Daily Archives: February 3, 2022

2022–1‑30 Radio Show Transcript — 2022 Forecast – Part 3, Uranus and Awakening

Tran­script of Radio Show: 2022 — A look ahead, the 2022 Fore­cast – Part 3 — Uranus

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

Today we will com­plete our ini­tial overview of 2022 by con­sid­er­ing the third of the out­er plan­ets, Uranus. In truth, I find it quite impos­si­ble to under­stand any one of the three out­er plan­ets with­out at the very same time hold­ing in my mind the oth­er two. They are for me or form, as I have often men­tioned, what I call the Tri­ad of Spir­it. Their indi­vid­ual mean­ings can only be tru­ly under­stood when you also hold the oth­er two as well, as they each con­tribute to one anoth­er, form­ing an inte­gral whole that inspire and guide our spir­i­tu­al awakening.

Sym­pho­ny of the Planets
One exam­ple of their inter­de­pen­den­cy and inter­re­la­tion­ship is sim­ply to be found in their rel­a­tive posi­tions with one anoth­er. It is quite extra­or­di­nary how their orbital ratios form a per­fect numer­i­cal pro­gres­sion or res­o­nance pat­tern. This is so clear when we arrange them in their rel­a­tive posi­tion from us, that is from Uranus to Nep­tune to Plu­to. Uranus’ orbit is 84 years; Neptune’s orbit is rough­ly twice that at 164 years; and Plu­to is three times Uranus or 248 years; so that means they form a pro­gres­sion in years of 1 to 2 to 3.

Since these plan­ets are what we call the Sacred three beyond Sat­urn, I like to look at them as the Avatars of our spir­i­tu­al jour­ney, of becom­ing more than what have been made by our mere con­di­tion­ing from our past suc­cess­es and fail­ures, which is held by Sat­urn. Sat­urn should be held in this con­text as the plan­et of Real­i­ty, of what we have made along with our self-lim­i­ta­tions. Anoth­er Astro­log­i­cal name for Sat­urn is the “Ring Pass Not”, and this means that when we move beyond the rings of Sat­urn we move into a more sub­lime place, a realm beyond seem­ing­ly fixed and mate­ri­al­ized worlds of the more inner planets.

The Three Out­er Plan­ets as a Process 
So, one way to look at these out­er three with regards to our Spir­i­tu­al jour­ney and Con­scious­ness is that they oper­ate simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, but also step by step. From a fixed and formed state of belief and know­ing, we find our­selves by the acti­va­tion of Uranus to be shook or shocked from our more lim­it­ed beliefs and thought forms. Uranus oper­ates like an elec­tri­cal dis­charge or light­ning bolt, and we expe­ri­ence that “Ah-hah”, of sud­den­ly see­ing some­thing beyond what we had hereto­fore imagined.

Then Nep­tune comes along, as the Uni­ver­sal Sol­vent, to dis­solve the bound­aries between one thing, idea or realm and anoth­er, and so it lifts us to see through to a more inclu­sive under­stand­ing (after we have passed through the nec­es­sary state or inter­reg­num that we label confusion).

Final­ly, Plu­to brings the prin­ci­ple of Alche­my, the mag­ic of com­bi­na­tion and recom­bi­na­tion, of birth, death, and rebirth, lead­ing to the for­ma­tion and fusion of a new Understanding.

So, one could say that in many instances in our jour­ney of spir­it we are first shocked out of our cer­tain­ties by Uranus, then we move through a state of won­der and con­fu­sion by Nep­tune, so that we might final­ly arrive in a rebirth of our con­scious­ness and mean­ing at Pluto.

Today, for us, the ques­tion is what does Uranus’ orbital posi­tion con­tribute to our under­stand­ing that we have gath­ered in my two pre­vi­ous shows on Plu­to and Nep­tune? Remem­ber, in the last show I com­ment­ed upon that con­sis­tent pat­tern of Pluto’s pas­sage through Capri­corn every 245 years being coun­ter­point­ed by Neptune’s pas­sage through Pisces (as now), or in Virgo.

Uranus in Aries and Taurus
What is equal­ly fas­ci­nat­ing for us cur­rent­ly is this fact. That just as it was in the 1500’s and in the 1700’s, we also have the plan­et Uranus mov­ing through the signs of Aries and Tau­rus in our peri­od too. But here we have some­thing quite extra­or­di­nary. The res­o­nance pat­tern of Plu­to in Capri­corn cor­re­spond­ing with Nep­tune in either Pisces or Vir­go has held for lit­er­al­ly thou­sands of years, but the orbit of Uranus has formed a pat­tern of Uranus slow­ly mov­ing back­wards through the signs for each pas­sage of Plu­to in Capricorn.

So, maybe this dif­fer­ence may con­tribute to our under­stand­ing of what we have expe­ri­enced in our spir­i­tu­al jour­ney for the past 500 years, which is the fact that Uranus has held steady for the last three pas­sages of Plu­to in Capri­corn, because Uranus has been in Aries/Taurus for the 1500’s, 1700’s and for our peri­od in the 2000’s. But if we look to the 1200’s it was in Taurus/Gemini, then in the pri­or peri­od of the 1000’s it was in Gemini/Cancer, and in the 700’s it was in Cancer/Leo, and so on.

For what­ev­er rea­son, and per­haps this may be play in role in how dif­fer­ent and dis­tinct our spir­i­tu­al jour­ney in awak­en­ing has been since the 1500’s, we have expe­ri­enced a con­sis­tent or insis­tent mes­sag­ing with regards to Uranus being in Aries and Tau­rus. What might this mean?

Though many oth­er his­tor­i­cal approach­es and analy­ses will try to explain why we have had a rather dis­tinc­tive or unique his­tor­i­cal peri­od since the 1500’s, when we con­sid­er our his­to­ry through the lens of an Astro­log­i­cal and/or Spir­i­tu­al per­spec­tive, I firm­ly believe that this pat­tern of Plu­to in Capri­corn, with Nep­tune in Pisces or Vir­go, com­bined with Uranus in Aries and Tau­rus, can be very instruc­tive and illu­mi­nat­ing for us.

What I would argue is with regards to the spir­i­tu­al jour­ney of human­i­ty, and the very real changes we have seen in human self-under­stand­ing, the shift in human con­scious­ness, and the con­comi­tant evo­lu­tion our com­mu­ni­ties and cul­tures, we have most cer­tain­ly wit­nessed the emer­gence of a very dif­fer­ent kind of human over the past 500 years. The ques­tion is why?

We have already dis­cussed some­what the nature of the shift from the 1500’s to the 1700’s and then to our present day when we con­sid­ered the inte­gral influ­ences of Plu­to in Capri­corn com­bined with that of Nep­tune in either Vir­go or Pisces. Now with the addi­tion of Uranus we can per­haps see why these past 500 years have been so very dif­fer­ent from those before.

Where­as Nep­tune will com­plete one and one-half an orbit each time Plu­to goes through Capri­corn, Uranus will have gone around three times. But as I not­ed, it will slow­ly move back­wards through the sign it is in when Plu­to returns to Capri­corn. What might be so very spe­cial about it remain­ing or hold­ing for these past 500 years in the first two signs of the Zodi­ac while Plu­to is in Capricorn?

I would argue that we can under­stand this sig­nif­i­cance by exam­in­ing the mes­sage of Uranus when it is mov­ing through Aries as focus­ing its influ­ence upon the very nature of the “I”, as Aries rules the expe­ri­ence of “Who am I”; and that equal­ly, we can see that while Uranus is in Tau­rus it shakes up the very notion of the sec­ond ques­tion of life, “What am I”?

Uranus’ Role com­bined with Nep­tune and Pluto
While it is true that no mat­ter what sign Uranus is mov­ing through, (and it is in each sign for about 7 years), its pur­pose or role is to indi­vid­u­al­ize, indi­vid­u­ate and free that part of our being or nature so that we may con­tin­ue our spir­i­tu­al jour­ney of becom­ing a quin­tes­sen­tial being, because our true nature is to become our very own unique spark of the Divine. So, with this under­stand­ing, we could see that Uranus in Aries dur­ing each break­down of a pre­vi­ous order in struc­ture and mean­ing (that is by Plu­to in Capri­corn, and Nep­tune in Vir­go or Pisces), would sig­nif­i­cant­ly elic­it a dis­tur­bance and ques­tion­ing of the very notion of “what is this thing” that we expe­ri­ence as the “I”. Many observers have not­ed that our very notion of sub­ject and object, our man­ner or atti­tude by which we think, speak and write has changed dra­mat­i­cal­ly as we moved through the 1500’s and beyond. In fact, many his­to­ri­ans posit that moder­ni­ty itself, and the mod­ern sense of “the self” emerged dur­ing that Plu­to-Nep­tune-Uranus cycle in the 1500s.

Like­wise, Uranus in Tau­rus elic­its or brings shocks to our sec­ond most impor­tant sense of our­selves and our world; that is what is val­ue, what is our val­ue and what is of val­ue for us? We can cer­tain­ly see that by exam­in­ing the con­cep­tion of and the hier­ar­chy of val­ues that exist­ed pri­or to the 1500s and then com­pare that to where we find our­selves today, our expe­ri­ence of val­ue and own knowl­edge of the mate­r­i­al worlds (and those beyond the mate­r­i­al) has been total­ly transformed.

Indeed, that very essen­tial con­struct of “the Sub­ject” ver­sus what­ev­er is “the Object”, the I and the not‑I, has been trans­formed from the 1500s down to this very day.

For our pur­pos­es, in exam­in­ing the spir­i­tu­al jour­ney of human­i­ty from the 1500s onwards, the main con­sid­er­a­tion or shift would be expe­ri­enced in this evo­lu­tion (or rev­o­lu­tion) in our per­spec­tive, our way of see­ing our­selves and our under­stand­ing of the world around us; what has quite fun­da­men­tal­ly dri­ven our his­to­ry for the past 500 years is the rev­o­lu­tion in our con­scious­ness, (which is by no means done of course).

As I men­tioned in Parts 1 and 2 of our 2022 overview, the sig­na­ture shift that has tak­en place in the last 500 years is in how we think, how we know or think we know, and how that has shaped what dreams we dream, and from this what we think of our­selves and how we live our lives.

The Ways of Knowing
Before the shocks that began in the 1500s by Uranus, and the dissolving’s by Nep­tune, and in the renewals of Plu­to, we could under­stand the “way of know­ing” by humans as being derived from one of three approach­es or methods:

  • For much of human his­to­ry, and for the great­est num­ber of peo­ple, there is the under­stand­ing estab­lished and enforced by Author­i­ty, where­in the answers to life are deter­mined by those who hold posi­tion and wield pow­er over the many, whether they be from realms sec­u­lar or sec­tar­i­an. And this way of know­ing by force is still quite preva­lent of course for far too many souls.
  • Then for some, there is the fix­ing of the answers to life by what one wish­es to believe to be true, a hold­ing of or to a point of view, and to a real­i­ty, by sheer deter­mi­na­tion and often through delib­er­ate or will­ful igno­rance. In effect, one is an author­i­ty to one­self, but with no crit­i­cal or reflec­tive cor­rec­tion pos­si­ble or sought for.
  • And then there is the approach for some, and which seems some­what more rea­son­able, and it is known as “a pri­ori” rea­son­ing. It is an approach which is formed by assum­ing that one is being rea­son­able, or that we are being rea­son­able, and that by using our indi­vid­ual rea­son we can form cer­tain assump­tions and approach­es to what we know, and it seems to work for us. But there is no method or prac­tice with­in this approach that pro­vides for test­ing or cor­rec­tions or val­i­da­tion. So, by each of us assum­ing that we are right, and then by our con­fir­ma­tion bias­es in which we keep the data or expe­ri­ence that con­firms what we assumed and ignore the rest, we end up cre­at­ing a thought-real­i­ty struc­ture that makes sense to us, but it can be tru­ly non­sen­si­cal and even dan­ger­ous to our­selves or others.

Rev­o­lu­tion in Consciousness
Final­ly, what emerged in the 1500s was quite extra­or­di­nary and excep­tion­al, and this is what I would call a key part of the Spir­i­tu­al Trans­for­ma­tion brought about via the agency of Pluto/Neptune/Uranus. A sig­nif­i­cant ele­ment of this awak­en­ing forged what we have come to know as a means or process of under­stand­ing our­selves and our world called “the Sci­en­tif­ic Method”.

The Sci­en­tif­ic Method is the crit­i­cal rea­son­ing process where­by we can deter­mine and sep­a­rate fact from fic­tion. And it rests upon this most essen­tial qual­i­ty, that our trans­for­ma­tion­al self-aware­ness cre­at­ed the capac­i­ty for us to be “self-crit­i­cal”. That gift of self-crit­i­cal­ness is bestowed by our devel­op­ment of hav­ing some greater or less­er degree of objec­tiv­i­ty, of our being able to observe not just what we may be try­ing to under­stand, but to hold our­selves as equal­ly objec­tive about our own per­cep­tions and rea­son­ings too.

By this leap in self-aware­ness, Knowl­edge and Truth became some­thing forged and cre­at­ed by our Liv­ing Spir­it. That what we know and believe would not be derived by fiat through some Author­i­ty, nor by igno­rant and will­ful deter­mi­na­tion, nor by rea­son­ing with­out crit­i­cal reflec­tion (the three pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned ways). Now it became pos­si­ble for knowl­edge and truth to be deter­mined by a process of greater self-under­stand­ing and open­ness to the won­der of the world around us.

The Sci­en­tif­ic Method
We would start, as one must if one seeks to tru­ly know, with the knowl­edge that we do not know but we seek to under­stand. And so, we would pro­pose some­thing, a pos­tu­late or hypoth­e­sis about some­thing, and then by obser­va­tion, and test­ing, and re-hypoth­e­siz­ing, and more test­ing, and then the refin­ing of our find­ings we could arrive at a con­clu­sion with a rea­son­able cer­tain­ty about something.

To be able to adopt this method of know­ing, we must start from the first and truest posi­tion of spir­it, that is just like in the mind of a child, we begin with an open mind, a mind unfilled with assump­tions or ideas as such, but rather filled by a curi­ous, inquis­i­tive spir­it that seeks to know more about the world and of ourselves.

The result over the past 500 years has been an ever increas­ing and expo­nen­tial growth in our knowl­edge of the world. We unlocked the secrets of physics, chem­istry, and biol­o­gy and so we became like the gods, with the pro­tean abil­i­ty to rad­i­cal­ly alter our world and our­selves too. The world that was in the 1500s looks noth­ing like the world we have now. And we are cer­tain­ly a very dif­fer­ent type of human than our ancestors.

Yes, it is by this Spir­i­tu­al leap in Con­scious­ness, we found some of the keys to the Uni­verse; we have mag­ni­fied our pow­ers and extend­ed our range of influ­ence over our­selves and all oth­er life-forms on this plan­et. And here­in we made and met our fate, we dis­cov­ered a “ring” of great pow­er, but we did not under­stand how we should use it or what we would create.

This is because, unfor­tu­nate­ly, our leap in pow­er was not matched by an equal­ly greater wis­dom or a deep­er humil­i­ty. It seems we have become the instru­ments of our own undo­ing by har­ness­ing the secrets of the uni­verse. Yes, we face the great­est of per­ils we have ever faced by our own mak­ing, because our knowl­edge was incom­plete, and the con­se­quences of our actions not ful­ly understood.

Lim­it­ed Consciousness
More­over, for many, many souls, and tru­ly for most of us to some greater or less­er degree, the oth­er meth­ods of deter­mi­na­tion of fact and truth or belief still hold sway, either par­tial­ly or whol­ly, in our under­stand­ing of our­selves and our world. Rather than be filled with curios­i­ty, won­der and humil­i­ty, too often many choose to live in cer­tain­ties found­ed in and cir­cum­scribed by fear.

Yes, far, far too many humans place their faith (or real­ly their fear) into some one indi­vid­ual or group of “Author­i­ties” who hold nei­ther Truth nor Wis­dom but mere­ly their Pow­er as the source of mean­ing. And far too many of us think that we are “rea­son­able”, and that we can use our rea­son and our mod­ern index­es of infor­ma­tion to sort fact from fan­ta­sy, and be an island of self-formed knowl­edge, our very own arbiters of truth and rea­son. And so, our feal­ty to author­i­ties, or our ego­tis­ti­cal self-assur­ances blinds us to the Liv­ing Truth that is Spirit.

We Need One Anoth­er to Know Truth
Because our foun­da­tion of under­stand­ing, from the very begin­ning of our awak­en­ing, has been anchored in this fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of our human know­ing, which is that we are social beings, and we need one anoth­er to find our way to what is rea­son­able, to what may it fac­tu­al and per­haps even True. Our very word for this, “Con­scious­ness”, means “Togeth­er Know­ing”.  Which quite sim­ply means that if we do not share with one anoth­er, and tell our sto­ries, and lis­ten to one anoth­er, we will be lost upon the rag­ing seas of misunderstandings.

That is why we need to help one anoth­er to find our way out of our con­fu­sion and fear by sim­ply being there for one anoth­er; we must lis­ten, we need to offer sup­port and com­fort, to pro­vide insight and crit­i­cism, and we must equal­ly be eager to receive it too. We are one another’s means to the truth, whose fun­da­men­tal source is to be found in the One or Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

More than many may know or under­stand, we make what we are and what we will be by how we think, by what we think and what we share with one anoth­er. To that end I will leave you with some words from a very wise one, Man­ly Palmer Hall, who wrote in his book “Self-Unfold­ment by Dis­ci­plines of Realization”:

Let your real­iza­tion through all this time be that sim­ply, nat­u­ral­ly, gen­tly, nor­mal­ly and hap­pi­ly, you are grow­ing up through the many to the One, and that you are accom­plish­ing this through the grad­ual process­es of dis­cov­er­ing as a series of joy­ous expe­ri­ences the One in each of the many. Real­iza­tion is the con­scious under­stand­ing of the uni­ty of life, and of the uni­ty of the liv­ing Self with the death­less Cause which abides in the inner­most parts of the world.

Be patient, and in all things be kind – and time and eter­ni­ty will be patient and kind through you.”