Daily Archives: October 23, 2023

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2023)

The Forge of Creation

Today we enter the realm of Scor­pio. For the next 30 days, and for­ev­er present and ever active some­where in your own chart too, we bow our heads to the source of all mean­ings, to the seed of all truths. Yes, it is in Scor­pio, the deep­est realm in the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, it is here where we meet the mys­tery and find revealed the majesty of Cre­ation; it is here, behind one and all, that we stand in the ever­last­ing light that forms the beat­ing heart of Spirit.

In the time and place of Libra, you make your­self ready for this moment of con­sum­ma­tion. You form the spaces of your rela­tion­ships, with your fam­i­ly, friends, col­leagues, loved ones, and strangers too. Libra is the ves­sel, the space that you make where you will meet one anoth­er. And it is there that the mag­ic can hap­pen, formed by con­sid­er­a­tion and love, you shape the ves­sel of your cre­ation, this space of rela­tion­ship, guid­ed and formed accord­ing to what you offer and what you ask of each other.

But Scor­pio is the expe­ri­ence, the process, the mag­ic itself that is the sci­ence of Chem­istry, the mys­tery that is Alche­my. Because the source of Cre­ation, the pro­tean force which fuels the stars, and you and me, is the com­bin­ing, fus­ing, and join­ing of one with anoth­er. How any mon­ad actu­al­ly com­bines with any oth­er, whether that be an atom with an atom, a mol­e­cule with a mol­e­cule, or a being with a being, rang­ing all the way up to the great­est hosts of Cre­ation, this is the Forge of Cre­ation, this is Scorpio’s realm.

From the might­i­est to the minis­cule, the whole of the Cos­mos is the sto­ry of the One made man­i­fest by all of the greater and less­er ones becom­ing what and who they are by and through join­ing with one anoth­er, in the mys­tery of com­bi­na­tion, by the mag­ic of Alche­my; the sto­ry of the Cos­mos is forged in the sacred cru­cible of Union.

For us humans, with our hearts and minds to guide us, we endeav­or to cre­ate our unions with under­stand­ing, with wis­dom and care, with courage and humil­i­ty. We know that it is here that the “mag­ic” may hap­pen, where through our join­ing with one anoth­er we will let go of that which is less­er with­in our­selves, and so dis­cov­er the greater that is with­in us and between us too. Yes, here in the forge of cre­ation, we know that in order to grow we must sac­ri­fice some­thing in order to make room for the mag­ic of growth to appear.

The only thing we need to over­come, as always, is our fear. What if we reach out to them and they say no; what if we make a sac­ri­fice and our union fails; what if…

In every sign, in every realm of life, there is oppor­tu­ni­ty and there is dan­ger. We make our way upon the path of awak­en­ing by liv­ing in faith and turn­ing away from our fear. In Scor­pio, the root of our fear, the root of all fears, is met to be mas­tered. At some point, in every life, we face the irrefutable fact of our jour­ney, that we are “Immor­tals in mor­tal frames”, and that all that we are and have will one day be no longer. Yes, the truth that is the root and foun­tain source of our need to under­stand, all our spir­i­tu­al teach­ings, our reli­gions, our philoso­phies, and sci­ences, all of our need­ing to know comes from this inescapable fact that our exis­tence in this form and in this time will end.

And so here in Scor­pio, we face our fear and find our faith. We feel the truth as much if not more than we know it or under­stand it, that will come lat­er (in Sagit­tar­ius). We feel the truth by our very expe­ri­ence of self-tran­scen­dence in the forge of Spir­it, in the mys­tery of Union, because we feel the illu­sion of our mate­r­i­al forms as just that, an illu­sion. We feel the truth and we see it in one another’s eyes, in those pre­cious moments when we join with one anoth­er and find our­selves more deeply than ever before through one anoth­er. It is then that we see the light, the eter­nal shin­ing in each other’s eyes, the Light of the One, and we feel it through and through, and so we hold one anoth­er and forge our Faith that we are Immor­tals who are danc­ing through these mor­tal realms, and we have absolute­ly noth­ing to fear, because, because, we are made of this One, we are made and are remade by our ever­last­ing Love.

So, turn to one anoth­er and join in cel­e­bra­tion of Scorpio’s time, in that today we have one anoth­er and every moment we are here is pre­cious. Let us join hands and lift one anoth­er to our greater life and cre­ate a more beau­ti­ful ray of ever­last­ing light.

And when that time comes, for our paths to bend apart from one anoth­er again, let us not say good­bye, let us not weep and mourn, but in grat­i­tude in grace face our part­ing with glad sad­ness. Let us feel the truth that stands behind the whole of Cre­ation, made in the forge of Spir­it, and lov­ing­ly say to one oth­er “fare thee well my dear­est one, until we meet again…may our love be as love must, may it be ever­more, as we stand togeth­er in the light that will not fade away”.

May the Light of Truth, Love and Under­stand­ing be with you always.