2022–3‑6 Radio Show Transcript — Astrological Musings – Pluto, Russia & Ukraine, and the end of an Age

Tran­script of Radio Show: 2022 — Plu­to, Rus­sia & Ukraine, and the end of an Age 

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

As you all can imag­ine, I have had many clients and lis­ten­ers ask­ing me what “the stars” have to say about the cri­sis in East­ern Europe, specif­i­cal­ly Ukraine and Rus­sia in these past weeks. When we con­sid­er Mun­dane Astrol­o­gy, and when we con­sid­er nation­al and inter­na­tion­al events, we look at the charts of the involved par­ties, espe­cial­ly the charts of the nations and their leaders.

Giv­en the nature of the events in East­ern Europe and giv­en that we are in the last full year of Plu­to being in Capri­corn, (again which has been this over­ar­ch­ing sig­ni­fi­ca­tor for this peri­od from 2008 into 2024 form­ing the “end of an age”), we might well expect to see that Plu­to is sig­nif­i­cant in the natal charts and tran­sits of the respec­tive par­ties to this conflict.

What Date is Significant?
But here is pre­cise­ly where we run into sev­er­al prob­lems, which boils down to how do we deter­mine which astrol­o­gy charts are cor­rect. With the chart of an indi­vid­ual, we can usu­al­ly obtain the date and place of birth, and often­times the time as well. But it is often quite chal­leng­ing to deter­mine the true birth­date for a nation. A great num­ber of actions or events can be seen as being deci­sive, such as a dec­la­ra­tion of inde­pen­dence, like in our USA’s Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence on July 4, 1776, which seems to be the most impor­tant chart for under­stand­ing the nature and his­to­ry of Amer­i­ca, and has become the date we cel­e­brate “our birth­day” as a nation.

But it may be more impor­tant to con­sid­er when inde­pen­dence is achieved by a final vic­to­ry, or grant­ed by anoth­er, or when a con­sti­tu­tion is adopt­ed for­mal­ly, and many oth­er moments, such as the fall of one type of gov­ern­ment and the rise or adop­tion of anoth­er. For many coun­tries there are mul­ti­ple charts, and the ques­tion remains open which is to be favored by astrologers at var­i­ous times.

So, we astrologers will often look to the lead­er­ship of a coun­try as being the nom­i­nal indi­ca­tor of the well-being or not of that nation. This method has a very ancient lin­eage in that long ago, astrologers would look to the chart of the King or Queen, of the Emper­or or Empress, to ascer­tain the fate of that king­dom or empire; it was said that as went the fate of the lord, so fol­lowed their sub­jects’ fates too.

Dates for Ukraine and Russia
So here we find our­selves seek­ing to under­stand the nature of this strug­gle in Ukraine, and we would need to have usable charts for Rus­sia and Ukraine, and for their respec­tive lead­ers. Now with respect with Ukraine we do appear to have what we need; we seem to have a rea­son­able nation­al chart based on the Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991, and a true chart for the leader, Volodymyr Zelen­skyy, born Jan­u­ary 25, 1978.

But for Rus­sia, I have to say that it is much more dif­fi­cult to know for cer­tain. That is because there are sev­er­al charts that have been pro­posed for the cur­rent Russ­ian state, one for June 12, 1990, the First People’s Deputies adop­tion of the Dec­la­ra­tion of Russia’s Nation­al Sov­er­eign­ty; to Belarus, Ukraine and the Rus­sia Federation’s Min­sk Dec­la­ra­tion being announced on Decem­ber 8, 1991; to that being rat­i­fied by the Russ­ian Par­lia­ment on Decem­ber 12, 1991; to the rais­ing of the new Russ­ian Flag over the Krem­lin on Decem­ber 25, 1991.

Though there are sev­er­al com­pet­ing claims we per­haps can set­tle this for now by under­stand­ing this fact. The Russ­ian peo­ple them­selves cel­e­brate June 12 as their “Rus­sia Day”, (like we cel­e­brate July 4th here in the USA), and that seems per­sua­sive enough for me to use this chart as the chart for the cur­rent Russ­ian state.

But we then have the more chal­leng­ing prob­lem of Vladimir Putin’s birth­date and chart. The offi­cial record offered is that he was born on Octo­ber 7, 1952, at 9:30 am in Leningrad, USSR. Many astrologers will use this because it has been avail­able. But there are sev­er­al poten­tial prob­lems with this chart. Russ­ian birth records do not have a time of birth record­ed. Yet the source of this time of birth ref­er­enced an offi­cial record. More­over, Putin was a KGB agent, and they are trained to nev­er reveal per­son­al infor­ma­tion, and to sub­sti­tute mis­in­for­ma­tion. There are oth­er researchers who have pro­vid­ed or derived oth­er times of birth for that day, and even oth­er years of birth such as 1950, and that Putin might have been born in Geor­gia and not Russia.

So, what are we do to with this? It cer­tain­ly seems rea­son­able for us to look at and com­pare the chart for Ukraine and the Russ­ian chart. And we can cer­tain­ly use Zelensky’s chart, but we will have to be more qual­i­fied and cau­tious about Putin’s chart.

Spir­i­tu­al Truth
As I men­tioned, what we will want to exam­ine is the true spir­i­tu­al sto­ry of what is hap­pen­ing, and that will be indi­cat­ed by the influ­ences that are brought to bear by Plu­to in this con­flict. What we must remem­ber is that Plu­to rules the will, it is the spir­i­tu­al agency or Avatar of the ener­gy-form that cre­ates and forms the unique bound­ary that dis­tin­guish­es one being or enti­ty from anoth­er. With­in that defined space, with­in what we should under­stand as the sacred space of spir­it, that atom, or cell or organ­ism, or in our exam­i­na­tion of Rus­sia and Ukraine, a Social Enti­ty, it is with­in that sacred space that the spark of the divine can estab­lish the expe­ri­ence of being a cen­tered and whole being, root­ed in spir­it and held togeth­er as a One.

For humans, our will estab­lish­es our unique space, and the cen­ter of our sense of being one of a kind. I am in my space, you are in your space, and we must nev­er force our­selves upon one anoth­er, we must nev­er vio­late the space of any oth­er, for the spir­i­tu­al law and truth is absolute about this, that “Thou shall not Trespass”.

But of course, we do tres­pass upon one anoth­er, per­son to per­son, group to group and nation to nation, and it is quite frankly why we have what we see pre­vail­ing in our beau­ti­ful home, it is why we have “hell on Earth”. That is the fun­da­men­tal truth for self-aware, self-cre­at­ing beings, that we will make our own hell, and we will con­tin­ue to do so until we learn to nev­er vio­late the space of anoth­er. Why?

Because the oth­er spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­ple hold­ing our­selves and our worlds togeth­er is that every­thing, and every­one is made from the same root ener­gy-form, the Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the Divine. We are made of love, and we are here quite sim­ply, to remem­ber, we are here because of love, and we are here to love one another.

Plu­to rules the fac­ul­ty of har­ness­ing and focus­ing spir­i­tu­al ener­gy, which is fun­da­men­tal­ly uncon­di­tion­al love, and so it gov­erns how we are held togeth­er in a unique vehi­cle, our own sacred space. When we are prop­er­ly cen­tered with­in our­selves, we may will­ing­ly join with oth­ers to cre­ate new and shared, sacred spaces for our alchemic unions and trans­for­ma­tions. Cer­tain­ly, there is some push and pull, the give and take that dri­ve the devel­op­ment of all com­bi­na­tions, but when­ev­er it cross­es the line from mutu­al­ly and rec­i­p­ro­cal­ly shared sac­ri­fice and com­bi­na­tion that is found­ed upon love and becomes instead a tak­ing or rup­ture of sacred space, then it becomes dri­ven by fear and by force and not love, it is then a false union that becomes the evil we know as trespassing.

The pas­sage of Plu­to in Capri­corn is end­ing, and it is prob­a­bly fit­ting that we have some clear­er exam­ples of the many “Crises in Insti­tu­tions” that it has brought for 15 years now. From the fam­i­ly unit to com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions, to local, state, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al orders, the final bell is being tolled for the world that has been since the late 1700’s and the one we are now enter­ing in the lat­er 2020’s.

Charts for Rus­sia and Ukraine

So, let us turn our atten­tion to one of the more dra­mat­ic exam­ples of the mis­use of the will, the sub­ju­ga­tion of one nation­al enti­ty by anoth­er, which brings us to the war of Rus­sia against Ukraine. As we might expect, the posi­tion of Plu­to in the chart of Rus­sia and of Ukraine is rather sig­nif­i­cant. For Rus­sia, Plu­to is the ris­ing plan­et for the chart of June 12, 1990, and it is in the sec­ond house. (This is, you may remem­ber, is like the chart for the Unit­ed States). The 2nd House rules a nation’s resources and wealth, or val­ues of a nation. But in the chart for Rus­sia, Plu­to is exact­ly oppo­site the plan­et Venus, the plan­et of val­ues, in the 8th house. In an individual’s chart, the les­son of this aspect would be to learn to break the com­pul­sion to impose their val­ues upon anoth­er or con­trol another’s val­ues, so as not to fall into a pat­tern where in the end the form of rela­tion­ships is inevitably reduced to a strug­gle for pow­er and con­trol, which will often lead to some form of violence.

Not only does this set­up cre­ate a pat­tern for Rus­sia, that it might act force­ful­ly to impose their val­ues upon anoth­er, but this ten­den­cy is then mag­ni­fied by the place­ment of Mars in Aries in the 7th house of rela­tion­ships, (which in a Mundane/National chart is the house of allies or ene­mies), and this place­ment cre­ates the les­son of need­ing to over­come a ten­den­cy to act too aggres­sive­ly in inter­na­tion­al relationships.

For Ukraine, Plu­to is the plan­et that is upper­most and placed in the 10th house, which rules the chief exec­u­tive or rul­ing class, the nation­al pow­er, and the ideals a nation seeks to cul­ti­vate and attain. It is in the sign of Scor­pio, the sign of Alche­my, indi­cat­ing that Ukraine’s ideals are found­ed upon the aim to forge a trans­for­ma­tion­al union of the dif­fer­ing sec­tors and ele­ments of their peo­ple. Their chal­lenge in doing so is this, how can they find a way to blend their Moon in Aquar­ius, which stress­es the need for the “peo­ple” to be inde­pen­dent and free, and how to bal­ance and inte­grate that with their need to forge a strong union. It is an inter­nal strug­gle, where­as Russia’s Venus to Plu­to oppo­si­tion is a con­trast or con­flict that is expe­ri­enced as some­thing between Rus­sia and oth­er nations.

Chart for Vladimir Putin

When we look at Vladimir Putin’s chart, the place­ment of Plu­to is the same as in Ukraine’s, at the top of the chart in the 10th house and in the Sign of Leo. Plu­to here indi­cates a very will­ful per­son with an unre­lent­ing desire to suc­ceed. If the use of pow­er is ground­ed and cen­tered cor­rect­ly, it could lead to great suc­cess and trans­for­ma­tion. But Putin has Plu­to squared to Jupiter, the plan­et of Beliefs and Truths, and this could fos­ter and inflame dic­ta­to­r­i­al ten­den­cies and ambi­tions to impose “his truth” upon oth­ers, espe­cial­ly as Jupiter is in his 7th house of rela­tion­ships, and Plu­to is the ruler of his Ris­ing Sign of Scor­pio. Scor­pio Ris­ing often indi­cates a per­son who is inclined to approach or see life as a bat­tle, as a zero-sum game. More­over, Putin has Mars, which is the ancient ruler of Scor­pio, in the Sign of Sagit­tar­ius, and with the plan­et of Desires and Actions in the sign of belief and faith, it fos­ters a per­sona with strong­ly held spir­i­tu­al or reli­gious posi­tions. Many with this place­ment take on the role of being a cru­sad­er for a cause, and often this can evoke a very strong sense of patri­o­tism. Tru­ly, Putin could see him­self as a defend­er of his faith and his country.

Tran­sits in Putin’s and Russia’s charts
If we look at the tran­sits in Putin’s chart and in Russia’s, I would like to point out that this, as Putin puts it, “mil­i­tary incur­sion” is just the lat­est phase of Putin’s war to refash­ion a “Greater Rus­sia” that he began in 2014 with the seizure of Crimea, and the estab­lish­ment of nom­i­nal con­trol over two east­ern sec­tors of Ukraine. If we look at that inva­sion in Feb­ru­ary 2014, and this one of Feb­ru­ary 2022, there are some very inter­est­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties. In 2014, Putin had Uranus oppo­site to his Sun, where­as in 2022 he has Uranus oppo­site his Venus (which rules his Sun as a Libra), both of which indi­cate that some­thing dis­rup­tive and forged by the need to be free of lim­i­ta­tions or restric­tions spurred him to act. And in 2014 he had Sat­urn squar­ing his Plu­to and oppo­site his Jupiter, and this time he has Sat­urn oppo­site his Plu­to and squar­ing his Jupiter, and both indi­cate that he has been deter­mined to act through his world­view that he must impose his truth upon oth­ers. But he is also expe­ri­enc­ing in 2022 the tran­sit of Nep­tune incon­junct his Plu­to, and that forces an indi­vid­ual to recon­sid­er the true nature or source of their “pow­er”; that often occurs because they are being forced to rec­og­nize that their pow­er is not what they had or thought they had.

If we look at Russia’s chart, again we see very inter­est­ing links between these two peri­ods and to Putin’s chart as well. In 2014, Rus­sia had Plu­to oppo­site Jupiter, Uranus square Jupiter, and Sat­urn semi­square Uranus. The com­bi­na­tion of Plu­to and Uranus to Jupiter most cer­tain­ly was a demon­stra­tion of the Will to impose one’s beliefs upon anoth­er. And the Sat­urn to Uranus indi­cates the ten­sion of the estab­lished order or real­i­ty of Sat­urn stok­ing the need to exert Russia’s free­dom held by Uranus. And now in 2022, that very same aspect, but wax­ing not wan­ing of Sat­urn semi­square Uranus is back. But this time Uranus in on Venus and oppo­site Plu­to, and we should see an even greater strug­gle between Free­dom, Will and Val­ue now. But this time, Rus­sia is also expe­ri­enc­ing Nep­tune squar­ing the Sun, and now for all of 2022 Nep­tune is squar­ing the 10th and 4th house cusps. Much as Putin may be real­iz­ing that his pow­er is not what it was, Rus­sia is also fac­ing what might be best described as an exis­ten­tial cri­sis. Nep­tune squar­ing the 4th house, will bring about a very con­fus­ing peri­od, where Rus­sians will ques­tion the foun­da­tions for their nation, and that has and will bring about a mount­ing rise in inse­cu­ri­ty. And Nep­tune squar­ing the 10th house will equal­ly make the Russ­ian peo­ple ques­tion and to have doubts about their path or des­tiny too.

Chart of Volodymyr Zelensky

For Volodymyr Zelen­sky, he like Ukraine is born with his Sun con­junct Venus, indi­cat­ing a love of beau­ty and har­mo­ny. Zelen­sky is an Aquar­ius which is ruled by the plan­et Uranus, while Ukraine has Uranus as its ris­ing plan­et. Each in their own way stand for the pur­pose of life being guid­ed by indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and free­dom. More­over, Ukraine’s Moon is in Aquar­ius and oppo­site to Zelensky’s Moon in Leo, and this Moon is at the very top of Zelensky’s chart, his house of des­tiny. The Moon in a nation’s chart lit­er­al­ly rules “the peo­ple”, and this shows the very real embod­i­ment for the Ukrain­ian peo­ple he is cur­rent­ly hold­ing as his purpose.

Tran­sits in Zelensky’s and Ukraine’s charts
The tran­sits in Ukraine’s and Zelensky’s charts con­firm their shared sense of what is hap­pen­ing now. For Ukraine in 2014, Uranus was squar­ing its ris­ing plan­et Uranus, indi­cat­ing a cri­sis in free­dom. Sat­urn was squar­ing the Moon as well, show­ing the great pain the peo­ple of Ukraine suf­fered then. For Zelen­sky, Uranus was going over his Mer­cury, which would lead to a year where he was shocked and upset. Mean­while, just like Ukraine, Sat­urn was on his Moon as well, so he was per­son­al­ly suf­fer­ing emo­tion­al­ly. In 2022, Uranus has entered the 4th house of foun­da­tions and secu­ri­ty for Ukraine, and now oppos­es its Plu­to or will; cer­tain­ly, a great test of will, a test of bound­aries is here for Ukraine. And Sat­urn is direct­ly on the Moon this time, bring­ing about even greater suf­fer­ing than 2014. For Zelen­sky, Uranus is oppo­site his Uranus, and for any­one this is one of the chief indi­ca­tors that one has reached the midlife, a turn­ing point that will present itself as a cri­sis of authen­tic­i­ty and indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. And, like Ukraine, Sat­urn is now oppo­site to Zelensky’s Moon indi­cat­ing a very chal­leng­ing time where one can feel cut-off from the sup­port one needs.

What will happen?
Most of you, and I too, would like to be able to under­stand what will hap­pen, to have the plan­ets pre­dict for us what the future holds. But as I have stressed time after time, the plan­ets do not “make” things hap­pen, they are the prin­ci­pal car­ri­ers of mean­ing, and that these mean­ings wax and wane as the plan­ets cycle with one anoth­er, with each plan­et and plan­e­tary com­bi­na­tion cre­at­ing waves of ener­gy-forms that cre­ate the gen­er­al con­di­tions of a par­tic­u­lar period.

But what real or his­tor­i­cal effect those ener­gy-forms have, well when it comes to us humans it real­ly depends upon us, upon our indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive devel­op­ment of con­scious­ness, and the degree to which we have risen above a more lim­it­ed and fear­ful con­scious­ness and turned to the light that is the truth of Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

We can cer­tain­ly know this; things are not turn­ing out as Putin had imag­ined. In 2014, he basi­cal­ly walked into Crimea and hard­ly a shot was fired. Now he is engaged in a true bat­tle, and not with just Ukraini­ans but with many nations in the world. I am very con­cerned that hav­ing com­mit­ted to this attack on, as he would put, his “fel­low Rus­sians” he now finds him­self in a des­per­ate sit­u­a­tion, and that there is a very real dan­ger to us all. The tran­sits in his chart that are grow­ing in influ­ence this year show him to be under real and grow­ing threats. And yes, it is equal­ly cer­tain that Zelensky’s life is in per­il now as well, as he has emphat­i­cal­ly declared to the world.

What we all need, in what­ev­er we can indi­vid­u­al­ly and col­lec­tive­ly, is to remem­ber to hold our­selves to the path of Truth and Love and not give into fear. We need to sup­port one anoth­er, and show our sup­port for those in per­il, and try to hold to and fos­ter a qual­i­ty or state of being that restores peace in the world.

May the Light of Truth, Love and Under­stand­ing be with you all.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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