Daily Archives: August 21, 2022

Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2022)

Johfra Boss­chart- The Vision of Her­mes Trismegistus

The Tem­ple of Attunement

The great­est teach­ers and thinkers have pon­dered a ques­tion through­out the ages, “What do we tru­ly need to be hap­py?”. That is, what is the most pre­cious gift that sup­ports all the oth­er “gifts of Life and Spir­it”? What do the wise ones and teach­ers answer when asked, “Of all the gifts of the spir­it, which is the most sub­lime?” With one voice they will say that the great­est gift, the most pre­cious qual­i­ty with­out which no oth­er thing or any expe­ri­ence can be tru­ly enjoyed is sim­ply this, the great­est gift of all is “to be at peace”.

Then the ques­tion remains, where do we find such peace? Again, the Ancient Teach­ings and the Wis­dom Keep­ers know this too, that there is a spe­cial place which offers this most sub­lime feel­ing of peace. But it is not some­where “out there”, you can­not get there by plane, train, or auto­mo­bile. No, this spe­cial place is found with­in your­self, in your “high­er self”, or more tru­ly, it is your high­er self.

For the Truth is the whole Uni­verse is formed as an inte­gral Hier­ar­chy, from the most ethe­re­al and Spir­i­tu­al down to the dens­est phys­i­cal planes. What is behind every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is a mon­ad of spir­it, the spark of the Divine. And this divine part of you is most espe­cial­ly expe­ri­enced in those pre­cious moments of Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Accep­tance, in your acts of Lov­ing Kind­ness and Devo­tion, and in that spe­cial sense of being in that place of peace because you are at one with the One with­in you.

At this time of year, and always and for­ev­er present some­where in your very own chart too, you should bow your head and raise your voice in praise for the gifts of grace, ser­vice, and humil­i­ty that flow from the sacred space we enter called Vir­go. After the stretch­ing and striv­ing of Leo, after you were inspired by the encounter with your truer “self” in Can­cer, you had to fol­low your heart, to take a chance and Act and Lead and Love, to expand your per­for­mances of self-real­iza­tions, after all of that there comes this spe­cial time, this space of Vir­go, for your adjust­ment, align­ment, and attunement.

You are a work in progress, and though your High­er Self nev­er “left” what you call “heav­en”, the hier­ar­chy that is Cre­ation means that you are formed by many vehi­cles, many “bod­ies”, all of which stand at their very own sta­tions of spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment too. What you are here for, and what is the whole pur­pose behind our human jour­ney, is for you to become a more com­plete human. And to do this you work with and through all your vehi­cles, with the phys­i­cal body, the emo­tion­al body, the men­tal body, and the high­er tri­ad of spir­it, you work with them all so that you might lift them up and your­self too. And it is by this, what is known as “the Great Work”, it is by this ded­i­ca­tion and devo­tion that you will even­tu­al­ly become a whole and com­plete human being.

Yes, it is in Vir­go that we return to the ele­ment of Earth. After we have burned with the fires of Inspi­ra­tion in Leo, now we must see what works. By Vir­go, we have to work on how we can do bet­ter, how we can be bet­ter, and how we are here to help one anoth­er. We move into a time of tran­si­tion as one sea­son ends and anoth­er approach­es, and we use the gift of our fac­ul­ty of dis­cern­ment so that we might deter­mine what is more wor­thy and true; we lis­ten to the “voice of the silence” so that we might be guid­ed in our actions to help and to heal; and we fol­low the path of the lone­ly ones whose hearts are filled with love and joy because there is no high­er pur­pose or call­ing except Ser­vice and Sacrifice.

In Vir­go we enter the “Tem­ple of the Soul” and seek to under­stand why we must endure these tests and tri­als that bring us suf­fer­ing. We are told that these tests are brought to us by the law of cause and effect, so that we are the very instru­ments of our own spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing. We accept that our tribu­la­tions as the means by which we will even­tu­al­ly let go of a less­er way of being and rise into our glo­ry. We suf­fer because we do not under­stand; and by break­ing our attach­ments to the illu­sion­ary, we see the way of Light and of Truth. We under­stand that we are here for one pur­pose, and that these tri­als and tribu­la­tions forge our under­stand­ing, and they lift our hearts and minds, and bring us to our place of peace so that we might abide in the lov­ing pres­ence at the heart of all Creation.

The ancient tem­ples that held and guid­ed the ini­ti­ates of long ago are no longer here. But the ever­last­ing tem­ple of spir­it resides with­in you. In Vir­go you enter your inner tem­ple, the Tem­ple of Attune­ment, so that you may find your way to the path of Truth and Beau­ty and be at peace.

The way to Peace is the path to the One, and you will find this path when you hold in your heart this way of Truth:

As I walk, as I walk

The Uni­verse is walk­ing with me

In beau­ty, it walks before me

In beau­ty, it walks behind me

In beau­ty, it walks below me

In beau­ty, it walks above me

Beau­ty is on every side

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

Liv­ing in Beauty

Lov­ing in Beauty

May you walk in Beauty

May you live in Beauty

For all your days

May you be at Peace

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

It is done.