2022–7‑31 Radio Show Transcript — The Hierarchy of Planetary Influences and their Cycles

Tran­script of Radio Show: The Hier­ar­chy of Plan­e­tary Influ­ences and their Cycles, Jupiter to Plu­to (7/31/2022)

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

I thought it could be use­ful if we stepped back from what we have been doing over the past many shows, that is our look­ing at just one, two or three of the major plan­e­tary cycles, and con­sid­er more of the entire hier­ar­chy of plan­ets and their inter­sect­ing orbits from Jupiter to Plu­to. It is cer­tain­ly most impor­tant to look at the “big three”, Uranus, Nep­tune, and Plu­to. But by includ­ing the fuller range of influ­ences as brought to bear with the addi­tion of Sat­urn and Jupiter, I believe we will find a deep­er appre­ci­a­tion and under­stand­ing of what I have called “The Dance of the Planets”.

What I and many Astrologers do is con­sid­er the com­bi­na­tion of influ­ences from the var­i­ous cat­e­gories of plan­ets, and their var­i­ous inter­weav­ing cycles with one anoth­er, we take these to form a more com­plete pic­ture of the influ­ences we expe­ri­ence here on Earth. We cer­tain­ly look at each plan­et as hav­ing its own realm of mean­ing and influ­ence, but it is also true that just as we are shaped and formed by our expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er, the plan­ets and their mes­sages are shaped and formed by their inter­re­la­tion­ships with one anoth­er too.

Now, we can sort or arrange the plan­ets in a num­ber of ways, but what seems most mean­ing­ful for our pur­pos­es is to arrange them by their indi­vid­ual orbital peri­ods from the longest to the short­est, and then to group them into three types or cat­e­gories of influ­ence with regards to their orbital rela­tion­ships and by their syn­od­ic cycles, which is the peri­od from one con­junc­tion to the next con­junc­tion with one another.

Start­ing with the out­er­most plan­ets, which we will type as LONG WAVE TRANSFORMATIONAL, we have Plu­to, Nep­tune, and Uranus. This group­ing gives us the rela­tion­ship pair­ings of Nep­tune with Plu­to form­ing a con­junc­tion rough­ly every 492 years, then Uranus with Nep­tune at 171 years, and final­ly Uranus with Plu­to at 127 years. Giv­en their longer syn­od­ic cycles, we have observed that they rep­re­sent or influ­ence Trans­for­ma­tion­al or Evo­lu­tion­ary pat­terns of human history.

The next set of plan­e­tary pairs we call the MID WAVE CRYSTALLIZING, and they are formed by Sat­urn align­ing with these longer Trans­for­ma­tion­al plan­ets. Here we have Sat­urn with Uranus at 45 years, Sat­urn with Nep­tune at 36 years, and Sat­urn with Plu­to at 33 years. This set of com­bi­na­tions con­cerns the dynam­ic inter­re­la­tion­ship between con­ti­nu­ity and change, the nec­es­sary strug­gle between the con­serv­ing and pre­serv­ing nature of Sat­urn coun­ter­point­ed to the Spir­i­tu­al Imper­a­tive for Growth and Change held by the out­er three planets.

The final set of plan­e­tary pairs we call the SHORT WAVE GROWTH set, which is formed by Jupiter with both the Trans­for­ma­tion­al out­er three and with the avatar of Order held by Sat­urn, and these range from Jupiter with Sat­urn at 20 years, Jupiter with Uranus at 14 years, Jupiter with Nep­tune at 13 years and Jupiter with Plu­to at 12 years.

Long Wave Transformational

For the Long Wave Trans­for­ma­tion­al pair­ings, the 492-year cycle of Plu­to and Nep­tune holds the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between the Will and Uncon­di­tion­al Love, between Bound­aries that form our Sacred Spaces and the ulti­mate One­ness of Spir­it and Real­i­ty. Each time Plu­to and Nep­tune form a con­junc­tion, one can see the end and begin­ning of how we form our­selves into our spaces with one anoth­er, and those dates are: 83BCE, 411CE, 905, 1398, and 1891.

And then, as they form their series of aspects with one anoth­er after each con­junc­tion, we see the wax­ing square and the Oppo­si­tion, (also the semi-square and SesquiSquare) and then in reverse order back to the next con­junc­tion, as form­ing crit­i­cal moments in the strug­gle for bal­ance between our exer­cise of our Will coun­ter­point­ed to our expe­ri­ence of Love.

The next pair­ing by syn­od­ic peri­od is the 171-year cycle of Nep­tune and Uranus, and they hold the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Freer Minds, or Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty ver­sus Communality.

The dates for their series of con­junc­tions or the begin­ning of their cycle of rela­tion­ship were: 1478, 1650, 1821 and 1993. And then just like with Pluto/Neptune, the sub­se­quent crit­i­cal moments in their cycle of rela­tion­ship shape and form our human expe­ri­ence of how we rec­on­cile our need to be Free yet equal­ly Inter­de­pen­dent upon one another.

The final pair by syn­od­ic peri­od length, and of the pure­ly Trans­for­ma­tion­al group, is the 127-year cycle of Plu­to and Uranus, which holds the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between Will and Free­dom, or Sacred Space and Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. The dates for their con­junc­tions were: 1455, 1597, 1710, 1850 and 1965. Again, we can see this play­ing out over the course of their aspects between one con­junc­tion to the next as pro­vid­ing mean­ing and guid­ance for how we must strive to bal­ance our indi­vid­ual Free­dom with the neces­si­ty to not infringe upon the Sacred Space of another.

Mid Wave Crystallizing
But let us now turn and look at the set of align­ments that forge a more focused set of oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges in our jour­ney of Spir­i­tu­al Awak­en­ing, and to the two which are pre­sid­ing over our cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, and these are the series of align­ments of Sat­urn with the Trans­for­ma­tion­al plan­ets, and the Jupiter pair­ings with them and Sat­urn as well.

The set of align­ments of Sat­urn with the three Out­er and Trans­for­ma­tion­al plan­ets car­ries the mean­ings and mes­sages of our Spir­i­tu­al Awak­en­ing brought about by the Alchem­i­cal Trans­for­ma­tions when these Evo­lu­tion­ary Forces meet with the Struc­tures and Objec­tive Realms held by Sat­urn. The result is often dis­cord and clash­es with these Evo­lu­tion­ary agents as they inter­act with the con­ser­v­a­tive nature of Saturn.

The first of these is the 45-year cycle of Sat­urn with Uranus, which holds the dynam­ic con­fronta­tion of what I would call the Prin­ci­ple of Order ver­sus Freer Minds, or we might say Tra­di­tion ver­sus Inno­va­tion. Their most recent con­junc­tions were 1852, 1897, 1942 and 1988, and at each con­junc­tion a new impulse was released in this dynam­ic dance of the old ways and the New.

And here we find our­selves in the last major aspect of that 1988 cycle, which is the wan­ing square, and which is guid­ing us here in 2021 and 2022. The pre­vi­ous sig­nif­i­cant moments from that 1988 seed­ing were the wax­ing square of 1999–2000, the oppo­si­tion of 2008-10, and now the wan­ing square of 2021–2022. Whether you look at these turn­ing points through a Polit­i­cal, Eco­nom­ic or Cul­tur­al lens, you can cer­tain­ly see how what­ev­er was released in 1988 came to a cri­sis or turn­ing point in the year 2000. And that this was fol­lowed by the oppo­si­tion or “Full Moon” rev­e­la­tion of 2008-10; and that was most cer­tain­ly a cli­mac­tic moment in which the forces of progress were so clear­ly revealed and opposed by the forces of fear and dark­ness, and this strug­gle played out dra­mat­i­cal­ly in our social and polit­i­cal polar­iza­tions of the time.

Which brings us to our moment now, which is the wan­ing square of 2021–22. The wax­ing square, like 1999–2000, is a turn­ing point or cri­sis of action; it is a choos­ing between one action or anoth­er, the need to make a com­mit­ment to one thing, or one form or action, to one way of being and not anoth­er. The wan­ing square is once again a cri­sis or turn­ing point, but more in the realm of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, or mean­ings. It takes as it “ref­er­ence point” what­ev­er was revealed at the “Full Moon”, which here was the oppo­si­tion 2008-10, which laid out for all to see the dif­fer­ing mean­ings and mes­sages of that moment. And now, giv­en where we find our­selves in 2021–22, we face a peri­od when we need to choose what we believe, to think through what is true ver­sus false, what is real and what is not real, and so we sort our­selves by the divi­sion between our beliefs, our facts, and our truths.

The oppor­tu­ni­ty (and chal­lenge) of any wan­ing square, like the one we have in 2021 and 2022, is that it brings what is called the “gift of sev­er­ance”, and it calls upon us, it asks of us, to let go of what we must so that we might con­tin­ue to grow; it is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to turn from being held and bound by a neg­a­tive­ly root­ed past, to turn from the husk of dead spir­it and embrace the liv­ing spir­it of love. All of us need to reject any cir­cum­scribed and shad­owed way of think­ing and being, that we leave behind our more instinc­tu­al roots that divide us from one anoth­er, because they bind us by fear and not by hope and love.

But in addi­tion to this Saturn/Uranus De-Crys­tal­liz­ing moment we have one more align­ment that is shap­ing our real­i­ty and deci­sions, and it is one of the final set of align­ments formed by the Short-Wave Growth group­ing, and that is of Jupiter com­bin­ing with either the Evo­lu­tion­ary or the Sat­urn­ian placements.

Short Wave Growth
It seems quite time­ly or for­tu­itous, because what we are expe­ri­enc­ing is the next align­ment of Jupiter with Sat­urn. Their 20-year cycle artic­u­lates the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between Truth or Mean­ing (Jupiter) and Order or Man­i­fes­ta­tion (Sat­urn). We are at a very impor­tant moment in their cycle of rela­tion­ship because it is the first sig­nif­i­cant align­ment in their cycle fol­low­ing the his­toric con­junc­tion in Aquar­ius at the end of 2020.

That con­junc­tion Astrologers call The Great Muta­tion, as it began a new series of Jupiter/Saturn con­junc­tions in the Air Signs, sig­nal­ing the end of the pre­vi­ous 200-year cycle of Earth con­junc­tions, and the start of a new Airy Cycle of Jupiter and Sat­urn that will hap­pen for the next 200 years. It was and is a spir­i­tu­al seed that was plant­ed, and it her­ald­ed a turn­ing point; and it was a sign for many that a New Age has begun. And now we have reached a crit­i­cal moment in the birth of a New Age.

The first sig­nif­i­cant aspect in any cycle rela­tion­ship is the wax­ing semi-square or 45 degrees, and this is what we are expe­ri­enc­ing in 2022 into 2023. It was exact on July 21st, and will repeat on Sep­tem­ber 21st, with the final exact align­ment be on March 21st, 2023, but its influ­ence is present dur­ing the entire­ty of this year and into 2023.

Remem­ber, a con­junc­tion is like a New Moon, or very much like the plant­i­ng of a seed. After that begin­ning, for the next many days, weeks, months, or years (depend­ing upon the length of the entire cycle), that first phase takes place sym­bol­i­cal­ly “beneath the sur­face”, like a seed send­ing down roots and equal­ly send­ing up ten­drils to the sur­face. For some greater or less­er time, we must wait for the proof that some­thing has begun. And it is at the wax­ing semi-square that the new life appears vis­i­bly above the soil, it becomes appar­ent that some­thing has indeed “hap­pened”, and we see the first real “test” of this new form of life or being is now to be experienced.

Ide­al­ly, it can and should be a time of quick­en­ing, of mov­ing for­ward with greater urgency and exhil­a­ra­tion, with the joy and pow­er of new begin­nings. But this can also be a time when doubt or fear can rear up to hold back the new life. We must remem­ber that it is always fear that brings about pain. At this crit­i­cal moment in the cycle of life, it may be the uncer­tain­ty regard­ing what­ev­er is this new way of being that leads or caus­es a neg­a­tive reac­tion; or it can be the siren song of the past that calls to return or stay in a more famil­iar time or space, and this too can hold back or lim­it the growth of new life.

The Liv­ing Spir­it is the ulti­mate Root of every­thing and every­one, and each and every par­ti­cle of this Uni­verse is shaped and guid­ed by the pur­pose behind the entire­ty of Cre­ation, which is to grow; and if we are to grow, if we are to be what we are, which is the liv­ing spir­it, we must lov­ing­ly embrace change. And if we are to grow, we must also move towards ever greater inclu­sive­ness and inte­gra­tion with the whole of Cre­ation, so that we might rise and become an ever more com­plete human in our Life of the One.

There is no way to know which way any­one will go; but there is no ques­tion which way we should go.

We should remem­ber, as it has been said before, “beat­en paths are for beat­en peo­ple”. We are here to make our way to the greater light, to live by a more encom­pass­ing love for one anoth­er and all of life on this plan­et. This is the way of Spir­it; this is the way of the One.

So, as this New Age begins, we are being asked to decide right now what will be the future that is com­ing? Will we stand for the future that is ulti­mate­ly des­tined to be?

We real­ly have no choice but to fol­low our hearts and lis­ten to the voice of the silence, to lis­ten for that qui­et, still pres­ence that lives in all our hearts and we will do what is lov­ing and kind and true.

It is quite sim­ply the way.

It is the way of Light and Truth and Love.

It is the Way of the One.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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