Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2023)

The Forge of Creation

Today we enter the realm of Scor­pio. For the next 30 days, and for­ev­er present and ever active some­where in your own chart too, we bow our heads to the source of all mean­ings, to the seed of all truths. Yes, it is in Scor­pio, the deep­est realm in the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, it is here where we meet the mys­tery and find revealed the majesty of Cre­ation; it is here, behind one and all, that we stand in the ever­last­ing light that forms the beat­ing heart of Spirit.

In the time and place of Libra, you make your­self ready for this moment of con­sum­ma­tion. You form the spaces of your rela­tion­ships, with your fam­i­ly, friends, col­leagues, loved ones, and strangers too. Libra is the ves­sel, the space that you make where you will meet one anoth­er. And it is there that the mag­ic can hap­pen, formed by con­sid­er­a­tion and love, you shape the ves­sel of your cre­ation, this space of rela­tion­ship, guid­ed and formed accord­ing to what you offer and what you ask of each other.

But Scor­pio is the expe­ri­ence, the process, the mag­ic itself that is the sci­ence of Chem­istry, the mys­tery that is Alche­my. Because the source of Cre­ation, the pro­tean force which fuels the stars, and you and me, is the com­bin­ing, fus­ing, and join­ing of one with anoth­er. How any mon­ad actu­al­ly com­bines with any oth­er, whether that be an atom with an atom, a mol­e­cule with a mol­e­cule, or a being with a being, rang­ing all the way up to the great­est hosts of Cre­ation, this is the Forge of Cre­ation, this is Scorpio’s realm.

From the might­i­est to the minis­cule, the whole of the Cos­mos is the sto­ry of the One made man­i­fest by all of the greater and less­er ones becom­ing what and who they are by and through join­ing with one anoth­er, in the mys­tery of com­bi­na­tion, by the mag­ic of Alche­my; the sto­ry of the Cos­mos is forged in the sacred cru­cible of Union.

For us humans, with our hearts and minds to guide us, we endeav­or to cre­ate our unions with under­stand­ing, with wis­dom and care, with courage and humil­i­ty. We know that it is here that the “mag­ic” may hap­pen, where through our join­ing with one anoth­er we will let go of that which is less­er with­in our­selves, and so dis­cov­er the greater that is with­in us and between us too. Yes, here in the forge of cre­ation, we know that in order to grow we must sac­ri­fice some­thing in order to make room for the mag­ic of growth to appear.

The only thing we need to over­come, as always, is our fear. What if we reach out to them and they say no; what if we make a sac­ri­fice and our union fails; what if…

In every sign, in every realm of life, there is oppor­tu­ni­ty and there is dan­ger. We make our way upon the path of awak­en­ing by liv­ing in faith and turn­ing away from our fear. In Scor­pio, the root of our fear, the root of all fears, is met to be mas­tered. At some point, in every life, we face the irrefutable fact of our jour­ney, that we are “Immor­tals in mor­tal frames”, and that all that we are and have will one day be no longer. Yes, the truth that is the root and foun­tain source of our need to under­stand, all our spir­i­tu­al teach­ings, our reli­gions, our philoso­phies, and sci­ences, all of our need­ing to know comes from this inescapable fact that our exis­tence in this form and in this time will end.

And so here in Scor­pio, we face our fear and find our faith. We feel the truth as much if not more than we know it or under­stand it, that will come lat­er (in Sagit­tar­ius). We feel the truth by our very expe­ri­ence of self-tran­scen­dence in the forge of Spir­it, in the mys­tery of Union, because we feel the illu­sion of our mate­r­i­al forms as just that, an illu­sion. We feel the truth and we see it in one another’s eyes, in those pre­cious moments when we join with one anoth­er and find our­selves more deeply than ever before through one anoth­er. It is then that we see the light, the eter­nal shin­ing in each other’s eyes, the Light of the One, and we feel it through and through, and so we hold one anoth­er and forge our Faith that we are Immor­tals who are danc­ing through these mor­tal realms, and we have absolute­ly noth­ing to fear, because, because, we are made of this One, we are made and are remade by our ever­last­ing Love.

So, turn to one anoth­er and join in cel­e­bra­tion of Scorpio’s time, in that today we have one anoth­er and every moment we are here is pre­cious. Let us join hands and lift one anoth­er to our greater life and cre­ate a more beau­ti­ful ray of ever­last­ing light.

And when that time comes, for our paths to bend apart from one anoth­er again, let us not say good­bye, let us not weep and mourn, but in grat­i­tude in grace face our part­ing with glad sad­ness. Let us feel the truth that stands behind the whole of Cre­ation, made in the forge of Spir­it, and lov­ing­ly say to one oth­er “fare thee well my dear­est one, until we meet again…may our love be as love must, may it be ever­more, as we stand togeth­er in the light that will not fade away”.

May the Light of Truth, Love and Under­stand­ing be with you always.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

One thought on “Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2023)

  1. Patricia Virasi

    Just beau­ti­ful Bill!! 💜 Bring on the Scor­pio ♏️ sea­son!!! Head­ing into my birth date . Love and light Patti


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