Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2022)

Pisces — Johfra Bosschart

The Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones

What is the essen­tial Truth that holds all the oth­ers as one? It is quite sim­ple real­ly, as are all sacred mat­ters. The whole point of your jour­ney through all these realms, worlds, bod­ies, and lives is to come to live your life as what you essen­tial­ly are. And what is that?

You, and all that we know as Cre­ation, are sim­ply formed, guid­ed, and made by Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love. And that is why the most pro­found truth found at the heart of all teach­ings is this:

The love you receive will for­ev­er equal the love that you give.

Yes, if we could sum up all that a per­son did, or is, or will for­ev­er be, we could not find a bet­ter way to hold the truth of how to under­stand the mean­ing of life than to see it as this, that what is tru­ly shin­ing through and behind one and all is this beau­ti­ful expe­ri­ence we call love.

We have reached the last of the signs of the Zodi­ac, the sign of Pisces. And at this time of year, and some­where in your own Astro­log­i­cal chart, you will find this to be the most pre­cious gift of the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones. Pisces holds the trea­sures and fruits of this life, as well as the innu­mer­able series of lives you have lived, as it is the vehi­cle, the Avatar of your fulfillment.

Pisces is the “end that is the begin­ning”, the ves­sel of all your har­vests and fruits of your count­less lives, forged by all the jour­neys you have made by these Twelve Signs. And in this encom­pass­ing Cir­cle of Life that is the Zodi­ac, you are held with your loved ones, and with all crea­tures great and small, along with the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars, indeed with the entire­ty of Cre­ation as what you were and will always be, one with the One.

It is from your pre­cious har­vests of mean­ing­ful­ness, of your lessons learned by your mis­takes cor­rect­ed, your growth in wis­dom matched by your humil­i­ty that deep­ened, it is from this com­pound cre­ation that you con­tin­u­al­ly forge the seeds of your next begin­ning and all your future lives too. Yes, Pisces is the Omega which will become your Alpha of a new day, a new year, and a new life in Aries and beyond.

Here in Pisces, in this realm of com­pas­sion and love for all of life, as you stand upon the eter­nal shore of dreams and won­ders, with visions fired by imag­i­na­tion, com­pas­sion and love, Pisces is the ever-renew­ing foun­tain-source of your faith and hope. Pisces holds the truth, that you are the mak­er of you, in that the dreams you dream, become the thoughts you think, which forge the actions you took and made the real­i­ty you now face.

By this self-under­stand­ing you see the true path of self-mas­tery, by your awak­en­ing you see the Rib­bon of Light and Love that is the path of the cre­ator in you when you hold to your faith with love and understanding.

But even so, here at the end you once again won­der and pon­der, “what is this all about, why am I here and what ques­tions should I ask at this last great por­tal of the Divine?”.

As it was at the begin­ning, it is also at this so-called end­ing too; we remain what we are, look­ing to under­stand who and what we are, and why we are, the ever elu­sive why. And so, from the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, from the Heart of the Lov­ing Ones, we hear the celes­tial notes of the Divine that have come down to us from the very first days of Cre­ation answer:

What is the pur­pose of life?

The Ancient Teach­ings, The Wise Ones tell us, that we are part of great host of beings that began our jour­ney in Space-Time long, long ago. We came as seeds from a pre­vi­ous cos­mic cycle, and it was our turn in the nev­er-end­ing, ever-ascend­ing Hier­ar­chy that form the King­doms of Spir­it and of Life, it was our turn to enter this most spe­cial realm that we call “human”.

What is so spe­cial about this realm of being that we name human?

It is the divine gift of self-aware­ness, of your being able to expe­ri­ence self-con­scious­ness. By this gift you are slow­ly but sure­ly form­ing your­self into a being that is endowed with the poten­tial to ful­fill your lumi­nous Inner Nature, which is for you to become an ever more con­scious co-cre­ator of Creation.

But if I already have the Divine with­in me, why must I strug­gle, why must I suffer?

Because you are on a path of becom­ing, and your Spark of the Divine, your mon­ad, is just the high­est part of all your hier­ar­chy of ener­gy-forms or bod­ies that par­take in this jour­ney with you. This Divine Light, this Love that is the Divine, shines in every par­ti­cle and mote of Cre­ation, but in you it has been formed into a vehi­cle with a mind and a heart, with an intel­li­gence and love so that you can under­stand and care for one anoth­er and for this Cre­ation too. But this Jew­el of Light, your Causal Body, is only one of your many ener­gy-forms or bod­ies that you are, as there are many planes and dimen­sions, each requir­ing a dif­fer­ent form of being.

You exist in many bod­ies or dimen­sions (not one), which can be arranged from the dens­est to the more ethe­re­al, your Phys­i­cal Ener­gy-Form, your Emo­tion­al Ener­gy-Form, your Men­tal Ener­gy-Form, and your High­er Mon­ad or Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Form. Every one of these “bod­ies” jour­neys with you; and you through them and they through you; and, it is by this dance of spir­it that you help one anoth­er walk the lumi­nous path of per­fec­tion, in this life and in life after life.

You are bound to one anoth­er by the Law of Kar­ma, and each of you reaps what you sow. Though you might wish to avoid error and suf­fer­ing, you now real­ize that it was by your error and cor­rec­tion that you forged the way to make the light that is Love. You can accept and smile and for­give your­self and one anoth­er, because you have done the one true work, that you had to learn to choose what is more lov­ing, more car­ing, and more truth­ful. This is the way it is done, because by liv­ing by love you become self-mas­ter­ful, and so ever more guid­ed by wis­dom, humil­i­ty, and compassion.

The Law of Cre­ation is per­fect, and you are here to help one anoth­er. You by and with your bod­ies, through tri­al and error, lift your­self up into a more per­fect form of human; and you with your fel­low humans help one anoth­er to become more wise and lov­ing too; and so that even more tru­ly you come to under­stand that is you, with all the beings that form the hosts of Cre­ation, that you are here quite won­der­ful­ly and sim­ply to be the very Light of Cre­ation that shines with­in each and every king­dom of life too.

This is the Promise and Gift of Pisces. That in the end we will come to know that each of us, and tru­ly every sin­gle part of Cre­ation, is quite pro­found­ly yet tru­ly the Life and Light and Love of the Divine.

Yes, you are one of the ones of the One.

You are a ves­sel filled with the Pow­er of Faith, and that Faith is the Love of the One.

You are on the path, the only path,

You are here to shine as the Love Divine.

Just love one anoth­er, as you are,


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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

2 thoughts on “Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2022)

  1. ljjanes

    I was lit­er­al­ly watch­ing Ringo Starr on late night TV and then was read­ing this dur­ing the com­mer­cial and read your state­ment “the love you receive is equal to the love that you give.“ I hope I got it right. Any­way, I imme­di­ate­ly thought of the Bea­t­les singing, “and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.“ So true! 💕

  2. Suzanne Beverly Miller

    Once again, you man­age to present one leav­ened loaf of wis­dom that con­tains an entire field of grain in the har­vest. Thank you.


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