“We are all related”
The Ancient Wisdom is founded upon a very simple yet profound understanding of Creation. From the innermost microcosm to the most encompassing macrocosm, throughout all of the hierarchies of Creation, from the most infinitesimal particles such as protons, electrons, neutrons, on up through the elements, molecules, organisms, planets, stars, and the galaxies (and beyond), all of these are the physical manifestations or the body of the One. In effect, the whole of Creation is a living organism, and at the root or heart of every single mote of Creation there is what I call the “Spark of the Divine”, the shining presence of the One; at the heart of everything is a Monad of Spirit-Life-Consciousness. That means every particle of Creation is Divine, because every single one is a precious dewdrop of the One.
The Triad forming each Monad at the root of everything is Spirit-Life-Consciousness, and this means that all of Creation is Spirit, that all of Creation is Alive, and that all of Creation is Conscious. If we were to try to sum up what is behind or holds all these three as One it is quite simply this, that holding and forming the whole of Creation is the Divine Love of the One, which is at the heart of each and every one of us too.
Today we have reached a very special moment in the Astrological year; every year at this time we enter the second half of the Zodiac, and somewhere in your very own chart and forever shaping and guiding your life too, are these meanings and messages known as Libra. Just as everything is formed by a complex interweaving of intra and interrelationships, of greater and lesser Energy-Fields, which by their intersections form what we experience as Spirit-Matter in every particle of Creation, it is equally so that all these particles, molecules, organisms, planets, and stars are formed and shaped by their relationships with one another.
Both inwardly and outwardly, the whole of Creation is a complex web of weavings and combinations of the many Energy-Forms that are the One made manifest. Because of the essential and integral harmony in all the many hierarchies of the One, so that “as above, so below”, we humans are most certainly made human by our complex web of relationships that we create with all of Creation, and especially with one another as humans. These “creations by relationship” are the Sacred Realm of Libra; at this time of the year, and wherever Libra is found in your chart, we honor this Holy Space that we form so that we may live and love and become a better human.
The story of Spirit is Creation; and we as human, as self-aware creators, we are the makers of these sacred spaces of our relationships. Each of us has formed and been formed by our own sacred and individual space, which of course has been shaped and guided since our birth by many influences of the environment, and most especially by our early relationships with Father/Mother, Brother/Sister, and so on. But as we grow, as we begin to become more self-aware it becomes our joy and responsibility to create what I call our “Third Spaces”, the spaces of our relationship with all with whom we journey.
Just as we are a host of a field of energy-forms individually, so too are the relationships that we make. They are “fields of fields” of Energy-Forms, of ideas and actions, of feelings and intuitions and love, that shape, guide, and hold our experiences of one another in this beautiful dance of the Spirit we make with one another. And what is most important for us is to remember is this, that the root principle guiding our experience with one another and all of Creation is Divine Love. We are made of love, and we are here to love one another.
That means that we should understand and continuously strive to make our newly formed space in Libra, the energy-field we are co-creating, that we make this sacred space as mutually meaningful and fulfilling for each of us as possible. For this is the heart and soul of Creation, that we are ones of the One, and we are here to grow; and we can only grow by joining together by love, and so be the very means to helping one another to be and become more than we ever could imagine on our own. We have been made by one another; and we are only here because of one another, and our greatest illusion that we must strive to overcome is our false sense of separation from one another.
We can never be separate as we are all part of one another; we are formed through and by one another. All the thoughts, feelings, and actions that we experience in this space, this spiritual space of our creations, is where we share and struggle, we love and laugh, and strive to be better, and this is what makes us who we are. These experiences live on in us, and we in them, because we create one another, and we cannot be human without these gifts of the spirit that we share with one another.
At the heart of Creation is Alchemy, which is the combining of one energy-form with another; and this Central Fire of Spirit has created all the Realms and Hosts of the Cosmos. Libra is the Realm of Becoming; every relationship holds this truth, that at the heart of Spirit is the desire to grow and become. And the means and driving force of the Human Story of Spirit is forged by all our experiences with one another.
It is here in the realm of Libra that we will grow, it is how we will become better humans, to be fully awakened humans, because we join together for our mutual benefit and in our love for one another.
Libra is the holy place where the promise of our future is made and met.
We came from the One with love.
We came with love, and we are here to love one another.
And that is why we say, “We are all related,
And now Our hearts are one.”