Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2022)

The Light of Consciousness

The sto­ry of Cre­ation is the sto­ry of the jour­ney of Spir­it through all the many realms of this Uni­verse. From the One, came the many; the count­less many ones who went out on a seem­ing­ly nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of becom­ing. These Mon­ads of Spir­its, these Sparks of the Divine, are found at the heart of every par­ti­cle, being or Ener­gy-Form of the Uni­verse. Tru­ly we need to move away from our dual­is­tic notions of Ener­gy and Form, of Spir­it and Mat­ter, and under­stand that real­ly there is just the One. That Mat­ter is just the dens­est form of Spir­it, as Spir­it is the most ethe­re­al form of Matter.

These sparks of the Divine form the build­ing blocks of Cre­ation, rang­ing from what we know as the sub-atom­ic world of pro­tons, elec­trons, and neu­trons, and on up to the plan­ets, stars, and galax­ies and what­ev­er lies beyond; and that all these amaz­ing man­i­fes­ta­tions of Spir­it-Mat­ter are the body, heart, and mind of the One. We should also under­stand that all these Ener­gy-Forms are just var­ied man­i­fes­ta­tions of Spir­it, and that the whole of Cre­ation is filled with the Light of Con­scious­ness and Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One. The One is Cre­ation; Cre­ation is the One.

And this is the point of this spe­cial moment in our Zodi­a­cal Year, for today we move from the realm of Tau­rus into the Light that is Gem­i­ni. Because anoth­er way of under­stand­ing Cre­ation is that on one lev­el or con­sid­er­a­tion, the whole of Cre­ation is Con­scious; Cre­ation is the Mind of the One made man­i­fest. Every part of Cre­ation is on some lev­el a form of mind, a form of con­scious­ness, so that the entire­ty of Cre­ation is also the Mind of the One. The Whole Uni­verse is essen­tial­ly the Con­scious­ness of the One; and we should under­stand that the entire hier­ar­chy of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness is exact­ly this, the inter­re­lat­ed and inter­de­pen­dent fields of fields of Ener­gy-Forms that are the Life-Love-Mind of the One.

Why is this impor­tant for Gem­i­ni? Because held with­in the sto­ry of Gem­i­ni we find the ever-renew­ing gift that holds the por­tal to our greater under­stand­ing. Yes, the whole of Cre­ation is formed by many forms of mind in a con­stant jour­ney of self-becom­ing. But there is a point in the pere­gri­na­tions of spir­it through the Uni­verse, in which each class of mon­ads arrives at this spe­cial moment in their jour­ney, when they become not mere­ly aware, but self-aware. That is what we cel­e­brate in Gem­i­ni, the gift of our self-aware consciousness.

Long, long ago, when our inner mon­ad of the Divine Spir­it was ready for this great “quick­en­ing”, for the release of our greater poten­tial, it was then that the torch of Self-Aware­ness was passed to us by those who had walked this path long ago. It was their duty and hon­or to share with us this gift, just as it had been shared with them ages ago. For this is part of the teach­ing too, that all the ones of the One care for one anoth­er, and that all of us become who and what we are to be through our rela­tion­ships and love for one another.

That is why we have these sto­ries that have been passed down to us from our ances­tors, that tell us about this gift of aware­ness. They are the tales held in the myths of Prometheus, of Lucifer, of Quet­zal­coatl, of Loki and the great sto­ry of the Kumaras. Until that moment in our jour­ney, we were aware but some­what asleep as well, and it was at this most con­se­quen­tial gift that we were pulled into “the aware­ness of our aware­ness”, we became self-aware, and this was both joy­ful and very painful too.

Why? Because now we were seem­ing­ly sep­a­rat­ed from the One, and we “fell” into divi­sion as we rose in this new under­stand­ing, and this is part of our sto­ry too. We left behind our inno­cence as we were gift­ed this greater respon­si­bil­i­ty for our fur­ther devel­op­ment. This was when we began to walk the path of being in that great com­pa­ny of awak­en­ing, to be and become self-aware cre­ators in Creation.

With this gift of self-aware­ness, with the dawn­ing of objec­tive con­scious­ness, the next step in our jour­ney was tak­en, as we became aware through the twin pil­lars of Gem­i­ni of the way of the Uni­verse, of the dual­i­ties of cre­ation, of Spir­it and Mat­ter, of Sub­ject and Object, of “this and that”, which began most sim­ply for us in the expe­ri­ence of “I am that, and I am not that”. And it was this, this unceas­ing, inces­sant need to expe­ri­ence Cre­ation in all its com­plex­i­ties, diver­si­ties, cor­re­spon­dences, and con­nec­tions that stirred our glo­ri­ous and self-lumi­nous seed to sprout, because now we had to know, we had to under­stand “how all of this, how all of that”, is.

What we cel­e­brate in Gem­i­ni now, and at this time of year and some­where in your chart this is always true, you should give thanks for this nec­tar of the gods which we know as the Light of Intel­li­gence. But we should always remem­ber that like all spir­i­tu­al gifts, this gift must be under­stood as being found­ed upon and then made real by our love for one anoth­er, just as this gift was giv­en to us by love. Our obser­va­tions and cog­i­ta­tions, our analy­ses, and our deter­mi­na­tions, can­not move us to a deep­er under­stand­ing with­out being teth­ered and shaped, ground­ed and sup­port­ed by our shar­ing and com­par­ing with one anoth­er. For after all, what we real­ly are as humans is this, we are Storytellers.

The sto­ry of our Intel­li­gence, like the sto­ry of our Con­scious­ness, is just that, a sto­ry. If we wish to not fall into error, if we wish to walk the path of the One, then we must keep shar­ing with one anoth­er, we must lis­ten to one anoth­er, we must keep shar­ing our sto­ries with one anoth­er, and by this car­ing and com­pas­sion and shar­ing, we will be able to help one anoth­er to refine our under­stand­ing of our­selves and our world.

For it is most cer­tain­ly true that you will only know your­self, and you will only under­stand your world, when you see the oth­er as your­self. When you look into the eyes of whomev­er is before you, and when you see shin­ing there that sparkling Spir­it of Know­ing, it is then that you will smile and laugh and love with one anoth­er because you know we are the Light which is the Divine, “whose cen­ter is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere”.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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