Transcript of Radio Show: 2022 — Pluto, Russia & Ukraine, and the end of an Age
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As you all can imagine, I have had many clients and listeners asking me what “the stars” have to say about the crisis in Eastern Europe, specifically Ukraine and Russia in these past weeks. When we consider Mundane Astrology, and when we consider national and international events, we look at the charts of the involved parties, especially the charts of the nations and their leaders.
Given the nature of the events in Eastern Europe and given that we are in the last full year of Pluto being in Capricorn, (again which has been this overarching significator for this period from 2008 into 2024 forming the “end of an age”), we might well expect to see that Pluto is significant in the natal charts and transits of the respective parties to this conflict.
What Date is Significant?
But here is precisely where we run into several problems, which boils down to how do we determine which astrology charts are correct. With the chart of an individual, we can usually obtain the date and place of birth, and oftentimes the time as well. But it is often quite challenging to determine the true birthdate for a nation. A great number of actions or events can be seen as being decisive, such as a declaration of independence, like in our USA’s Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which seems to be the most important chart for understanding the nature and history of America, and has become the date we celebrate “our birthday” as a nation.
But it may be more important to consider when independence is achieved by a final victory, or granted by another, or when a constitution is adopted formally, and many other moments, such as the fall of one type of government and the rise or adoption of another. For many countries there are multiple charts, and the question remains open which is to be favored by astrologers at various times.
So, we astrologers will often look to the leadership of a country as being the nominal indicator of the well-being or not of that nation. This method has a very ancient lineage in that long ago, astrologers would look to the chart of the King or Queen, of the Emperor or Empress, to ascertain the fate of that kingdom or empire; it was said that as went the fate of the lord, so followed their subjects’ fates too.
Dates for Ukraine and Russia
So here we find ourselves seeking to understand the nature of this struggle in Ukraine, and we would need to have usable charts for Russia and Ukraine, and for their respective leaders. Now with respect with Ukraine we do appear to have what we need; we seem to have a reasonable national chart based on the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991, and a true chart for the leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, born January 25, 1978.
But for Russia, I have to say that it is much more difficult to know for certain. That is because there are several charts that have been proposed for the current Russian state, one for June 12, 1990, the First People’s Deputies adoption of the Declaration of Russia’s National Sovereignty; to Belarus, Ukraine and the Russia Federation’s Minsk Declaration being announced on December 8, 1991; to that being ratified by the Russian Parliament on December 12, 1991; to the raising of the new Russian Flag over the Kremlin on December 25, 1991.
Though there are several competing claims we perhaps can settle this for now by understanding this fact. The Russian people themselves celebrate June 12 as their “Russia Day”, (like we celebrate July 4th here in the USA), and that seems persuasive enough for me to use this chart as the chart for the current Russian state.
But we then have the more challenging problem of Vladimir Putin’s birthdate and chart. The official record offered is that he was born on October 7, 1952, at 9:30 am in Leningrad, USSR. Many astrologers will use this because it has been available. But there are several potential problems with this chart. Russian birth records do not have a time of birth recorded. Yet the source of this time of birth referenced an official record. Moreover, Putin was a KGB agent, and they are trained to never reveal personal information, and to substitute misinformation. There are other researchers who have provided or derived other times of birth for that day, and even other years of birth such as 1950, and that Putin might have been born in Georgia and not Russia.
So, what are we do to with this? It certainly seems reasonable for us to look at and compare the chart for Ukraine and the Russian chart. And we can certainly use Zelensky’s chart, but we will have to be more qualified and cautious about Putin’s chart.
Spiritual Truth
As I mentioned, what we will want to examine is the true spiritual story of what is happening, and that will be indicated by the influences that are brought to bear by Pluto in this conflict. What we must remember is that Pluto rules the will, it is the spiritual agency or Avatar of the energy-form that creates and forms the unique boundary that distinguishes one being or entity from another. Within that defined space, within what we should understand as the sacred space of spirit, that atom, or cell or organism, or in our examination of Russia and Ukraine, a Social Entity, it is within that sacred space that the spark of the divine can establish the experience of being a centered and whole being, rooted in spirit and held together as a One.
For humans, our will establishes our unique space, and the center of our sense of being one of a kind. I am in my space, you are in your space, and we must never force ourselves upon one another, we must never violate the space of any other, for the spiritual law and truth is absolute about this, that “Thou shall not Trespass”.
But of course, we do trespass upon one another, person to person, group to group and nation to nation, and it is quite frankly why we have what we see prevailing in our beautiful home, it is why we have “hell on Earth”. That is the fundamental truth for self-aware, self-creating beings, that we will make our own hell, and we will continue to do so until we learn to never violate the space of another. Why?
Because the other spiritual principle holding ourselves and our worlds together is that everything, and everyone is made from the same root energy-form, the Unconditional Love of the Divine. We are made of love, and we are here quite simply, to remember, we are here because of love, and we are here to love one another.
Pluto rules the faculty of harnessing and focusing spiritual energy, which is fundamentally unconditional love, and so it governs how we are held together in a unique vehicle, our own sacred space. When we are properly centered within ourselves, we may willingly join with others to create new and shared, sacred spaces for our alchemic unions and transformations. Certainly, there is some push and pull, the give and take that drive the development of all combinations, but whenever it crosses the line from mutually and reciprocally shared sacrifice and combination that is founded upon love and becomes instead a taking or rupture of sacred space, then it becomes driven by fear and by force and not love, it is then a false union that becomes the evil we know as trespassing.
The passage of Pluto in Capricorn is ending, and it is probably fitting that we have some clearer examples of the many “Crises in Institutions” that it has brought for 15 years now. From the family unit to community organizations, to local, state, national and international orders, the final bell is being tolled for the world that has been since the late 1700’s and the one we are now entering in the later 2020’s.
Charts for Russia and Ukraine
So, let us turn our attention to one of the more dramatic examples of the misuse of the will, the subjugation of one national entity by another, which brings us to the war of Russia against Ukraine. As we might expect, the position of Pluto in the chart of Russia and of Ukraine is rather significant. For Russia, Pluto is the rising planet for the chart of June 12, 1990, and it is in the second house. (This is, you may remember, is like the chart for the United States). The 2nd House rules a nation’s resources and wealth, or values of a nation. But in the chart for Russia, Pluto is exactly opposite the planet Venus, the planet of values, in the 8th house. In an individual’s chart, the lesson of this aspect would be to learn to break the compulsion to impose their values upon another or control another’s values, so as not to fall into a pattern where in the end the form of relationships is inevitably reduced to a struggle for power and control, which will often lead to some form of violence.
Not only does this setup create a pattern for Russia, that it might act forcefully to impose their values upon another, but this tendency is then magnified by the placement of Mars in Aries in the 7th house of relationships, (which in a Mundane/National chart is the house of allies or enemies), and this placement creates the lesson of needing to overcome a tendency to act too aggressively in international relationships.
For Ukraine, Pluto is the planet that is uppermost and placed in the 10th house, which rules the chief executive or ruling class, the national power, and the ideals a nation seeks to cultivate and attain. It is in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of Alchemy, indicating that Ukraine’s ideals are founded upon the aim to forge a transformational union of the differing sectors and elements of their people. Their challenge in doing so is this, how can they find a way to blend their Moon in Aquarius, which stresses the need for the “people” to be independent and free, and how to balance and integrate that with their need to forge a strong union. It is an internal struggle, whereas Russia’s Venus to Pluto opposition is a contrast or conflict that is experienced as something between Russia and other nations.
Chart for Vladimir Putin
When we look at Vladimir Putin’s chart, the placement of Pluto is the same as in Ukraine’s, at the top of the chart in the 10th house and in the Sign of Leo. Pluto here indicates a very willful person with an unrelenting desire to succeed. If the use of power is grounded and centered correctly, it could lead to great success and transformation. But Putin has Pluto squared to Jupiter, the planet of Beliefs and Truths, and this could foster and inflame dictatorial tendencies and ambitions to impose “his truth” upon others, especially as Jupiter is in his 7th house of relationships, and Pluto is the ruler of his Rising Sign of Scorpio. Scorpio Rising often indicates a person who is inclined to approach or see life as a battle, as a zero-sum game. Moreover, Putin has Mars, which is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, in the Sign of Sagittarius, and with the planet of Desires and Actions in the sign of belief and faith, it fosters a persona with strongly held spiritual or religious positions. Many with this placement take on the role of being a crusader for a cause, and often this can evoke a very strong sense of patriotism. Truly, Putin could see himself as a defender of his faith and his country.
Transits in Putin’s and Russia’s charts
If we look at the transits in Putin’s chart and in Russia’s, I would like to point out that this, as Putin puts it, “military incursion” is just the latest phase of Putin’s war to refashion a “Greater Russia” that he began in 2014 with the seizure of Crimea, and the establishment of nominal control over two eastern sectors of Ukraine. If we look at that invasion in February 2014, and this one of February 2022, there are some very interesting similarities. In 2014, Putin had Uranus opposite to his Sun, whereas in 2022 he has Uranus opposite his Venus (which rules his Sun as a Libra), both of which indicate that something disruptive and forged by the need to be free of limitations or restrictions spurred him to act. And in 2014 he had Saturn squaring his Pluto and opposite his Jupiter, and this time he has Saturn opposite his Pluto and squaring his Jupiter, and both indicate that he has been determined to act through his worldview that he must impose his truth upon others. But he is also experiencing in 2022 the transit of Neptune inconjunct his Pluto, and that forces an individual to reconsider the true nature or source of their “power”; that often occurs because they are being forced to recognize that their power is not what they had or thought they had.
If we look at Russia’s chart, again we see very interesting links between these two periods and to Putin’s chart as well. In 2014, Russia had Pluto opposite Jupiter, Uranus square Jupiter, and Saturn semisquare Uranus. The combination of Pluto and Uranus to Jupiter most certainly was a demonstration of the Will to impose one’s beliefs upon another. And the Saturn to Uranus indicates the tension of the established order or reality of Saturn stoking the need to exert Russia’s freedom held by Uranus. And now in 2022, that very same aspect, but waxing not waning of Saturn semisquare Uranus is back. But this time Uranus in on Venus and opposite Pluto, and we should see an even greater struggle between Freedom, Will and Value now. But this time, Russia is also experiencing Neptune squaring the Sun, and now for all of 2022 Neptune is squaring the 10th and 4th house cusps. Much as Putin may be realizing that his power is not what it was, Russia is also facing what might be best described as an existential crisis. Neptune squaring the 4th house, will bring about a very confusing period, where Russians will question the foundations for their nation, and that has and will bring about a mounting rise in insecurity. And Neptune squaring the 10th house will equally make the Russian people question and to have doubts about their path or destiny too.
Chart of Volodymyr Zelensky
For Volodymyr Zelensky, he like Ukraine is born with his Sun conjunct Venus, indicating a love of beauty and harmony. Zelensky is an Aquarius which is ruled by the planet Uranus, while Ukraine has Uranus as its rising planet. Each in their own way stand for the purpose of life being guided by individuality and freedom. Moreover, Ukraine’s Moon is in Aquarius and opposite to Zelensky’s Moon in Leo, and this Moon is at the very top of Zelensky’s chart, his house of destiny. The Moon in a nation’s chart literally rules “the people”, and this shows the very real embodiment for the Ukrainian people he is currently holding as his purpose.
Transits in Zelensky’s and Ukraine’s charts
The transits in Ukraine’s and Zelensky’s charts confirm their shared sense of what is happening now. For Ukraine in 2014, Uranus was squaring its rising planet Uranus, indicating a crisis in freedom. Saturn was squaring the Moon as well, showing the great pain the people of Ukraine suffered then. For Zelensky, Uranus was going over his Mercury, which would lead to a year where he was shocked and upset. Meanwhile, just like Ukraine, Saturn was on his Moon as well, so he was personally suffering emotionally. In 2022, Uranus has entered the 4th house of foundations and security for Ukraine, and now opposes its Pluto or will; certainly, a great test of will, a test of boundaries is here for Ukraine. And Saturn is directly on the Moon this time, bringing about even greater suffering than 2014. For Zelensky, Uranus is opposite his Uranus, and for anyone this is one of the chief indicators that one has reached the midlife, a turning point that will present itself as a crisis of authenticity and individuality. And, like Ukraine, Saturn is now opposite to Zelensky’s Moon indicating a very challenging time where one can feel cut-off from the support one needs.
What will happen?
Most of you, and I too, would like to be able to understand what will happen, to have the planets predict for us what the future holds. But as I have stressed time after time, the planets do not “make” things happen, they are the principal carriers of meaning, and that these meanings wax and wane as the planets cycle with one another, with each planet and planetary combination creating waves of energy-forms that create the general conditions of a particular period.
But what real or historical effect those energy-forms have, well when it comes to us humans it really depends upon us, upon our individual and collective development of consciousness, and the degree to which we have risen above a more limited and fearful consciousness and turned to the light that is the truth of Unconditional Love.
We can certainly know this; things are not turning out as Putin had imagined. In 2014, he basically walked into Crimea and hardly a shot was fired. Now he is engaged in a true battle, and not with just Ukrainians but with many nations in the world. I am very concerned that having committed to this attack on, as he would put, his “fellow Russians” he now finds himself in a desperate situation, and that there is a very real danger to us all. The transits in his chart that are growing in influence this year show him to be under real and growing threats. And yes, it is equally certain that Zelensky’s life is in peril now as well, as he has emphatically declared to the world.
What we all need, in whatever we can individually and collectively, is to remember to hold ourselves to the path of Truth and Love and not give into fear. We need to support one another, and show our support for those in peril, and try to hold to and foster a quality or state of being that restores peace in the world.
May the Light of Truth, Love and Understanding be with you all.