Daily Archives: June 16, 2022

2022–6‑12 Radio Show Transcript — Where are we now – Pluto, Neptune & Uranus?

Tran­script of Radio Show: Where are we now – Plu­to, Nep­tune & Uranus? (6/12/2022)

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

In just over one week, on June 21st, we will find our­selves at one of the four great Turn­ings of the Astro­log­i­cal cal­en­dar, the Sol­stice of Can­cer. Which makes this is a good time to pause and recon­sid­er what are the major Astro­log­i­cal themes and mes­sages that are being impart­ed to us by our plan­e­tary com­pan­ions dur­ing this year.

As I will often remind my clients and write about in my blog as well as here on the radio show, I believe we should under­stand the posi­tions of the plan­ets in the Zodi­ac, and their align­ments with one anoth­er as they orbit around the Sun, as form­ing a dynam­ic spir­i­tu­al sys­tem of illu­mi­na­tions, mean­ings and inspi­ra­tions which can help us to bet­ter under­stand our­selves and our jour­ney here on Earth.

The mes­sages and mean­ings of a par­tic­u­lar align­ment of one plan­et to anoth­er, or indeed of them all, is formed by our under­stand­ing of the spir­i­tu­al qual­i­ties that are held in each sign of the zodi­ac, com­bined with the qual­i­ties of being that are held by each plan­et. How­ev­er, what this can­not deter­mine nor indi­cate is the actu­al cir­cum­stances of the phe­nom­e­na in ques­tion. The Zodi­ac and the plan­ets do not form the actu­al con­tent of any expe­ri­ence or event in ques­tion on any lev­el of man­i­fes­ta­tion, whether we look at the atom­ic or chem­i­cal micro­cosms in their spi­rals and vor­tices of com­bi­na­tions, or at the more com­plex organ­ic king­doms, and indeed all the way up to the human king­dom and beyond. Each realm of being, each realm of life, cre­ates and forms its own mate­ri­als of man­i­fes­ta­tion, their own realities.

It is in this unfold­ment of Spir­it, in its mul­ti­ple dimen­sions and realms of becom­ing, it is here we find the great pageantry of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, and that for every­thing and every­one we can note the birth or begin­ning of a man­i­fes­ta­tion, then fol­low the “Arc of Becom­ing” in that Ener­gy-Form, and even­tu­al­ly we will come to, in this realm of phys­i­cal being, the end of that form which many may mis­un­der­stand as Death. Because this is Truth, the entire Uni­verse is alive and con­scious and cease­less­ly becomes the body of the One by means of these dances of Spir­it through Space-Time, the whirling dancers of Light who weave the sto­ries of Birth-Life-Death and Re-Birth.

So, what we can obtain through Astrol­o­gy is a deep­er under­stand­ing as to the nature of what was born (by exam­in­ing the natal chart of that Life-Form or Enti­ty), and then equal­ly under­stand the Arc of its Exis­tence as formed by the cycles of the plan­ets between them­selves and by the align­ments they make to the chart of that being.

For our pur­pos­es as humans, as we seek to under­stand our human cre­ation, our “self-made selves”, and our expe­ri­ences in the world, that is to say the world we live and walk through each and every day, all the events and process­es of our human lives, the dis­parate range of oppor­tu­ni­ties and dan­gers that we face, the joy or the suf­fer­ing we encounter, all of this is our very own human real­i­ty and cre­ation. We are respon­si­ble for this, as it is we who have made our world. Yes indeed, the very great part our real­i­ty has been made by us, passed down to us our ances­tors, as it is we in turn who our forg­ing our present-day real­i­ty on Earth, and at the same time cre­at­ing the con­di­tions for those who will fol­low us. As Shake­speare so clear­ly put it in his play “Julius Cae­sar”, when Cas­sius says to Brutus,

The fault, dear Bru­tus, is not in our stars / But in our­selves, that we are underlings.”

The whole pur­pose behind Cre­ation, the essen­tial nature of Spir­it, is to be and become, to move from non-being into being­ness by unfold­ing and extend­ing from the spir­i­tu­al hier­ar­chies into the hier­ar­chies of real­i­ties or of man­i­fes­ta­tions of which we humans are one part. We are here for one thing, to learn to be bet­ter humans, to become bet­ter cre­ators and to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what was passed down to us, and even more care­ful­ly with what we will bequeath to our descen­dants. So let us turn to our review of the major cur­rent influ­ences as revealed to us by our com­pan­ions in the heavens.

I want to stress as I have many times before, that if we look to one planet’s posi­tion, or to one plan­et align­ing with a plan­et in a par­tic­u­lar chart, we will fail to under­stand the full mean­ing and mea­sure of what has hap­pened or will hap­pen. Though Astrologer’s will focus upon one fac­tor or anoth­er as they deter­mine the nature of an enti­ty, or to deter­mine what that enti­ty is expe­ri­enc­ing, the only way to tru­ly under­stand is to try to hold all these indi­ca­tions and influ­ences as being what they are, part of a larg­er and inte­gral whole. Nev­er­the­less, we will begin as we have done many times before, by con­sid­er­ing the mean­ings and mes­sages of the three out­er­most plan­ets, Plu­to, Nep­tune, and Uranus.

Since 2008 and run­ning until 2024, Plu­to has been mak­ing its once in every 245 years pas­sage through the sign of Capri­corn. As I have not­ed before, when Plu­to (which is the plan­et that rules the process­es of birth-death-rebirth), pass­es through the sign that rules the forms of Real­i­ty and Insti­tu­tion­al order, Capri­corn, that these peri­ods have been char­ac­ter­ized by the end­ing of a par­tic­u­lar Socio-Polit­i­cal sys­tem and the rise of a new order in his­to­ry. Whether we look to the pre­vi­ous pas­sages of 1762 to 1778, (which was the end­ing lead­ing to the begin­ning and the birth of our present order), or to 1516 to 1532 or even to 1269 to 1287, each of these times her­ald­ed the “end of an age” and the seed­ing or begin­ning of a new one.

What hap­pens dur­ing such a peri­od is brought about because the solu­tions that were formed and made into a new Socio-Polit­i­cal order, restruc­tur­ings which were need­ed to resolve the prob­lems that the pre­vi­ous age had cre­at­ed, these solu­tions and restruc­tur­ings for that pre­vi­ous cri­sis bring about their very own prob­lems over time. This is because the nature of the solu­tions of the pre­vi­ous order’s cri­sis cre­ates over the next 250 years their own series or sets of prob­lems, and the now exist­ing order can­not resolve the inher­ent con­tra­dic­tions it now faces. The break­down of the old order­ing of insti­tu­tions ulti­mate­ly cre­ates a cathar­sis of trans­for­ma­tion, of death and rebirth, lead­ing to actions and reac­tions that will even­tu­al­ly coa­lesce into the seed­ing of a new order in the next pas­sage of Plu­to, and that is when Plu­to moves through the sign of Aquar­ius. The last peri­ods for Plu­to in Aquar­ius were from 1778 to 1798 and 1532 to 1553. Though we are going through the end­ing of an Age, and it is hard as we have seen, giv­en the his­to­ry of what hap­pened in those pre­vi­ous times with Plu­to in Aquar­ius, we must under­stand there will be much work to do to bring about our new Order from 2024 onwards.

Plu­to is the ves­sel of the Will, of Pow­er of Con­trol, and as it goes through Capri­corn, we have seen the last gasps of the old orders of pow­er and the begin­nings of a new under­stand­ing about Will and Pow­er rise and emerge from this deconstruction.

But as I not­ed before, with­out con­sid­er­ing the next out­er plan­et, we will miss a big part of what is hap­pen­ing dur­ing each pas­sage of Plu­to in Capricorn.

In a pre­vi­ous show I not­ed the inte­gral rela­tion­ship of the pas­sages of Nep­tune dur­ing the peri­od when Plu­to was in Capri­corn. Because of the nature of their orbital time peri­ods, it turns out that while Plu­to is in Capri­corn, Nep­tune will be in either Pisces or Vir­go for much of that time. I find this cor­re­spon­dence to be extreme­ly inter­est­ing and help­ful in under­stand­ing the dif­fer­ences we can see between one peri­od of Plu­to in Capri­corn and the next.

Where­as Plu­to holds as the Avatar of the Will and Pow­er, Nep­tune holds as the Avatar of Belief and Faith. The influ­ence of Nep­tune mov­ing through the Signs can be seen as the sto­ry of the unfold­ment for shifts in Con­scious­ness, because Nep­tune holds the Dreams and Illu­mi­na­tions, which may soar to the great­est heights of Uncon­di­tion­al Love and yet at oth­er times devolve into Illu­sions, as to how Real­i­ty is con­ceived, expe­ri­enced, and lived.

In our peri­od of Plu­to in Capri­corn from 2008 to 2024, Nep­tune has been in Pisces from 2011 and remains there until 2026. Where­as in the pre­vi­ous peri­od of 1762 to 1778 it was in Vir­go, and then in Pluto’s Capri­corn pas­sage from 1516 to 1532 it was in Pisces like in our peri­od. That indi­cates to me that our time of 2008 to 2024 is much more like the 1500’s than the 1700’s; our time is more Pis­cean in nature while the 1700’s was more Vir­goan. What might that mean?

For me, the peri­ods with Nep­tune in Vir­go would be more about order and struc­ture, more prac­ti­cal and crit­i­cal with regards to the shifts of faith that were occur­ring in the 1700’s. Where­as in the 1500’s as now with Nep­tune in Pisces, I would see that as the most like­ly to pro­duce the widest swings in mat­ters of belief and faith, of dreams and fears. That is because when Nep­tune is in Pisces the bound­aries between the var­i­ous realms of life and mean­ing are more pro­tean and per­me­able. Cer­tain­ly, in Europe in the 1500’s, the split of the Catholic church into numer­ous protes­tant faiths, along with the rise of a new polit­i­cal econ­o­my, was accom­pa­nied by extreme expres­sions of fer­vent devo­tion, and tremen­dous divi­sions between peo­ples and faiths as to what con­sti­tut­ed truth and what was real.

That strug­gle over the “phe­nom­e­nal archi­tec­ture” of the world, where there is a very real strug­gle over the very nature of good and evil, of what is right and wrong, between the light and the dark­ness, well that seems to be pre­vail­ing again in our time. Where­as the cri­sis in the 1700’s pre­sent­ed itself as a strug­gle about the polit­i­cal order, of the strug­gle between an order based on the Hier­ar­chy of King and Sub­jects ver­sus the Right to Self-Deter­mi­na­tion, in our time as in the 1500’s, it seems that the divi­sions between indi­vid­u­als and groups has a more extreme qual­i­ty, in that it is char­ac­ter­ized by a fun­da­men­tal split as to the nature of real­i­ty itself. There are so many com­pet­ing sto­ries of what is true, ver­sus half-truths ver­sus what is seri­ous­ly delu­sion­al that we can­not even agree to lis­ten to one anoth­er, and we cer­tain­ly do not under­stand one another.

The struc­ture of Will and Pow­er in any con­struct, is made mean­ing­ful, believ­able, and true by the Faith and Dreams of that time. For the Plu­ton­ian Will to work, it must be guid­ed, shaped, and yet equal­ly restrained by the Nep­tun­ian mes­sage of the Divine, which is ulti­mate­ly expe­ri­enced as Uncon­di­tion­al Love. When this bal­ance breaks down, as we see all around us now, we find a world where Insti­tu­tions fail to ful­fill their mis­sion, and the peo­ple see the promise of a bet­ter world for­sak­en, and we equal­ly see the author­i­ties charged with the respon­si­bil­i­ties to address the needs of the times, fail­ing to do enough of what is right for the com­mon good, or abus­ing their pow­er for self­ish ends. Hope is lost in the fog and con­fu­sion of a world that no longer makes sense or works. As William But­ler Yeats famous­ly wrote in his poem “The Sec­ond Coming”:

Things fall apart; the cen­ter can­not hold…The best lack all con­vic­tion, while the worst 
Are full of pas­sion­ate intensity.”

We will see what the next pas­sage of Nep­tune will bring, when it makes the shift from Pisces into Aries in 2026. Just as Plu­to in Aquar­ius indi­cates the great work of build­ing a new order will have begun, that re-birth of Plu­to will be guid­ed and inspired (as it was in the 1500’s) by Neptune’s move­ment through Aries.

To com­plete the overview for our present time, we need to bring in the third Avatar of the tri­ad of Spir­it, Uranus. It is the pur­pose of Uranus to hold the Inno­v­a­tive, Cre­ative and Mind­ful nature of Spir­it. As much as Nep­tune rules and holds the ques­tions of Faith, Uranus brings in the coun­ter­point of Rea­son and Crit­i­cal think­ing. Togeth­er they hold the Ener­gy-Forms of the Rea­son­ing Mind and the Intu­ition­al Spir­it. They can also be seen as the hold­ers of the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty (Uranus) and Com­mu­nal­i­ty (Nep­tune). Both these qual­i­ties are nec­es­sary, but they vary in their inten­si­ty and inte­gra­tion, some­times in bal­ance with one anoth­er and some­times one pre­vail­ing as more dom­i­nant in dif­fer­ent soci­eties and times.

As we have not­ed often, Uranus’ posi­tion dur­ing this peri­od seems sig­nif­i­cant too, as it is mov­ing through the Sign of Tau­rus from 2018 to 2026. Tau­rus is the ves­sel of Val­ue, and from it we even­tu­al­ly come to under­stand that what stands behind all mea­sures and man­i­fes­ta­tions of val­ue is the one ever­last­ing Val­ue, Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love; that every­thing and every being is a spark of the Divine, and all are pre­cious in the Love that is the One.

What this means as Uranus moves through Tau­rus is that our under­stand­ing and expe­ri­ence of val­ue is being “shook up” by Uranus, which is also known as the ruler of shocks, sur­pris­es, and earth­quakes. Uranus shakes us and breaks us from our attach­ments to less­er under­stand­ings (in this case with regards to the ques­tion of our val­ues and hier­ar­chy of val­ue), not to harm and dis­turb us but to wake us up, to make us open our eyes with won­der again. Uranus is the lib­er­a­tor, and it helps us to be free from self-made fil­ters that lim­it our under­stand­ing; it brings the gift of an open mind so that we might see once again, “with the eyes of a child”.

I have also not­ed that Uranus holds a spe­cial rela­tion­ship of cor­re­spon­dence with Nep­tune (that is like the har­mon­ics of Nep­tune with Plu­to), in that one orbit of Nep­tune equals two of Uranus. Uranus is in Tau­rus every 84 years or so, and the last times were, 1935 to 1942, 1851 to 1859 and 1768 to 1775. In world his­to­ry, and cer­tain­ly for Amer­i­can his­to­ry, those years stand out as moments when earth­quakes shook the world of ideas for the con­cepts of val­ue. For our peri­od, the peri­od most like our own is 1851 to 1859, which were the lead up to our Civ­il War, and that is the last time that Nep­tune was in Pisces while Uranus was in Tau­rus, just like now. Once again, we have the alter­na­tion of Nep­tune being in Pisces or Vir­go, while Uranus moves through Tau­rus. Once again, we are at a time that bears a strik­ing resem­blance to anoth­er time in his­to­ry, and much the same themes as to how we val­ue one anoth­er are before us once again.

In our present time we are once again faced with the Plu­ton­ian realm of Will and Pow­er break­ing down insti­tu­tion­al­ly, so that the hier­ar­chy of order and respon­si­bil­i­ty fails, and indi­vid­u­als and groups assume their own author­i­ty to chal­lenge the exist­ing order, to wield their uncen­tered and so unspir­i­tu­al pow­er, lay­ing claim to rights that are not root­ed in truth, as for exam­ple seen in the sedi­tious mob shout­ing as they stormed the Capi­tol on Jan­u­ary 6th say­ing, “this is our house”.

We find that the Nep­tun­ian Realm of Faith and Belief, no longer held togeth­er by a func­tion­ing hier­ar­chy of insti­tu­tion­al struc­tures, devolv­ing into each per­son and group assum­ing their right to be the deter­min­er of what is true or false, and so our com­mon under­stand­ing is bro­ken, and half-truths root­ed in fear fuel an atmos­phere filled with sus­pi­cions, mis­trust, and isolation.

Final­ly, the gift of Uranus, of hav­ing the capac­i­ty to think “out­side the ordi­nary”, to be a con­trar­i­an, devolves into unmoored asser­tions of fic­tions as fact, as a ver­i­ta­ble tsuna­mi of lies swamps the realm of mind, so that the act of being con­trary is not to help free one another’s minds but is used as a bat­ter­ing ram to sow con­fu­sion and doubt where noth­ing is true, and so every­thing become impossible.

Giv­en where we are, what are we do? I do have hope, as I do know that humans have faced the dark­est of hours and still found their way back into the light. Why? Because the Light nev­er left, nor will it ever go out. The Light of the One it is at the heart of each and every one of us. We only need to remem­ber, who and what we are, and then act by and through that under­stand­ing. In all that we do, we must remain cen­tered and pur­pose­ful with the wis­dom that begins with this, that the Uni­verse is formed by Love and is made of Truth.

When we do stand fast and aligned with our spir­it, we know that there is truth, and it is love. We know that there is hope because we have faith. We know that our faith is not root­ed in a teach­ing or a book, but it is instead a liv­ing faith found­ed upon the spark of the Divine shin­ing in every one of us. When we lis­ten to that qui­et, gen­tle voice remind­ing us of who we are, then we will know what to do and how to do it.

We are on the path of Light; and that Light is Love.