Sun Enters Aquarius (January 19, 2022)

Aquar­ius — Johfra-Bosschart

One for all, all for One

What is our pur­pose; why are we here; and where are we going?

Accord­ing to the Ancient Wis­dom, which is found at the root and core of all the great reli­gions and meta­phys­i­cal sys­tems, the Ancient Teach­ings tell us that we are here sim­ply for one pur­pose; we are here to strive and grow through tri­al and error, to learn from our mis­takes and by our suc­cess­es too, and over the span of many years, and through many, many lives, we will become a bet­ter, fuller human being, a being full of Light and Love.

The sto­ries or mean­ings that are held in the twelve signs of the Zodi­ac, what I like to call “the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, help us to find our way in this jour­ney. They inform and help us to under­stand that we are shaped and guid­ed by these hold­ers of the Arche­types, as they form the Greater Sto­ry of Life for every human, in each life, and in every life after life, until there comes that day when we will have mas­tered them all. Each life, each sto­ry, and each sign, leads to the next, as we work to form that more per­fect sto­ry of our true self, which is to be “one of the ones of the One”.

Today we leave the sign of Capri­corn and enter the penul­ti­mate sign of the Zodi­ac; today we begin our sojourn in the realm of Aquar­ius. Dur­ing this time each year, and some­where in your chart through­out your life, you need to under­stand this sto­ry of Spir­it, this hold­er of the dream of human­i­ty and your future.

In Capri­corn, you write your sto­ry of respon­si­bil­i­ty; you find ful­fill­ment in your achieve­ments, as you shoul­der the bur­den of your duties and oblig­a­tions and take your right­ful place as an inte­gral builder of the Hier­ar­chy of Life that sup­ports and upholds one with each oth­er, and indeed with all the King­doms of Life that form the One. In Capri­corn, we bring and form our real­i­ty into what is the very best of us so that we may pre­serve, pro­tect, and pass down the great trea­sures of our civ­i­liza­tions and cultures.

But now you must turn again and fix your sights upon the far hori­zon; now you must con­sid­er the dreams of what might yet be. For as much as it was not enough to know and tell the Truth in Sagit­tar­ius, you had to be and live by that Truth in Capri­corn; it is not enough to stand for what is right and pre­serve the ways of our Ances­tors in Capri­corn, you must also make a bet­ter world for you and your chil­dren, and all those who will come after you too.

As much as Capri­corn is that part of you that hon­ors what was and pre­serves what you must, Aquar­ius reminds you that this is not enough, that you are not done, and a bet­ter world is the dream that is shared by one and by all. Where­as some might say that what we have is good or is good enough, the voice of Aquar­ius in you says, “but can we not do bet­ter, can we not be bet­ter”? Well, of course we can, and we will if we stay true to our dream of the good, of the life we can cre­ate that is filled with true happiness.

For that is what you want for your­self, and it is what you want for those you love, and real­ly for every­one, to expe­ri­ence the joy of hap­pi­ness. But what is “Hap­pi­ness”?

I believe that the shin­ing truth of the human spir­it is that your Hap­pi­ness is quite sim­ply the expe­ri­ence of self-ful­fill­ment; it is the capac­i­ty and abil­i­ty to dream and to strive, so that you might be and become what you were meant to be. And because this is so, because your heart fills with joy when you sing your own spe­cial song in the “Sym­pho­ny of Spir­it”, you must also know that it is equal­ly true that you can only be tru­ly hap­py when those you love and care for are hap­py too.

Your hap­pi­ness comes from your own self-ful­fill­ment, that is true. But you can­not expe­ri­ence this for your­self alone, for you are not you with­out so many oth­ers. You have been formed, shaped, and guid­ed by one anoth­er since the begin­ning of time, and just as your nature and char­ac­ter is made with one anoth­er, your hap­pi­ness is also part of one anoth­er too.

True Hap­pi­ness is a social expe­ri­ence, for when you see your com­rade, friend, or lover’s joy in their self-ful­fill­ment, does it not bring that most spe­cial smile to your heart too? How could you pos­si­bly be ful­filled if oth­ers are not; how could you be tru­ly hap­py, if you do not care for one anoth­er? You feel your own hap­pi­ness in the smiles and laugh­ter of your fel­low com­pan­ions; yes, it is their hap­pi­ness that is yours, and your hap­pi­ness is theirs.

This is the light of Aquar­ius; that we are part of a sacred fel­low­ship, a band of broth­ers and sis­ters who seek to cre­ate the very best world for our­selves, for our chil­dren and all those who may fol­low us. We are dream­ers, who made one anoth­er and this world.

We are here to become bet­ter humans, and we do this when we make it pos­si­ble for each and every human to ful­fill their poten­tial, to real­ize their dreams and make a bet­ter world for one and for all.

Yes, Aquar­ius is the sto­ry of Human­i­ty. We are the one and the many, we are the same and yet indi­vid­u­als too, with beau­ty in the truth of our diver­si­ty and dif­fer­ences. We are here to love one anoth­er as we love our­selves, with con­vic­tion and com­pas­sion, with pas­sion and acceptance.

We are the means to one another’s becom­ing what we could not have imag­ined by ourselves.

We will be what we dream, and we will become what we were des­tined to be.

Because we are “One for all, all for One”.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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