Daily Archives: February 17, 2022

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2022)

Pisces — Johfra Bosschart

The Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones

What is the essen­tial Truth that holds all the oth­ers as one? It is quite sim­ple real­ly, as are all sacred mat­ters. The whole point of your jour­ney through all these realms, worlds, bod­ies, and lives is to come to live your life as what you essen­tial­ly are. And what is that?

You, and all that we know as Cre­ation, are sim­ply formed, guid­ed, and made by Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love. And that is why the most pro­found truth found at the heart of all teach­ings is this:

The love you receive will for­ev­er equal the love that you give.

Yes, if we could sum up all that a per­son did, or is, or will for­ev­er be, we could not find a bet­ter way to hold the truth of how to under­stand the mean­ing of life than to see it as this, that what is tru­ly shin­ing through and behind one and all is this beau­ti­ful expe­ri­ence we call love.

We have reached the last of the signs of the Zodi­ac, the sign of Pisces. And at this time of year, and some­where in your own Astro­log­i­cal chart, you will find this to be the most pre­cious gift of the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones. Pisces holds the trea­sures and fruits of this life, as well as the innu­mer­able series of lives you have lived, as it is the vehi­cle, the Avatar of your fulfillment.

Pisces is the “end that is the begin­ning”, the ves­sel of all your har­vests and fruits of your count­less lives, forged by all the jour­neys you have made by these Twelve Signs. And in this encom­pass­ing Cir­cle of Life that is the Zodi­ac, you are held with your loved ones, and with all crea­tures great and small, along with the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars, indeed with the entire­ty of Cre­ation as what you were and will always be, one with the One.

It is from your pre­cious har­vests of mean­ing­ful­ness, of your lessons learned by your mis­takes cor­rect­ed, your growth in wis­dom matched by your humil­i­ty that deep­ened, it is from this com­pound cre­ation that you con­tin­u­al­ly forge the seeds of your next begin­ning and all your future lives too. Yes, Pisces is the Omega which will become your Alpha of a new day, a new year, and a new life in Aries and beyond.

Here in Pisces, in this realm of com­pas­sion and love for all of life, as you stand upon the eter­nal shore of dreams and won­ders, with visions fired by imag­i­na­tion, com­pas­sion and love, Pisces is the ever-renew­ing foun­tain-source of your faith and hope. Pisces holds the truth, that you are the mak­er of you, in that the dreams you dream, become the thoughts you think, which forge the actions you took and made the real­i­ty you now face.

By this self-under­stand­ing you see the true path of self-mas­tery, by your awak­en­ing you see the Rib­bon of Light and Love that is the path of the cre­ator in you when you hold to your faith with love and understanding.

But even so, here at the end you once again won­der and pon­der, “what is this all about, why am I here and what ques­tions should I ask at this last great por­tal of the Divine?”.

As it was at the begin­ning, it is also at this so-called end­ing too; we remain what we are, look­ing to under­stand who and what we are, and why we are, the ever elu­sive why. And so, from the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, from the Heart of the Lov­ing Ones, we hear the celes­tial notes of the Divine that have come down to us from the very first days of Cre­ation answer:

What is the pur­pose of life?

The Ancient Teach­ings, The Wise Ones tell us, that we are part of great host of beings that began our jour­ney in Space-Time long, long ago. We came as seeds from a pre­vi­ous cos­mic cycle, and it was our turn in the nev­er-end­ing, ever-ascend­ing Hier­ar­chy that form the King­doms of Spir­it and of Life, it was our turn to enter this most spe­cial realm that we call “human”.

What is so spe­cial about this realm of being that we name human?

It is the divine gift of self-aware­ness, of your being able to expe­ri­ence self-con­scious­ness. By this gift you are slow­ly but sure­ly form­ing your­self into a being that is endowed with the poten­tial to ful­fill your lumi­nous Inner Nature, which is for you to become an ever more con­scious co-cre­ator of Creation.

But if I already have the Divine with­in me, why must I strug­gle, why must I suffer?

Because you are on a path of becom­ing, and your Spark of the Divine, your mon­ad, is just the high­est part of all your hier­ar­chy of ener­gy-forms or bod­ies that par­take in this jour­ney with you. This Divine Light, this Love that is the Divine, shines in every par­ti­cle and mote of Cre­ation, but in you it has been formed into a vehi­cle with a mind and a heart, with an intel­li­gence and love so that you can under­stand and care for one anoth­er and for this Cre­ation too. But this Jew­el of Light, your Causal Body, is only one of your many ener­gy-forms or bod­ies that you are, as there are many planes and dimen­sions, each requir­ing a dif­fer­ent form of being.

You exist in many bod­ies or dimen­sions (not one), which can be arranged from the dens­est to the more ethe­re­al, your Phys­i­cal Ener­gy-Form, your Emo­tion­al Ener­gy-Form, your Men­tal Ener­gy-Form, and your High­er Mon­ad or Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Form. Every one of these “bod­ies” jour­neys with you; and you through them and they through you; and, it is by this dance of spir­it that you help one anoth­er walk the lumi­nous path of per­fec­tion, in this life and in life after life.

You are bound to one anoth­er by the Law of Kar­ma, and each of you reaps what you sow. Though you might wish to avoid error and suf­fer­ing, you now real­ize that it was by your error and cor­rec­tion that you forged the way to make the light that is Love. You can accept and smile and for­give your­self and one anoth­er, because you have done the one true work, that you had to learn to choose what is more lov­ing, more car­ing, and more truth­ful. This is the way it is done, because by liv­ing by love you become self-mas­ter­ful, and so ever more guid­ed by wis­dom, humil­i­ty, and compassion.

The Law of Cre­ation is per­fect, and you are here to help one anoth­er. You by and with your bod­ies, through tri­al and error, lift your­self up into a more per­fect form of human; and you with your fel­low humans help one anoth­er to become more wise and lov­ing too; and so that even more tru­ly you come to under­stand that is you, with all the beings that form the hosts of Cre­ation, that you are here quite won­der­ful­ly and sim­ply to be the very Light of Cre­ation that shines with­in each and every king­dom of life too.

This is the Promise and Gift of Pisces. That in the end we will come to know that each of us, and tru­ly every sin­gle part of Cre­ation, is quite pro­found­ly yet tru­ly the Life and Light and Love of the Divine.

Yes, you are one of the ones of the One.

You are a ves­sel filled with the Pow­er of Faith, and that Faith is the Love of the One.

You are on the path, the only path,

You are here to shine as the Love Divine.

Just love one anoth­er, as you are,
