2022–4‑10 Radio Show Transcript — Bubbles of Belief and The Gravity Well of Faith

Black Hole — Grav­i­ty Well

Tran­script of Radio Show: Bub­bles of Belief and The Grav­i­ty Well of Faith (4/10/2022)

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

I thought that it would help to pull back from any one issue today, as we focused on Ukraine, Zelen­sky and Putin last time, and zoom out and look at the prin­ci­pal plan­e­tary Avatars of mean­ing again, to look to Uranus, Nep­tune, and Plu­to and reex­am­ine their message(s) for us at this time.

But first, I would also like to remind us, that the plan­ets and stars do not make the con­tent of what hap­pens here on Earth. They do not cre­ate Love or Hate, Peace or War. What we have, what we face and what we will make, the very real con­tent of our indi­vid­ual char­ac­ter, the sen­si­bil­i­ties and morals of our com­mu­ni­ties, and the real­i­ty of our eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal orders, all of that is some­thing that we have fash­ioned since the moment we humans moved into self-aware devel­op­ment many thou­sands of years ago.

Con­scious­ness, Pat­terns and Self-Awareness
The moment we began to become aware and see pat­terns, with­in our­selves, and between one anoth­er, and in the world around us, the moment we began to fash­ion ways of meet­ing our needs that we could pass down to those after us, the moment we became co-cre­ators of our­selves and this world, it is then that we became respon­si­ble for what we have done well (and not so well) through­out human his­to­ry. And this under­stand­ing, of how much we make and re-make our­selves and our real­i­ty, has become increas­ing­ly evi­dent over the last 500 years. We find at this moment in our jour­ney of awak­en­ing, that we humans have become one of the prin­ci­pal instru­ments of evo­lu­tion on this Earth. And, as always, since the moment we woke up the key to our future would for­ev­er flow from the great injunc­tion of Spir­i­tu­al Wis­dom and self-mas­tery, “Know Thyself”.

But how is it that we did or do this? What is this secret of our pow­er to cre­ate, and the pow­er to destroy our­selves and our world? What we under­stand is that this awe­some gift, with the pow­er of a being a cre­ator and destroy­er, was forged when we became self-aware, and we became capa­ble of hold­ing our expe­ri­ences in vehi­cles of preser­va­tion and trans­mis­sion, in sym­bols and sounds, in Knowl­edge and Wis­dom, and it was then that we became ever more respon­si­ble as the shapers and mak­ers of our destiny.

Vehi­cles of Knowing
These vehi­cles of preser­va­tion take many forms. In ear­li­er ages, but still very much present in our own time, the cus­toms, and life­ways of a group of humans, a fam­i­ly tribe, or a small com­mu­ni­ty or larg­er com­mu­ni­ty, who hav­ing dis­cov­ered how to secure their needs in their local area, (for water, food, shel­ter, etc.), we humans would cre­ate sto­ries and rit­u­als that held this knowl­edge of our world for those that fol­lowed. Our great­est trea­sure and gift to those who will fol­low us is this liv­ing Ener­gy-Form of Mind that per­sists from gen­er­a­tion to generation.

But these vehi­cles of know­ing and mem­o­ry do not just pass on prac­ti­cal or tech­ni­cal knowl­edge. For we humans are made of much more than naked ideas or thoughts. We also find it nec­es­sary, to enfold and encode our knowl­edge and truth with “Mean­ing­ful­ness”. We do not mere­ly think, we Think-Feel, or Feel-Think, and our expe­ri­ences, mem­o­ries, sto­ries, and wis­dom are held togeth­er and passed down in ways that hold us togeth­er with these ener­gy-forms of Love and Hate, Faith and Fear, Com­pas­sion and Self­ish­ness that move us deeply and pro­found­ly and tru­ly form our real­i­ty of one anoth­er and our world.

Bub­bles of Belief
I have called these vehi­cles of expe­ri­ence, (and this des­ig­na­tion becomes increas­ing­ly rel­e­vant in the more com­plex human com­mu­ni­ties of eth­nic­i­ties, cul­tures, and mod­ern nation states), I call these hold­ers of mean­ings our “Bub­bles of Belief”. It is Neptune’s role for us, as the Avatar of Under­stand­ing and Mean­ing, by its indi­vid­ual syn­od­ic cycles (one cir­cuit around our star to the next), and its inter­sect­ing cycles with Uranus and Plu­to espe­cial­ly, it is Neptune’s mes­sag­ing that can be most help­ful in help­ing to explain the waves of mean­ing­ful­ness that sweep through us and our history.

Again, I want to stress, that it is not Nep­tune (or any plan­et for that mat­ter), which forms the spe­cif­ic type of con­tent of mean­ing that any one group or cul­ture has cre­at­ed and fol­lowed. That con­tent and that mean­ing, is made by us, it has evolved and devel­oped over time, from the very dis­tant past, and that cre­ation and accre­tion informs our present cir­cum­stances, and it can also help us to under­stand how we might be shap­ing our future too.

In what we see from our record­ed his­to­ries, cer­tain­ly since the times of the ancient or clas­si­cal worlds, before the cur­rent era (BCE), and then increas­ing­ly down to our very own time today, we see how the pow­er of beliefs of one group or of one peo­ple or one cul­ture can have the most sig­nif­i­cant effects upon that group inter­nal­ly, and equal­ly upon those with whom they have con­tact exter­nal­ly. Indeed, what we can see now in the present day is that these Bub­bles of Belief influ­ence and shape the entire world in both won­der­ful and hor­rif­ic ways.

We humans are so very pro­tean in our nature, capa­ble of cre­at­ing or mak­ing the val­ue of our­selves and of the mate­r­i­al world we live in, bend­ing and trans­form­ing in a mul­ti­tude of ways, so that the range of cul­tures, beliefs, life­ways, and hier­ar­chies of val­ues expe­ri­enced over the course of our his­to­ry is quite astound­ing, rich, and var­ied. These Bub­bles of Belief form and shape our very notions of who we are, what it means to be human, what we aspire to be, includ­ing the notion of what is the mean­ing or pur­pose of our lives.

But because how very deeply we humans are made from and held by these Thought-Feel­ing Forms, their influ­ence over any indi­vid­ual, or group, or cul­ture or nation is very pro­found. It is one thing when we con­sid­er the more minor vehi­cles of tech­nique and mean­ing, the accu­mu­lat­ed knowl­edge that enables each gen­er­a­tion to lit­er­al­ly not have to re-invent the wheel! But it is entire­ly a dif­fer­ent order of mean­ing when we con­sid­er these larg­er Bub­bles of Belief and Mean­ing that shape a group or cul­ture or nation, mold­ing and hold­ing their spir­i­tu­al and cul­tur­al ideals, their cat­e­gories of right and wrong, of good and evil, of truth and falsehood.

Grav­i­ty Well of Faith
This is what I meant by includ­ing in the title for this show what I call the phe­nom­e­non of “The Grav­i­ty Well of Faith”. What do I mean by this? It is the con­cept that as groups of peo­ples, and even more as a set of sub-cul­tures are formed, and final­ly as a larg­er over-arch­ing cul­ture of a peo­ple or nation is estab­lished, their core beliefs become some­what like the obser­va­tions of the influ­ence of grav­i­ty, which is itself most pow­er­ful­ly observed when we see how the pas­sage of light from a par­tic­u­lar star is lit­er­al­ly “bent” by the grav­i­ty of anoth­er star or even more by a black hole. I would argue that in a Men­tal-Emo­tion­al way, the attach­ment and weight of belief and faith has a sim­i­lar effect of pulling those mem­bers into a deeply bind­ing sys­tem of real­i­ty, which cre­ates an all-pow­er­ful Idea-Feel­ing form that holds that group togeth­er as one. It is the way of that peo­ple, the “Spir­i­tus Mun­di”, the Spir­it of a Time, or the “Zeit­geist”, the defin­ing Char­ac­ter of the peo­ple in a peri­od of history.

Through­out human his­to­ry, we have wit­nessed the awe­some pow­er of what we might con­sid­er con­struc­tive and destruc­tive Bub­bles of Belief, as in the Ideas and Pas­sions forged by reli­gious beliefs, or the dra­ma of social move­ments striv­ing to advance social jus­tice. But we have equal­ly wit­nessed the hor­rors com­mit­ted in the name of faith, or the so-called advance­ment or tri­umph of one peo­ple by the destruc­tion of anoth­er. Tru­ly these more encom­pass­ing and com­pelling Belief Bub­bles hold and bind their believ­ers in a deep Well of fer­vor which can lead to the most dis­parate of outcomes.

Through­out his­to­ry, and cer­tain­ly in what we call the “mod­ern era”, the Grav­i­ty Well of Faith that holds all a peo­ple as one, the idea of a peo­ple defined by a geo­graph­ic area, a com­mon his­to­ry, a cer­tain set of cul­tur­al attrib­ut­es, etcetera, has been a prin­ci­pal dri­ver of human inte­gra­tion with­in that group and defined and shaped its rela­tion­ship with oth­er peo­ples or groups. Yet, beyond these nat­ur­al foun­da­tions for the defin­ing of a peo­ple, beyond what some have held as the true root­ed­ness found in “blood and soil”, we also have seen the very pow­er of an idea itself, such as “all humans are cre­at­ed equal” per­me­ate, chal­lenge and over­throw these more so-called nat­ur­al deter­mi­na­tions of what forms the Grav­i­ty Well of Faith.

The shift from pre­vail­ing Bub­bles of Belief, and even from one Grav­i­ty Well to anoth­er, has both been a prod­uct of our human pro­tean capac­i­ty and equal­ly the dri­ver of that trans­for­ma­tive evo­lu­tion. Tru­ly, we are and make what we are by how we Think and Feel about who we are, where we come from, what mat­ters to us, and, and how that fits with the larg­er world around us and oth­er groups with oth­er Beliefs and Grav­i­ty Wells of Faith.

Astro­log­i­cal­ly, what we can observe over time with regards to the cycle of Nep­tune through the Zodi­ac, is that there are sim­i­lar influ­ences cre­at­ed when it is mov­ing the Zodi­a­cal Signs, and espe­cial­ly when pass­ing through Pisces (as it is now), along with sig­nif­i­cant indi­ca­tions revealed by its orbital rela­tion­ship with Uranus (as well as its orbital pat­tern with Plu­to too).

Nep­tune, The Uni­ver­sal Solvent
For our pur­pose today, when­ev­er Nep­tune, known as the Uni­ver­sal Sol­vent, is mov­ing through its own sign of Pisces, we have seen a greater propen­si­ty towards the dis­solv­ing and warp­ing of the Bub­bles of Belief and Mean­ing for that peri­od. Our peri­od from 2011 to 2026 is like that of 1848–1862, or 1685–1698, and 1520–1535. In our time, as in those peri­ods, there was a surge of mys­ti­cism and cre­ativ­i­ty, of reli­gious and ide­o­log­i­cal fer­ment, and the break­ing down of the old cer­tain­ties as bor­ders between the orders and realms of soci­ety became more permeable.

What hap­pens in such peri­ods is that the for­mer cer­tain­ties of a reign­ing order of mean­ing begin to dis­solve, and indi­vid­u­als and groups become unteth­ered to a com­mon­ly held real­i­ty for­ma­tion. This move­ment beyond the lim­its or con­fines of pre­vi­ous held truths and beliefs can be lib­er­at­ing, and indeed this “let­ting go in order to grow” has been a nec­es­sary and sig­nif­i­cant instru­ment of progress. But it is also prob­a­ble, and many times we have seen this as well, that the break­ing of those Bub­bles of Beliefs which been held togeth­er the many as one in a shared Grav­i­ty Well of Faith will lead those unteth­ered souls into wider and some­times weird­er per­mu­ta­tions of mean­ings and faith.

Dan­ger of Disillusionment
Indeed, these new­ly “freed” indi­vid­u­als and groups of indi­vid­u­als, may become entan­gled and enchant­ed by a new-found faith or truth, which may or may not be true at all. Or they may look back, return­ing to a way of feel­ing and think­ing, to a way of being that was lost and wish to reclaim it. The prob­lem is that now being no longer cir­cum­scribed and held to some sense of a cen­tered self by a fun­da­men­tal Well of Mean­ing, their very long­ing for a cen­ter of mean­ing by which to hold them­selves togeth­er can be the very instru­ment by which they become pulled into and held by a new-found or redis­cov­ered belief. They forge an alter­nate Well of Mean­ing that is not based in a wide­ly shared real­i­ty that has pre­vailed over time, and which has been test­ed and affirmed by its func­tion­ing with­in the larg­er world.

Indeed, they often take com­fort and pride in stand­ing apart, hold­ing them­selves with a high regard for their role as restor­ers, or avengers, or redeemers, and by that very Well of Grav­i­ty they have forged, they may lead them­selves into a way of being that can cause great harm to them­selves and to oth­ers, as we have cer­tain­ly seen here and around the world long ago and in our present day too.

Now, giv­en we are in such a moment now, where the old cer­tain­ties, which were not with­out illu­sions to be sure, but they held us in a belief that we had moved more close­ly into a world where con­sen­sus and agree­ment would cre­ate some kind of “Gold­en Age”, but instead we find our­selves, as indi­vid­u­als, and in groups, and even as nations con­fused and uncer­tain as to our future, so that we find our­selves des­per­ate­ly hold­ing on to what­ev­er pro­vides some com­fort amidst the tumult of rumors, half-truths, pro­pa­gan­da, con­spir­a­cies, and the hav­oc foment­ed by weak souls wield­ing dead­ly pow­ers, well, what do any of us do to find our way in such a world?

The Truth
I am sure you know what I am about to say to that. For the truth is this, the Truth nev­er changes. It is what makes the Uni­verse and you and I, and it is encod­ed in the pat­terns that make the build­ing blocks of the phys­i­cal world, from atoms, to mol­e­cules, to organ­isms (like you and me), and the stars. The truth is out there, and in us too. We have seen these pat­terns of mean­ing with both our intu­itive gifts and our sci­en­tif­ic instru­ments. Yes, we feel and think about these wheels with­in wheels, pat­terns with­in pat­terns that form the web, the warp and weft of the entire uni­verse, from the infin­i­tes­i­mal to the infinite.

The First Grav­i­ty Well of Faith, The One
You, me, and the whole uni­verse are made from, shaped by and are here because of the first Grav­i­ty Well of Faith, the One. And long, long ago and through­out the ages, var­i­ous Wise Ones and Prophets, Sci­en­tists and Seers, and many who remain unknown have found their way to this sin­gu­lar truth. That we are all, no mat­ter where we think we came from, and no mat­ter what we may feel about one anoth­er, we are all here to come back to the source of all to remem­ber and under­stand that we are made as one by the One, forged by love and we are here to love one another.

What is the way for­ward, what is the path we must fol­low? It is quite sim­ple real­ly, which is why it is tru­ly true. I wrote this ear­li­er, and it bears repeat­ing now. The only way for­ward is to fol­low the path of Ever­last­ing Truth, which is:

That this Uni­verse is formed by one pri­ma­ry Ener­gy-Form, The Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One for all the ones; That made by Uncon­di­tion­al Love, we are here to Love and be Loved Uncon­di­tion­al­ly too; and giv­en the Ener­gy-Form that holds all of Cre­ation as One is our Root Ener­gy-Form as well, then we are here quite sim­ply to Love One Anoth­er, and it fol­lows that we should Love the oth­er as we Love Our own true Self for there real­ly is no dif­fer­ence. Each one of us, all of us are in Truth sparks of the One and so we are here to live by the light of the divine with­in each of us, indeed in all that we do, and it is by this Love that we bow to the Divine that is the entire­ty of this won­drous Cre­ation too.

The Way Forward
The Ancient Wis­dom holds that the Love of the One is Uncon­di­tion­al and All-Encom­pass­ing. And we, who are sparks of this One Divine Light, we are equal­ly called upon to strive to treat one anoth­er, and indeed all of life, as our broth­ers and sis­ters, as our moth­ers and fathers, as dear to us as we are to our­selves; that we are here quite sim­ply to learn and so become that Light which is Love; and that our entire Jour­ney in Spir­it is for us to awak­en to our true nature which is to love and be loved in this Cre­ation, a Cre­ation in which we and count­less sparks of the Divine actu­al­ly form that liv­ing embod­i­ment of Love.

So, I would say the way for­ward is clear, as it has always been clear to those who fol­low the path of Light and Love. When you see some­one in trou­ble, there you are. When you see the evil that is igno­rance, there you should be light of under­stand­ing and heal­ing. When you wish to do what is right, there is but one thing you must do.

Love one another.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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