long, long before our time. We hon­or these elder broth­ers and sis­ters, whose names echo down through the ages, Prometheus, Quet­zal­coatl, Adi­ti, Isis, Lucifer, Odin… We are the heirs to a great for­tune, and we hon­or their gifts by keep­ing the flame of Truth alive.

We do this as we have always done this, by being what we are. We are Sto­ry­tellers. In songs and sym­bols, in pet­ro­glyphs and pic­tures, in archi­tec­ture and stat­ues, in poet­ry and prose, in the Tem­ples of Truth that are Sci­ence, Reli­gion and Art, we tell the sto­ries that have come down to us and add our own to these great­est of gifts, this Trea­sure of Truth.

The great­est of Truths, the Eter­nals of Light and Mean­ing, have been shared with us by the Sages and Seers whose task it was to pre­serve the “Gifts from the Gods”. These are the wis­est of the Wise Ones, the Teach­ers who we know and hon­or and revere, Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, and Pythago­ras and so many more. There are the known Truthtellers; but many more loved and labored to lift the Torch of Under­stand­ing, and we give thanks for their great ser­vice, for those who per­se­vered, pre­served, pro­tect­ed, and served to extend the Light that is Love.

And each one of us is here to do the very same thing. We are sto­ry­tellers, one and all. And we made and will remake one anoth­er through­out our many lives by shar­ing our sto­ries with one anoth­er. This is how it was done, and this is what you must do too. You must share with one anoth­er, lis­ten to one anoth­er, and help one anoth­er find your way to the Greater Understanding.

What the great ones found is what you will find too, that Truth is omnipresent and ever­last­ing, as it forms the very sub­stance and mean­ing of the Uni­verse. That is why you can per­ceive it, that is why you can know. Because what you see out there in the stars above is the very same truth that shines in your own heart too.

This is what is meant by “As above, so below”, because in the heart of every par­ti­cle of cre­ation, there is shin­ing the undy­ing Light of the One. This is the One Truth from which all oth­ers come, that “Spir­it is Life; Life is Spir­it, and all of this is held by the Love of the One.”

And so, it is known in the Ancient Wis­dom that as there is but one Spir­it, so there is but one Life. That is why the Truth is there for every one of us, for it is in One and all. If you have ears that are will­ing to lis­ten, and eyes that are open to see, you will under­stand. You need only to weave togeth­er, and hold togeth­er, your heart and your mind and find peace.

You need to gath­er togeth­er, to real­ly look into one another’s eyes, and you will smile.

You will see, shin­ing back from those win­dows of the soul, the blaz­ing truth that we are for one anoth­er the answer to the ques­tion, “Why”?

Why are you here?

You are here for one anoth­er; you are here to love one another.

Do this and you will remem­ber who you are.

And your heart will be at peace.