Daily Archives: September 22, 2023

Sun Enters Libra – The Equinox (September 23, 2023)

The Way of Being a Bet­ter You

Today we enter the sec­ond half of the Zodi­ac, and you can feel it in the air. The days and nights are equal, that mag­i­cal play of lights and shad­ows is shift­ing once again, and so we should dance and sing and cel­e­brate this new spir­i­tu­al sea­son. We should lift our hearts and bow our heads as we move through the gate­way of the Equinox and into the sacred Sign of Libra.

At this time every year, and for­ev­er also found some­where in your own chart too, we need this gift of the spir­it, per­haps more than ever, so that we may guide our steps upon the path of light, as we lift our hearts and minds, and turn to one anoth­er. Because now we enter this most spe­cial space, the space we made between I and thou, our lumi­nous bridge of cre­ation, our beau­ti­ful relationships.

But you must under­stand this essen­tial truth, that we not only make this space that we live, work, and play in, but this space of rela­tion­ship is also what made us into who we are too. We are here because of one anoth­er, and we are made by one anoth­er. Your expe­ri­ence of you would not be, and we could not become who we are meant to be, with­out this space where cre­ation lives and where our dreams come true.

Since the begin­ning of our human jour­ney, we have been formed and informed by all our rela­tions, by our mother/father, by brother/sister, by our friends, by our col­leagues, by strangers and by our dear­est loved ones. Most of what we think and feel as ours, as our own cre­ation, is tru­ly made by our inter­re­la­tion­ships with one anoth­er, and by this com­bin­ing of our minds and hearts we have lift­ed one anoth­er up to our mutu­al self-ful­fill­ment. It is in this spe­cial, sacred space of rela­tion­ship that we cre­ate with one anoth­er; it is here we that we share and shape one anoth­er by our words and deeds, and so we move out of the illu­sion of our seem­ing sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er because we are made of one anoth­er, and we are tru­ly inseparable.

Through­out the arc of each life, from the spring­time of youth, through the sum­mer of adult­hood and into the fall of our lat­er years, we are held in a hier­ar­chy of rela­tion­ships by those who care for us and those for whom we care. We meet one anoth­er in the space of rela­tion­ship, to give and receive what we need from one anoth­er accord­ing to the nature and qual­i­ty of our rela­tion­ship. We form pat­terns of action and reac­tion, respond­ing to one anoth­er, by giv­ing and receiv­ing, so as to fos­ter our mutu­al growth and self-real­iza­tion through shar­ing with one another.

But over time our pat­terns may become too fixed and deter­mined, and if we are not atten­tive, we may move away from a tru­ly liv­ing, adapt­able rela­tion­ship into one of ever more rigid reac­tions to one anoth­er. We may grow togeth­er, but we can also grow apart. We may deep­en our under­stand­ing of one anoth­er or lose our way in a house of mir­rors of misunderstandings.

This time and place of Libra reminds us that our rela­tion­ships are just like us, and that they too are “liv­ing beings” of spir­i­tu­al space filled and formed by ener­gy-forms of our mak­ing, and we must tend to them just as much as we tend to our­selves. Just as we need to renew and refresh our own self, we need to equal­ly help our spaces of rela­tion­ship to grow and change too.

Use this time in Libra to reex­am­ine all your rela­tion­ships, as you will find the help you need now to break from old pat­terns of reac­tion and choose new respons­es to meet­ing one another’s needs.

Use the gift of Libra to grow into your bet­ter selves through one anoth­er, because, after all, we are the path, we are the way, to one another’s self-fulfillment.

Every one of us, and indeed all of the beings in this cos­mos, are held togeth­er as the One Body, and the One Mind, and the One Spir­it of Creation.

It is by Libra that we know and feel this essen­tial truth of our spir­i­tu­al nature, “that we are all related”.

We are here because of love. We are made by our love.

There is but one truth.

Love one another.